5 Monitoring Capture

This chapter provides information on monitoring the Capture system, including an overview of monitoring, how to view the status of your Capture system, monitor and audit its performance, and view system messages.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Overview of Monitoring Capture

Oracle Enterprise Manager allows you to monitor the performance of your Capture system. It provides a set of key performance metrics that you can use to monitor the state of different Capture components, monitor process requests, audit the system performance and view system messages.

5.2 Monitoring Capture

You can monitor performance metrics of your Capture system from the Performance Monitor page in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

This section contains the following topics:

5.2.1 Viewing Performance Metrics

To view the performance metrics of your Capture system installation:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager using the steps listed in Starting Capture Functions in Enterprise Manager.
  2. Click the Capture server in the top left pane to display the Capture menu options.
  3. To view the performance metrics, select Monitoring, and then Performance Summary from the Capture menu. The Performance Summary page displays. By default, the Performance Summary page displays the performance metrics for the past 15 minutes.
  4. Optionally, click Slider in the top right side of the page to view the time slider.

    Use the time slider to select the time period for which to display the metrics.

  5. Optionally, click the Enter Time icon next to Slider in the top right side of the page.
  6. Enter the start and end time for which to display the metrics, then click OK.
  7. Click Show Metric Palette in the right pane. The Metric Palette displays.
  8. In the Metric Palette, select the metrics that you want to display in the Performance Summary page. To view metrics in a table format, select Table View.

For more information about the available Capture metrics, see Understanding Capture Performance Metrics.

5.2.2 Understanding Capture Performance Metrics

You can view key metrics of your Capture system from Oracle Enterprise Manager.

The following tables list the Capture performance metrics along with their descriptions. Key Performance Metrics

The following table lists the Capture key metrics. These metrics allow you to quickly assess the overall performance of the system. These metrics are displayed by default on the Capture home page.

Metric Name Description

Total Recognition Batches

The total number of batches that have been processed by the Recognition Processor.

Total Committed Batches

The total number of batches committed by the Commit Processor.

Total Import Batches

The total number of batches that have been created by the Import Processor.

Total Client Batches

The total number of batches created by Capture clients.

Total Items Uploaded

The total number of items uploaded by Capture client workstations.

Total Documents Converted

The total number of documents processed by the Document Conversion Processor.


Each metric listed above is a system total across all configured jobs.

The following table lists the key metrics for the last one minute.

Metric Name Description

Number of recognition batches in the last one minute

The total number of batches processed by the Recognition Processor in the last one minute.

Number of batches committed in the last one minute

The total number of batches committed by the Commit Processor in the last one minute.

Number of batches imported in the last one minute

The total number of batches created by the Import Processor in the last one minute.

Number of client batches created in the last one minute

The total number of batches created by Capture clients in the last one minute.

Number of items uploaded in the last one minute

The total number of items uploaded by Capture client workstations in the last one minute.

Number of documents converted in the last one minute

The total number of documents processed by the Document Conversion Processor in the last one minute. Workspace Metrics

The following table lists the Capture workspace metrics. These metrics display information related to operations on workspaces defined in the Capture system. These metrics are displayed as graphs.

Metric Name Description

Average time required to load workspaces

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the list of workspaces in the Capture workspace console.

Average time required to load metadata fields

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the list of metadata fields in the Capture workspace console when a workspace name is selected.

Average time required to load document profiles

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the list of document profiles in the Capture workspace console when a workspace name is selected. Batch Metrics

The following table lists the batch metrics. These metrics display information related to batch operations and are displayed as graphs.

Metric Name Description

Average time to load batches

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the list of batches by the user or client workstation.

Average time to query locked batches

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the list of locked batches by the user or client workstation.

Average time to search for batches

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to execute the search operation on the batches by the Capture client.

Average time to create a batch

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to create batches by different users at different times.

Average time to update a batch

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to commit changes to a batch to the server.

Average time to delete a batch

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to delete batches by different users at different times.

Average time to lock a batch

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to lock a batch.

Number of failed batch lock attempts

The number of batch lock failures which have occurred.

Average time to release a batch

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to release a batch by the system administrator.

Average time to load documents for a batch

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the documents for a batch whenever such loading is required.

Average time to load the items for a batch

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the items for a batch whenever such loading is required.

Average time to create a batch item

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to create batch items or images during scan or import operations.

Average time to delete a batch item

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to delete items or images from a batch.

Average time to link a batch item to a document

Batch items are linked or added to documents depending on the client profile during scanning or adding or removing documents from a batch. This metric gives the average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to execute these link or add operations.

Average time to create a document record

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to create a document.

Average time to update a document record

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to commit the changes to the document to the server.

Average time to load document items

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to load the pages for a document when the user chooses to review or index the documents in a batch.

Average time to delete a document

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to delete a document or item in the review or index section.

Average time to remove an item from a document

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to unlink or delete a batch item from a document. DB Lookup Metric

The following table lists the database lookup metric. This metric provides information related to database lookups and is displayed as a graph.

Metric Name Description

Average time to execute a Database Lookup

The aggregated value of the times taken to search the database for each DB lookup profile along with the maximum and minimum values. Pick-List Metric

The following table lists the pick-list metric. This metric provides information related to choice list operations and is displayed as a graph.

Metric Name Description

Average time to load the items for a Pick-list

The average value of the times taken to load choice list items for a particular choice list when the client chose to index a document. File Exchange Metrics

The following table lists the file exchange metrics. These metrics provide information related to file exchanges between clients and the server. These metrics are displayed as a metric table with a row for each Handler.

Metric Name Description

Average time to upload an item

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to upload an item from the client to the server for each Handler.

Failed upload exceptions occurring

The number of failed upload operations for each Handler.

Average time to download an item

The average, maximum and minimum values of the times taken to download an item from the server to the client end for each Handler.

Failed download exceptions occurring

The total number of failed download operations. Commit Processor Metrics

The following table lists the Commit Processor metrics. These metrics provide information related to batch commit operations. These metrics are displayed as a metric table with a row for each commit profile.

Metric Name Description

Total committed batches

The total number of batches committed for a commit profile.

Total exceptions

The total number of exceptions that have occurred committing documents for a commit profile.

Total cancelled

The total number of document commits that were cancelled.

Average commit time

The average time it takes for the commit profile to commit a batch. Recognition Processor Metrics

The following table lists the Recognition Processor metrics. These metrics provide information related to barcode recognition operations. These metrics are displayed as a metric table with a row for each recognition job.

Metric Name Description

Total Processing Barcode Phase Completed

The total number of batches that have been processed by the recognition job.

Total Processing Batches Avg Time

The average time taken to process a batch.

Total Processing Batches Completed

The total number of batches processed.

Total System Errors

The total number of system errors while processing documents for a recognition job.

Total Time Processing Barcode Phase

The total time spent in recognizing barcodes on images.

Total Time Processing Barcode Phase Avg

The average time spent in recognizing barcodes on images.

Total Time Processing Batches

The total time taken to process a batch. Import Processor Metrics

This section lists the metrics specific to the Import Processor.

The following table lists the Import Processor level metrics. These metrics are captured as a total across all jobs that are processed. These metrics are used to measure the performance of the Import Processor as a whole.

Metric Name Description

Total imported batches

The total number of batches that have been created.

Total imported documents

The total number of documents imported.

Total imported pages

The total number of pages imported by the job.

The following table lists the Import Processor - Email Source metrics. These metrics are captured at the source level for the email import source.

Metric Name Description

Connect Account Avg Time

The average time taken to connect to the email server specified in the import job.

Connect Account Completed

The total time taken to complete the connection to an email server.

Connect Account Time

The total time taken to connect to an email server.

Process Account Avg Time

The average time taken to retrieve messages from an inbox.

Process Account Completed

The time taken to complete retrieving messages from an inbox.

Process Account Time

The time taken to retrieve messages from an inbox.

The following table list the Import Processor - Folder Source metrics. These metrics are used to measure the overall performance of an import job when processing a folder. These metrics are displayed as graphs.

Metric Name Description

Process File Avg Time

The average time taken to process a file within the folder.

Process File Completed

The total number of files processed.

Process File Time

The total time taken to process a file.

Process Folder Avg Time

The average time taken to process a folder.

Process Folder Time

The total time taken to process a folder.

Process Folder Completed

The total number of folders processed.

Total Files Imported

The total number of files imported by the import job.

Total Folders Imported

The total number of folders imported by the import job.

The following table list the Import Processor - List File Source metrics. These metrics are used to measure the overall performance of an import job when processing a list file. These metrics are displayed as graphs.

Metric Name Description

Process File Avg Time

The average time taken to process a file within the folder.

Process File Completed

The total number of files processed by the import job.

Process File Time

The total time taken to process a file specified in the list file.

Process Folder Avg Time

The average time taken to process a folder.

Process Folder Completed

The total number of folders processed by the import job.

Process Folder Time

The total time taken to process a folder.

Process List File Avg Time

The average time taken to process a list file import job.

Process List File Completed

The time taken to complete a list file import job.

Process List File Time

The time taken to process a list file.

Total Folders Imported

The total number of folders imported by the import job. Document Conversion Processor Metrics

This section lists the metrics specific to the Document Conversion Processor.

The following table lists the Document Conversion Processor metrics. These metrics are displayed as graphs.

Metric Name Description

Document Conversion Completed

The total number of documents processed for a document processing job.

Document Conversion Time

The time taken to process a document.

Document Conversion Time Avg

The average time taken to process a document.

Total Batches Converted

The total number of batches processed by the job.

Total Document Conversion Exceptions

The number of exceptions that occurred while processing documents.

5.3 Viewing Capture Status

You can view the status of Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture using Oracle Enterprise Manager or Oracle WebLogic Server. The Capture home page in Oracle Enterprise Manager displays the status of your Capture system. It displays the state, version, and uptime of the Capture system.

To view the status of your Capture system installation:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager using the steps listed in Starting Capture Functions in Enterprise Manager.
  2. By default, the Capture home page displays.
  3. The General Information section on the home page displays the status of your Capture system (state, version, and uptime).
  4. The Key Metrics section on the lower pane displays the Capture Performance metrics. See Understanding Capture Performance Metrics for more information about the Capture Performance metrics.

You can navigate to the home page from any other page by clicking Home in the Capture menu options in the top left pane.


For more information on viewing the status of your Capture system using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, see the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.

5.4 Auditing Capture

Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture audits certain activities and saves the information in an audit table.

You can use audit information to create reports using a third-party reporting application. For example, you might build a custom report that provides the total number of pages scanned per day per user. This would allow you to compare the output of scanning users.

5.4.1 ecAudit Table

The ecAudit table stores information about actions taken during processing. Table 5-1 describes the columns in the ecAudit table.

Table 5-1 ecAudit Table

Column Name Data Type Field Length Description




Date and time the activity occurred. The date and time are relative to the locale of the server where the application is running.




User ID of the person who performed the activity.




The name of the processor that is logging the activity.




Activity ID of the activity being logged. This number is relevant only for the processor logging the activity.




Description of the activity.




The workspace where the audit is created.




Batch affected by the activity.




Internal ID assigned to the batch.


Long Integer


If the activity produces an integer result, that result is saved here.


Floating Point


If the activity produces a floating-point value result, that result is saved here.




If the activity produces a text result, that result is saved here.




Miscellaneous information about the activity.




Miscellaneous information about the activity.




Miscellaneous information about the activity.




Miscellaneous information about the activity.




Error number associated with activity failure.




Error Description.

5.4.2 Recognition Processor Activity IDs

This section describes the activities Recognition Processor audits and reports.

In Table 5-1, Date, UserID, FileCabinet, and Batch are automatically filled in for each activity. The ecActionDataText1 field typically contains the batch job name for each activity. The following table describes the remaining data elements for Recognition Processor audit activity:

Activity ID Description ecActionDataInt ecActionDataText1 ecActionDataFloat


Start of batch processing

Number of documents in the batch before processing

Current batch job ID

Number of batch items in the batch before processing


End of batch processing

Number of documents in the batch after processing

Current batch job ID

Number of batch items in the batch after processing

5.4.3 Document Conversion Processor Activity IDs

This section describes the activities Document Conversion Processor audits and reports.

In Table 5-1, Date, Time, UserID, ProcessID, Workspace, BatchID, and Batch are automatically filled in for each activity. The ecActionDataText1 field always contains the profile name for each activity. The following table describes the remaining data elements for Document Conversion Processor audit activity:

Activity ID Description ecActionDataInt ecActionDataText1 ecActionDataFloat


Start of batch processing

Number of documents in the batch before processing

Current batch job ID

Number of batch items in the batch before processing


End of batch processing

Number of documents in the batch after processing

Current batch job ID

Number of batch items in the batch after processing

5.4.4 Commit Processor Activity IDs

This section describes the activities Commit Processor audits and reports.

In Table 5-1, Date, Time, UserID, ProcessID, Workspace, BatchID, and Batch are automatically filled in for each activity. The following table describes the remaining data elements for Commit Processor audit activity:

Activity ID Description ecActionDataInt ecActionDataText1 ecActionDataText2 ecActionDataText3 ecActionDataText4


Start of batch processing


Commit profile ID

Commit profile name




End of batch processing

Number of documents committed

Commit profile ID

Commit profile name




Indicates a document was committed.

Number of pages in the document

Document ID

Document profile name

Commit profile ID

Commit profile name

5.4.5 Activity IDs

The following table describes the actions that the Capture server components audit.

ActionID Description ecActionDataInt ecActionDataText1 ecActionDataText2


Create batch





Update batch





Delete batch





Batch released


The ID of the batch processor that will process the batch.

The ID of the commit processor job that will process the batch.


Batch unlocked





Create batch item


Batch Item ID



Update batch item


Batch Item ID



Delete batch item


Batch Item ID



Create document


Document ID



Update document





Delete document

Document Number

Document ID



Batch item linked to document

Page Number

Batch Item ID

Document ID


Batch item unlinked from document

Page Number

Batch Item ID

Document ID


Start of batch processing


Commit profile ID

Commit profile name


End of batch processing

Total count of documents committed using the commit profile.

Commit profile ID

Commit profile name

5.5 System Messages

This section provides information on the system messages generated by Capture. Information about Capture system messages, their causes and actions can help you troubleshoot and resolve Capture system errors.

The following table provides detailed information about Capture error messages, their causes, and associated actions.

Message ID Description Cause Action


Initializing Capture

The capture application is starting.

No action required.


Error creating batch item

The user tried adding an item to the batch.

Make sure the batch path exists and there is no problem accessing the database.


Error committing documents

There was a problem updating the committed column of the document record.

Make sure the database is accessible and that the user has proper permission to the database tables.


Error creating workspace

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating workspace

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting workspace

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading workspaces

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating metadata definition

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading metadata definitions

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating metadata definition

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting metadata definition

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error locating capture object

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error locating capture object children

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading capture objects

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating batch

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating batch

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


The batch lock is no longer valid

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting batch

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error finding batch by id

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error finding batch item by id

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading batches

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading batches by user and workstation

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading batches by user

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading locked batches by user

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading locked batches by workstation

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading locked batches by user and workstation

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading batch items

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting batch item

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


The batch is already locked by <userid> on workstation <workstationid>

The batch is locked by another user.

The batch must be unlocked before it can be locked by someone else.


Error locking batch

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


The specified batch has not been persisted or has been deleted by another user.

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error unlocking batch

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating batch name

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating document

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating db return field

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating db search field

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating db search profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading documents

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting document

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading documents

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error linking item to document

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error unlinking item from document

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error locating datasource

The data source could not be found.

Ensure the database connection is configured properly and the database is accessible.


Error generating batch id

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating log record

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating capture object

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error saving database search profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting object child entities

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting capture object entity

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading search profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading search profiles

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting search profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading search fields

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading return fields

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting return field

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting search field

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error saving search field

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error saving return field

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading database schemas

Database connectivity issue.

Database permission issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.

Ensure the user has proper permissions to the required database objects.


Error loading database table fields

Database connectivity issue.

Database permission issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.

Ensure the user has proper permissions to the required database objects.


Error loading database tables

Database connectivity issue.

Database permission issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.

Ensure the user has proper permissions to the required database objects.


Error executing database lookup

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error saving document

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error testing lock

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating extension profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading extension profiles

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating extension profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting extension profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error searching for extension profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error getting batch number

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error requesting session information

Application configuration error.

The application configuration is invalid or incomplete. Ensure the application is properly configured.


Error moving document pages

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error splitting document

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting document pages

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating documents

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting documents

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error inserting into documents

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error searching database

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating bundle entity

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading installed bundles

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading installed bundles by name and version

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting bundle

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating bundle

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error during bundle lookup

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error finding bundle by interface name

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error scanning for bundles

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating script

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading scripts for product

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating script

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting script

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading script

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading choice list source

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading choice list link profiles

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating choice list source

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating choice list source

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting choice list source

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading choice list drivers

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error finding choice list source

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading choice lists

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating choice list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating choice list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting choice list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating choice list item

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading choice list items

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating choice list items

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting choice list item

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating dependent choice list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading dependent choice list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating dependent choice list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting dependent choice list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting profile links

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error linking item to list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error unlinking item from list

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error finding item link

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error creating commit profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error loading commit profiles

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error updating commit profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting commit profile

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting batch statuses for workspace

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting metadata definitions for workspace

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Error deleting batch status from workspace

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


A JMS Error has occurred

Diskspace capacity may have been reached.

Network connectivity problem.

Check the disk space capacity and increase as needed.

Ensure the JMS server is accessible.


Error creating release agent

The required batch release agent could not be created.

Contact the system administrator.


Failed to load document types

Database connectivity failure.

Contact the system administrator.


The commit driver's configuration is invalid

The commit driver configuration has missing or invalid information.

Verify the configuration settings in Administration.


Unknown commit error

An unexpected exception was encountered processing the document. This is usually caused by an unhandled exception in the commit driver or export driver.

Verify the configuration settings in Administration.


The import processor context must contain a valid DocumentEntity reference

The Import Job may not be properly configured.

Verify the configuration settings in Administration.


The import source file is null in the Import Context

The data being imported could not be found.

Ensure that the Import Processor has privileges to the source file.


The HA token was not found in the import processor context

The Import Processor Context HA Token was missing.

Ensure that the database server is running.


The specified workspace could not be found

The Import Processor Context HA Token was missing.

Ensure that the database server is running.


Batch [{0}] was successfully locked by user [{1}] batch id is [{2}]



Failed to deliver email

Unable to send email.

(See message)

Use the Enterprise Manager to ensure that the Email server settings are correct.

Ensure that the Email server can be reached.


Error copying workspace

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible.


Commit profile [{0}] does not specify a commit driver

Commit profile configuration problem.

Ensure the specified commit profile has a commit driver specified.


Commit profile [{0}] does not specify an export driver

Commit profile configuration problem.

Ensure the specified commit profile has an export driver specified.


Commit profile [{0}] specifies a commit driver that could not be found on the system.

The commit driver specified in the commit profile could not be found.

Ensure the specified commit driver is properly installed or edit the commit profile and select a different commit driver.


Commit profile [{0}] specifies an export driver that could not be found on the system

The export driver specified in the commit profile could not be found.

Ensure the specified export driver is properly installed or edit the commit profile and select a different export driver.


Unable to create the export directory

The export driver specified in the commit profile could not be found.

Ensure the specified export driver is properly installed or edit the commit profile and select a different export driver.


The following required fields do not have values: [{0}]

Document is missing one or more required fields.

Ensure all required fields are indexed.


The batch was routed to a processing job that could not be found

The batch was routed to a job that was not found. The job may have been deleted.

Ensure that the specified job exists.


The batch was routed to a processing job that is currently offline

The batch was routed to a job that is in an offline state.

The job needs to be put in an online state by someone with the required permissions.


A workspace by the specified name already exists

The user tried to create a workspace using a name that already exists.

The user should try again using a unique name.


Error loading locked batches for the specified workspace id

An invalid workspace id was specified or the specified workspace id does not exist.

Ensure a valid workspace id is specified.


Method access violation. User {0} attempted to invoke a method they are not authorized to access.

An invocation was made on a method to which the subject was not permitted access.

Ensure the subject is a member of a security role with permission to invoke the method.


Unable to send a broadcast email. The SMTP Server connection information is incomplete.

The SMTP server connection information is incomplete.

Use Fusion Middleware Control to configure the SMTP Connection information.


Document contains no pages.

The document contains no pages.

Review the batch in the Capture client and check the system logs for more information.


The specified export driver feature is not supported on this platform.

The export driver specified in the commit profile is not supported on this platform.

Ensure the specified export driver is properly installed or edit the commit profile and select a different export driver.


Generic commit error.

An error occurred during the commit process.

Check previous log entries for error detail.


Error duplicating documents.

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible and the specified user has the necessary permissions to the database.


Document Id does not exist.

A document ID was specified but was not found in the database. The document may have been deleted.

Ensure that the specified document ID exists.


Index Field [{0}] of Document [{1}] was assigned invalid value [{2}]

An attempt was made to save a document containing an invalid field value. The field may have contained an unprintable character.

Ensure that only valid printable characters are assigned to document index fields.


Error loading Import Processor HA Tokens.

Database connectivity issue.

Ensure the database is accessible and the specified user has the necessary permissions to the database.


Error loading document type attachment types.

Database connectivity failure.

Contact the system administrator.


The following required attachment types were not found :[{0}]

Document is missing one or more required attachment types.

Ensure all required attachment types are provided.