2 Using the BPEL Imaging Solution (11g Release)

This chapter describes how to use the BPEL Imaging Solution. It covers displaying the solution from the business application, working with tasks in the Task List and Task Viewer, and selecting users, groups, and items.

This chapter covers the following topics:

2.1 Displaying the BPEL Imaging Solution From the Business Application

Follow these steps to display the Imaging Solution from a business application such as Oracle E-Business Suite or Oracle PeopleSoft.


Ensure the following browser settings are configured:

  • Pop-up blockers are disabled for the hostnames used in this solution

  • Cookies are not blocked

  1. On a business application window that supports the imaging solution, display a record. If needed, save the record. For example, create and save an invoice.
  2. Activate the imaging solution. Depending on configuration, you might:
    • Click a button or link (for example, Invoice Processing).

    • Click a Zoom icon from the toolbar (Oracle E-Business Suite Forms applications only), as shown below, then a command from the Zooms menu (for example, Invoice Processing), and click OK.

      The image shows a Zoom icon.

      For a document Imaging Solution, you might select a command called Scan Employee Document or View Employee Documents.


Depending on configuration, you may be prompted to enter a user name and password to log in to the solution.

Depending on the solution command you selected, imaging-related options are displayed. For example:

  • If you selected a Process Invoices command for a workflow Imaging Solution, the Task List window is displayed. If needed, select a profile in the Profile field. Tasks are associated with a profile, and users assigned a profile can access any of its tasks not currently selected by other users. After you select a profile, a list of tasks is displayed. See How can I view and select tasks?

  • If you selected a Scan Employee Document command for a supporting document Imaging Solution, an application called Oracle Distributed Document Capture launches, enabling you to either scan from a desktop scanner or upload electronic images for the business application employee record.

  • If you selected a View Employee Documents command for a supporting document Imaging Solution, a list of documents associated with the selected employee record displays, enabling you to view selected documents.

2.2 Working with the BPEL Task List

This section includes the following topics:

2.2.1 How can I view and select tasks?

Follow these steps to view a list of available tasks and begin performing them.

When you click View Task, the selected task is acquired for your use and is no longer available to other users also assigned the selected profile. It remains acquired until you complete or release the task, even if you close the browser and the session times out. The next time you view the task list, it remains listed as one of your tasks. To release (unacquire) a task, see How can I release a task?

  1. Start the as described in Displaying the BPEL Imaging Solution From the Business Application.
  2. If needed, select a profile in the Profile field.

    Tasks are associated with a profile, where users assigned the profile can access its tasks. After you select a profile, its tasks are listed.

  3. Select a task from the task list.
    • To perform tasks without selecting them manually, click Auto Task. In this mode, tasks are automatically assigned and displayed in the Task Viewer window.

    • To manually select a task, click its View Task link in the Action column. The task is displayed in the Task Viewer window.

    • A side panel may list additional task list actions you can perform.

2.2.2 How are tasks automatically selected?

Follow these steps to use auto task mode, in which tasks are automatically displayed for you in the Task Viewer window, instead of you selecting them individually from the Task List window.

  1. Display the Task List window.
  2. Click Auto Task.

    The Task Viewer window is displayed with your first task. After you complete a task, the next task is automatically displayed in the viewer.

  3. To exit auto task mode, click the link for returning to the task list from the side panel.

2.2.3 How can I release a task?

When you click View Task, the selected task becomes acquired by you, until you either complete or release it. If you close your browser without completing a task, the task remains listed in your task list when you next view the list.

Follow these steps to release a task and make it available to all users assigned its associated profile. Note that clicking a Return to Tasklist action command also releases the selected task.

  1. Display the Task List window.
  2. Select a task to release.
  3. Click Release.

2.2.4 Can I customize the Task List display?

You can adjust the task list in the following ways: Hiding or Displaying Columns

Follow these steps to hide or display columns in the Task List window.

  1. Display the Task List window. If needed, choose a profile in the Profile field.
  2. Click the View menu, select Columns, and select a column to hide or display it.

    Selecting a column hides it if displayed, and displays it if hidden. A check mark is displayed next to columns selected for display.

    Select Show All to display all columns. Reordering and Resizing Columns

For ease of use, you can change the order in which columns are displayed and their width. Follow these steps to reorder and resize columns.

  1. Display the Task List window. If needed, choose a profile in the Profile field.
  2. To resize a column, hover the cursor over its heading until a double arrow is displayed, then click and drag to increase or decrease its width.
  3. Reorder columns using either of these methods:
    • Click a column's heading row, and drag and drop it to a new location. Columns are reordered.

    • Click View, then Reorder Columns. In the Reorder Columns popup displayed, select columns to display and click the up and down buttons to reorder them. The column you position topmost in this popup is displayed leftmost in the task list table. Click OK. Detaching the Display

Follow these steps to display an expanded view of the task list in a detached, movable window.

  1. Display the Task List window. If needed, choose a profile in the Profile field.
  2. Click Detach. The list of tasks is displayed in its own window within the application window. The Detached button appears pressed.
  3. To return the list of tasks to its attached position, click Detach again.

2.2.5 How do I sort tasks in the Task List window?

If the Task List contains many tasks, sorting them can be useful. For example, you might sort them by status or by a key identifier such as supplier. Note the following guidelines regarding sorting tasks:

  • You can sort by one column only.

  • The sorting order you choose remains after closing a task and returning to the Task List.

  • Sorting does not apply in autotask mode. See How are tasks automatically selected?

Follow these steps to sort tasks in the Task List window.

  1. Display the Task List window. If needed, choose a profile in the Profile field.
  2. Hover your cursor over the heading of the column by which to sort.

    Two triangle icons are displayed: one for sorting ascending and the other inverted one for sorting descending.

  3. Click a sort option and the task list is sorted.

2.2.6 How do I search for tasks in the Task List window?

If viewing many tasks in the Task List, you may want to search for a specific task by a key identifier. For example, you might search for an invoice task by its invoice number. Note the following guidelines regarding searching for tasks:

  • You can search by Task Number, Title, Task ID, and text attribute fields. You cannot search in auto task mode.

  • For some columns, you must enter the full value. For example, if searching by task number, you must enter the exact number. You can specify partial entries for other columns, such as Title or text attribute fields such as an Invoice Number column.

  • Task searching is case insensitive.

Follow these steps to search for tasks in the Task List window.

  1. Display the Task List window. If needed, choose a profile in the Profile field.
  2. In the Search entry field, enter the characters for which to search.
  3. Click the Search button adjacent to the search entry field. To clear the search, click the Refresh button or choose the profile again in the Profile field.

2.3 Performing BPEL Imaging Tasks

This section includes the following topics:

2.3.1 How do I view document images in the Imaging viewer?

Follow these steps to view a document associated with a selected task in the Imaging viewer.

  1. Display the Task Viewer window, either by selecting a task or choosing Auto Task in the Task List window.

    The task's document is displayed in the Imaging viewer in the large panel of the Task Viewer window.


    The first time you access the viewer per session, you may be prompted to log in to Imaging. Enter a user name and password and click Sign In.

  2. Use the Imaging viewer toolbar buttons to perform tasks such as rotating images, zooming in or out, or moving between pages of the document.
  3. If needed, switch between the basic and advanced viewer modes. You must use the advanced viewer mode for annotations.

2.3.2 Can I customize the Task Viewer display?

In addition to the Imaging image viewer, the Task Viewer window typically displays Task Actions, Summary, and Comments side panels that relate to the selected task.

  • The Imaging Viewer panel shows the document's image, along with related options. See How do I view document images in the Imaging Viewer?

  • The Task Actions panel lists action commands related to the task, such as routing, updating, or completing actions.

  • The Summary panel lists key metadata values assigned to the document, for quick reference. For example, in an Invoice Processing scenario, invoice number and supplier name might be listed.

  • The Comments panel lists comments entered for the task by users. See How do I view and enter comments in the Task Viewer widow?

  • A dynamic data table may also be displayed. For example, a table showing General Ledger lines might display for an invoice processing solution.

You can customize the task viewer as follows:

  • To hide a panel, click its minus (-) sign box. The panel collapses and the sign changes to a plus (+). To show a panel, click its plus (+) sign.

  • You can use the basic or advanced viewer mode. You must use the advanced viewer mode to add annotations, as your permissions allow.


    Click the Preferences link at the top of the window to set the basic or advanced viewer mode to display by default.

2.3.3 How do I select users or groups?

When performing tasks, you might identify a user or group of users. For example, in an invoice processing solution, you might search for users to request an invoice's approval. Follow these steps to search for a user or group of users and select them. Depending on configuration, you search for either users or groups.

  1. Display the Select User/Group window.

    This window is displayed whenever you choose an action command requiring a user or group selection.

  2. In the Search field, specify the criteria by which you are searching, such as by user name or group name.
  3. In the entry field, specify the value for which you are searching.

    For example, if searching by user name, enter a portion or all of the user's name. You can enter an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to match one or more characters. For example, type Acc* to search for a group called Accounting.

  4. Click Search to perform the search.


    On a large system, the search could take a while. The more specific your search criteria, the faster results are displayed.

  5. From the search results displayed in the Available Values field, select one or more users or groups and click Move to move them to the Selected Values field. If needed, click Remove or Remove All to remove users or groups.
  6. Click OK.

2.3.4 How do I select items?

When performing tasks, you might select an item from a list of choices. For example, in an invoice processing solution, you might select a processing group from several choices. Follow these steps to select an item.

  1. Display the Select Item window.

    This window is displayed whenever you select an action command requiring an item selection.

  2. From the field listing choices, select an item and click OK. Click Cancel to exit the window without a selection.

2.3.5 How do I view and enter comments in the Task Viewer widow?

The Task Viewer window typically includes a Comments section that lists the first portion of comments entered by users about the selected task. Follow these steps to view complete comments or add them.

  1. In the Comments panel in the Task Viewer window, click the glasses icon shown below to view all comments.
    The image shows a View in AutoVue icon.

    A View Comments popup is displayed, listing comments in the order in which they were added, along with the date and user who entered the comment. Click OK to close the popup.

  2. To add a comment, click the Add Comment icon shown below. Enter a comment in the Comment Text field of the popup and click OK. The new comment is displayed at the bottom of the comments list.
    The image shows an Add Comment icon.