18 Managing Portlet Producers

You can register a WSRP portlet producer by creating a connection to the producer. When you have registered a producer, its portlets can be consumed in WebCenter Portal. This chapter also describes how to deploy WSRP portlet producers.

This chapter includes the following topics:


To perform the tasks in this chapter, you must be granted the WebLogic Server Admin role through the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console and the Administrator role in WebCenter Portal granted through WebCenter Portal Administration.

For more information about roles and permissions, see Understanding Administrative Operations, Roles, and Tools.

18.1 About Portlet Producers

WebCenter Portal enables you to expose functionality from other applications in your portals by consuming portlets provided by those applications. A portal can consume portlets provided by a third party, such as a packaged-application vendor, as well as those that are built using WebCenter Portal or other Oracle products.

Table 18-1 lists some of the products supported as portlet producers within WebCenter Portal.

By default, users with the Administrator role have the AppConnectionManager role; and therefore, application administrators can configure Portlet Producers through the WebCenter Portal Administration Console. For more information on AppConnectionManager role, see Default Application Roles.

Table 18-1 Supported Portlet Producers

Portlet Producer Supported? Notes

Oracle WebLogic Portal


For more information, see Exporting Java Portlets for Use on Other Systems in Portlet Development Guide for Oracle WebLogic Portal.

Oracle WebCenter Interaction



E-Business Suite application


For more information, see Integrating E-Business Suite Applications

Peoplesoft application


For more information, see Integrating PeopleSoft Applications.

JD Edwards application


For more information, see Integrating JD Edwards Applications.


WSRP producers built by a third party and consumed by WebCenter Portal should function correctly provided:

  • The producer does not rely on any vendor-specific extensions to WSRP.

  • The portlets do not make assumptions about the application in which they are consumed, for example by expecting a particular JavaScript method to exist in the page.

Application administrators can register and manage portlet producers at runtime through out-of-the-box administration pages or from any page that includes the Portlet Producer task flow.

System administrators can use Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST command-line tool to register and manage portlet producers for WebCenter Portal.

Consider the following while working with portlet producers:

  • Some out-of-the-box producers are provided with WebCenter Portal: OmniPortlet and WSRP Tools. The following EAR files are packaged with WebCenter Portal:

    • portalTools.ear - OmniPortlet

    • wsrp-tools.ear - WSRP Tools

    You can install the portalTools.ear and wsrp-tools.ear files using the registerOOTBProducers WLST command. For command syntax and examples, see registerOOTBProducers in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

  • Before users can add JSR 286 portlets to a page, you must register the owning WSRP producers. See registerSampleProducers in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

  • The Oracle Portlet Producer product (server) must be installed in the production environment and the wsrp-tools and portalTools URLs must be accessible. If the Oracle Portlet Producer is not installed, see Extending an Existing Domain in Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Portal to install it in the production environment.

  • When you create a connection to a portlet producer, the producer is registered with WebCenter Portal and the connection is added to the connections.xml file. For WRSP producers, a web service connection is also created, which follows the naming convention, connectionname-wsconn. During registration, connection metadata is created in the Oracle Metadata Services (MDS) repository and in the producer being registered. When a producer's portlets are consumed, the user customizations are saved to the producer. During deregistration the producer connection and customizations are removed.

  • All post deployment connection configuration is stored in MDS. For more information, see Oracle WebCenter Portal Configuration Considerations. For detailed information about MDS, see Managing the Metadata Repository in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  • Portlet producer registration is dynamic. New portlet producers and updates to existing producers are immediately available in WebCenter Portal; it is not necessary to restart WebCenter Portal or the managed server.

  • To migrate producers from one instance to another, use the migration utilities described in Migrating a WSRP Producer Persistence Store in Developing WebCenter Portal Assets and Custom Components with Oracle JDeveloper.

  • For information on securing portlet producers, see Securing a WSRP Producer.

  • For information about portlet producers created using Oracle PDK-Java, see Managing Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producers.

18.2 Registering WSRP Producers

When you register a WSRP portlet producer, you provide basic information that describes the producer’s operational paramters. This information is used by WebCenter Portal to communicate with the producer and with the portlets through the producer.

WebCenter Portal supports both WSPR 1.0 and WSRP 2.0 producers. The WSRP 2.0 standard provides support for, among other things, interportlet communication and export and import of portlet customizations. You can leverage the benefits of WSRP 2.0 while building standard-based JSR 286 portlets.

WebCenter Portal provides several tools for registering WSRP producers with deployed applications.

This section includes the following topics:

You can also register portlet producers that have been developed using Oracle PDK-Java. For more information, see Registering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer.

18.2.1 Registering a WSRP Producer Using Fusion Middleware Control

You can register a WSRP portlet producer using Fusion Middleware Control.

To register a WSRP portlet producer using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for the WebCenter Portal application. See Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal.
  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Settings and then Service Configuration.
  3. In the Add Portlet Producer Connection section, enter connection details for the WSRP producer.

    For detailed parameter information, see WSRP Producer Connection Parameters.

  4. Use the Security section to specify the type of security token to use for the identity propagation/assertion.

    For detailed parameter information, see WSRP Producer Security Connection Parameters.

    The security token with the propagated or asserted user information is represented as an XML element in the SOAP header. The security token and the SOAP message body are then digitally signed to prove the authenticity of the SOAP message origin from WebCenter Portal. WebCenter Portal supports six types of security token:

    • WSS 1.0 Username Token Without Password

    • WSS 1.0 Username Token With Password

    • WSS 1.0 SAML Token

    • WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Integrity

    • WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Protection

    • WSS 1.1 SAML Token With Message Protection

    SAML is an abbreviation for Security Assertion Markup Language. For more information about each of these security tokens, see WSRP Producer Security Connection Parameters.


    PeopleSoft WSRP producers support two profiles: Username Token With Password and SAML Token With Message Integrity. Other Oracle WSRP producers support all six profiles. For other WSRP containers, check with the specific vendor to determine the token formats they support.

  5. Use the Keystore section to specify the location of the keystore that contains the certificate and private key that is used for signing some parts (security token and SOAP message body) of the SOAP message.

    Only configure these properties if you want to override the configuration specified for the domain.

    For detailed parameter information, see WSRP Producer Keystore Connection Parameters.

  6. Click OK.
    The new producer appears in the connection table.

18.2.2 Registering a WSRP Producer Using WLST

Use the WLST command registerWSRPProducer to create a connection to a WSRP portlet producer and register the producer with WebCenter Portal.

For command syntax and examples, see registerWSRPProducer in the WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

18.2.3 Adding a Grant to the Policy Store for a Mapped User Identity

If you are using the Default User field to map an alternative user identity you must also add a grant to the policy store.

To add a grant to the policy store do one of the following:


Replace MyAppID with the name of the client application, including the version number if any.

  • Add the following grant directly to the policy store:
  • Grant the permission by running the grantPermission WLST command.

    For example:

    permTarget='resource=MyAppID', permActions='assert')

    For command syntax and examples, see grantPermission in Infrastructure Security WLST Command Reference. For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

18.2.4 Registering a WSRP Portlet Producer in WebCenter Portal

You can register a WSRP portlet producer in WebCenter Portal Administration.

To register a WSRP producer in WebCenter Portal:

  1. Open WebCenter Portal Administration.
  2. Click Tools and Services, and then select Portlet Producers.

    Alternatively, use the following URL, and then select Portlet Producers:

  3. On the menu bar, click Register.
  4. In the Register Portlet Producer page, enter connection details for the WSRP portlet producer.
  5. Use the Security section to specify the type of security token to use for the identity propagation/assertion.

    For details, see WSRP Producer Security Connection Parameters.

    The security token with the propagated or asserted user information is represented as an XML element in the SOAP header. The security token and the SOAP message body are then digitally signed to prove the authenticity of the SOAP message origin from the WebCenter Portal application. WebCenter Portal supports six types of security token.

    • WSS 1.0 Username Token Without Password

    • WSS 1.0 Username Token With Password

    • WSS 1.0 SAML Token

    • WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Integrity

    • WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Protection

    • WSS 1.1 SAML Token With Message Protection

    SAML is an abbreviation for Security Assertion Markup Language. For more information about each of these security tokens, see WSRP Producer Security Connection Parameters.

  6. Click Test to verify that the server details you provided are correct.

    If the server is contactable, a success message is displayed. If the server is down or the host information is incorrect or no longer valid, a connection failure message is displayed.


    The test performs a simple server (host/port) PING test. Anything in the path after the host:port is ignored. To verify whether the producer is accessible, access the producer's test page in your browser. For more information, see Testing WSRP Producer Connections.

  7. Click Ok.

18.2.5 WSRP Producer Connection Parameters

When you register a WSRP portlet producer, there are several connection parameters that you must set.

Table 18-2 WSRP Portlet Producer Connection Parameters

Field Description
Connection Name

Enter a unique name to identify this portlet producer registration within WebCenter Portal. The name must be unique across all WebCenter Portal connection types.

The name you specify here appears in the resource catalog (under the Portlets folder).

Producer Type Select WSRP Producer.

Enter the registration URL for the WSRP producer.

The syntax varies according to your WSRP implementation. For example, possible URL formats for a portlet deployed to the Oracle WSRP container include:



http://host:port/context_root/portlets/?WSDL (WSRP 1.0 for backward compatibility)


  • host is the server where your producer is deployed.

  • port is the HTTP listener port number

  • context_root is the web application’s context root

  • portlets/wsrp(1|2)?WSDL is static text. All producers deployed to the Oracle WSRP container are exposed as WSRP version 1 and version 2 producers.

    In WebCenter Portal, only version 2 WSDLs are supported for Oracle WebLogic Portal producers.

For example:


For WSRP producers, you can obtain this registration URL by accessing the producer test page at:


Use Proxy?

Select if WebCenter Portal must use an HTTP proxy when contacting this producer. If selected, enter values for Proxy Host and Proxy Port.

A proxy is required when WebCenter Portal and the remote portlet producer are separated by a firewall and an HTTP proxy is needed to communicate with the producer.

Proxy Host

Enter the host name or IP address of the proxy server.

Do not prefix http:// to the proxy server name.

Proxy Port

Enter the port number on which the proxy server listens. The default port is 80.

Default Execution Timeout (Seconds)

Enter a suitable timeout for communications with the producer, in seconds. For example, the maximum time the producer may take to register, deregister, or display portlets on WebCenter Portal pages. The default is 30 seconds.

Individual portlets may define their own timeout period, which takes precedence over the value expressed here.

18.2.6 WSRP Producer Security Connection Parameters

When you register a WSRP portlet producer, there are some security settings that you can specify.

Table 18-3 WSRP Portlet Producer Security Connection Parameters

Field Description
Token Profile

Select the type of token profile to use for authentication with this WSRP producer. Select from:

  • WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Integrity

  • WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Protection

  • WSS 1.0 Username Token Without Password

  • WSS 1.0 Username Token With Password

  • WSS 1.0 SAML Token

  • WSS 1.1 SAML Token with Message Protection

  • None

For a description of each of these options, see Table 18-4



  • Default to use a default token profile configuration.

  • Custom to provide a custom Oracle Web Service Manager configuration.

Additional security options display (including all the keystore properties) when you select Custom.

Issuer Name

Enter the name of the issuer of the SAML Token.

For example: www.example.com

The issuer name is the attesting entity that vouches for the verification of the subject, and it must be a trusted SAML issuer on the producer end.

Valid for: WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Integrity, WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Protection. WSS 1.0 SAML Token, WSS 1.1 SAML Token with Message Protection.

Default User

Enter a user name to assert to the remote producer when the user is not authenticated with the WebCenter Portal application.

When unauthenticated, the identity anonymous is associated with the application user. The value anonymous may be inappropriate for the remote producer, so it may be necessary to specify an alternative identity here. Keep in mind though, that in this case, WebCenter Portal has not authenticated the user so the default user you specify should be a low privileged user in the remote producer. If the user has authenticated to the application, the user's identity is asserted rather than the default user.

The remote WSRP producer must be set up to accept this information. You must also add a grant to the policy store as described in Adding a Grant to the Policy Store for a Mapped User Identity.

Valid for: WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Integrity, WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Protection, WSS 1.0 SAML Token, WSS 1.1 SAML Token with Message Protection and WSS 1.0 Username Without Password.

Associated External Application (Username With Password)

If this producer uses an external application for authentication, use the Associated External Application dropdown list to identify the application. If the application you want is not listed, select Create New to define the external application now.

Valid for: WSS 1.0 Username With Password only.

Table 18-4 Token Profiles Options

Token Profile Description

WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Integrity


This policy provides message-level integrity protection and SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. A SAML token, included in the SOAP message, is used in SAML-based authentication with sender vouches confirmation. This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies and SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity.

WSS 1.0 SAML Token With Message Protection


This policy provides message-level protection (integrity and confidentiality) and SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. The web service consumer includes a SAML token in the SOAP header and the confirmation type is sender-vouches. This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanisms for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption.

WSS 1.0 Username Token Without Password


This policy provides user name (with password) token profile based identity propagation with certificate based message protection for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. Credentials (user name only) are included in outbound SOAP request messages through a WS-Security UsernameToken header. No password is included. Message protection is provided using WS-Security 1.0's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanisms for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption.

WSS 1.0 Username Token With Password


This policy provides user name (with password) token profile based identity propagation with certificate based message protection for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security v1.0 standard. Both plain text and digest mechanisms are supported. This policy uses WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies. Specifically, RSA key mechanism for message confidentiality, SHA-1 hashing algorithm for message integrity, and AES-128 bit encryption.

Use this token profile if the WSRP producer has a different identity store. You will need to define an external application pertaining to the producer and associate the external application with this producer.

WSS 1.0 SAML Token


This policy provides SAML-based authentication for outbound SOAP request messages in accordance with the WS-Security 1.0 standard. The policy propagates user identity and is typically used in intra departmental deployments where message protection and integrity checks are not required.

This policy does not require any keystore configuration.

WSS 1.1 SAML Token with Message Protection


This policy provides message-level protection (integrity and confidentiality) and SAML token population for outbound SOAP requests in accordance with the WS-Security 1.1 standard. A SAML token, included in the SOAP message, is used in SAML-based authentication with sender vouches confirmation. This policy uses the symmetric key technology for signing and encryption, and WS-Security's Basic 128 suite of asymmetric key technologies for endorsing signatures.


No token. If None is selected, no WS-Security header is attached to the SOAP message.

18.2.7 WSRP Producer Keystore Connection Parameters

When you register a WSRP portlet producer, you can specify the location of the keystore that contains the certificate and private key that is used for signing the SOAP message.

Table 18-5 WSRP Producer Key Store Connection Parameters

Field Description
Recipient Alias

Specify the keystore alias that is associated with the producer's certificate.

This certificate is used to encrypt the message to the producer.

Store Path

Enter the absolute path to the keystore that contains the certificate and the private key that is used for signing or encrypting the SOAP message (security token and message body). The signature, encryption, and recipient keys described in this table must be available in this keystore.

The keystore file specified must be created using JDK's keytool utility.


Provide the password to the keystore that was set when the keystore was created. The producer is not available if a password is not specified or incorrect.

Signature Key Alias

Enter the signature key alias.

The Signature Key Alias is the identifier for the certificate associated with the private key that is used for signing.

Signature Key Password

Enter the password for accessing the key identified by the alias specified in Signature Key Alias.

Encryption Key Alias

Enter the key alias used by the producer to encrypt the return message. A valid value is one of the key aliases that is located in the specified keystore.

This property is optional. If not specified, the producer uses the signing key for encrypting the return message.

Encryption Key Password

Enter the password for accessing the encryption key.

18.3 Testing WSRP Producer Connections

You can test a WSRP portlet producer connection to confirm that the producer is up and running.

  1. Obtain the producer URL from:


    For a WSRP v2 producer connection, the producer URL format is:


    For example:


    For a WSRP v1 producer connection, the producer URL format is:


    For example:


  2. Run the producer URL in a browser window.

18.4 Editing WSRP Producer Registration Details

WebCenter Portal provides several tools for editing WSRP portlet producer registration details.

This section includes the following topics:

For information about how to edit Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer registration details, see Editing Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Registration Details.

18.4.1 About Editing WSRP Producer Registration Details

You can update producer registration details at any time.

If a producer moves to a different location, then you must reconfigure any connections you have defined to this producer. You can use Fusion Middleware Control or WLST to edit the WDSL URL property.

To retain all the portlet customizations and personalizations that users make while working with WebCenter Portal, you must also migrate producer customizations and personalizations to the producer's new location. Use the WLST commands exportPortletClientMetadata and importPortletClientMetadata to migrate portlet client metadata to a different location.

For more information, see Backing Up (Exporting) Portlet Client Metadata and Backing Up (Exporting) Portlet Client Metadata.

18.4.2 Editing WSRP Producer Registration Details Using Fusion Middleware Control

You can edit WSRP producer registration details using Fusion Middleware Control.

To update connection details for a portlet producer using Fusion Middleware Control:
  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Portal. See Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal.
  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Settings and then Service Configuration.
  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Portal Service Configuration page, select Portlet Producers.
  4. In the Manage Portlet Producer Connections section, select the producer you want to modify, and click Edit.
  5. In the Edit Portlet Producer Connection section, modify connection details, as required.

    For more information, see WSRP Producer Connection Parameters.

  6. Click OK.

18.4.3 Editing Producer Registration Details Using WLST

Use the WLST command setWSRPProducer to edit WSRP portlet producer connection details.

For command syntax and examples, see setWSRPProducer in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

18.4.4 Editing WSRP Producer Registration Details in WebCenter Portal

In WebCenter Portal, you can access and revise many of the registration details provided for a portlet producer.

To edit portlet producer registration details in WebCenter Portal:

  1. Open WebCenter Portal Administration.
  2. Click Tools and Services, and then select Portlet Producers.

    Alternatively, use the following URL, and then select Portlet Producers:

  3. Select the portlet producer that you want to edit.
  4. On the menu bar, click Edit.
  5. Edit the producer registration properties as required

    For details, see WSRP Producer Connection Parameters and WSRP Producer Security Connection Parameters.

    You cannot edit the Producer Name or Producer Type.


    While it is possible to edit the value of the WSDL URL, for example, if the producer port has changed, you can point to a different producer only if the new producer has access to the persistence store of the old producer, or if the persistence store of the old producer has been migrated to that of the new producer. For more information, see Backing up and Restoring Other Schema Data (ACTIVITIES and PORTLET).

  6. When you have changed all the necessary settings, you can click Test to verify that the server details you provided are correct.

    If the server is contactable, a success message is displayed. If the server is down or the host information is incorrect or no longer valid, a connection failure message is displayed.


    The test performs a simple server (host/port) PING test. Anything in the path after the host:port is ignored. To verify whether the producer is accessible, access the producer's test page in your browser. For more information, see Testing WSRP Producer Connections.

  7. When you are done, click Ok.

18.4.5 Migrating WSRP Producer Metadata to a New WSDL URL

If a producer moves to a different location, then to retain all the portlet customizations and personalizations that users have made while working with WebCenter Portal, you must also migrate the existing producer metadata to the new location. Any existing connections to the producer must be reconfigured to point to the new location.

To migrate WSRP producer metadata to a new URL endpoint:

  1. Export the producer metadata, using the WLST command exportPortletClientMetadata.
    For command syntax and examples, see exportPortletClientMetadata in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.
  2. Change the producer's WSDL URL, using the WLST command setWSRPProducer.
    For command syntax and examples, see setWSRPProducer in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.
  3. Import the producer metadata, using the WLST command importPortletClientMetadata.
    For command syntax and examples, see importPortletClientMetadata in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

18.4.6 Editing the Portlet Client Configuration

The adf-config.xml file contains configuration information for WebCenter Portal services. Portlet client configuration details are specified in the adf-portlet-config section of the file.

The following example shows the adf-portlet-config element of the adf-config.xml file.

<adf-portlet-config xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/portlet/config">
  <cacheSettings enabled="true">

Application developers can edit the adf-config.xml file for an application and edit the portlet client configuration. However, this requires that the application be redeployed after the changes are made. To edit the configuration of the portlet client at runtime, without having to redeploy the application, you can use WLST commands.

Use the WLST command setPortletClientConfig to edit the portlet client configuration information. For command syntax and examples, see setPortletClientConfig section in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

After using this WLST command, you must restart the Managed Server on which the WebCenter Portal application is deployed. For details, see Starting and Stopping Managed Servers for WebCenter Portal Application Deployments.

18.5 Deregistering WSRP Portlet Producers

WebCenter Portal provides several tools for deregistering WSRP portlet producers.

This section includes the following topics:

For information about how to deregister Oracle PDK-Java portlet producers, see Deregistering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer.

18.5.1 About Deregistering Portlet Producers

You can deregister a WSRP portlet producer at any time.

Before deregistering a producer, consider the impact toWebCenter Portal as portlets associated with a deregistered producer no longer work. Check the Portlets Producer Invocation metric to see how frequently the producer is being used. For more information, see Viewing Performance Metrics Using Fusion Middleware Control.

When you deregister a producer, registration data is removed from both WebCenter Portal and the remote producer:

  • WebCenter Portal - The producer connection is deleted and producer metadata is also deleted.

  • Remote producer - Portlet instances are deleted (not the portlets themselves).

Portlet instances are not removed from WebCenter Portal pages. In place of the portlet, users see a Portlet unavailable message.


Consider also deleting the external application associated with this portlet producer if the application's sole purpose was to support this producer. See Deleting External Application Connections.

18.5.2 Deregistering a WSRP Portlet Producer Using Fusion Middleware Control

You can deregister a WSRP portlet producer using Fusion Middleware Control.

To deregister a portlet producer:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Portal.
  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Settings and then Service Configuration.
  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Portal Service Configuration page, select Portlet Producers.
  4. Select the name of the producer you want to deregister, and click Delete.

The connection details are removed. Portlets associated with this producer are no longer accessible within WebCenter Portal.

18.5.3 Deregistering a WSRP Portlet Producer Using WLST

Use WLST commands to deregister a WSRP portlet producer.

Use the WLST command deregisterWSRPProducer to deregister a WSRP portlet producer connections.

For command syntax and examples, see deregisterWSRPProducer in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

Use the following WLST commands to deregister the out-of-the-box or sample producers provided with WebCenter Portal:

  • Out-of-the-box producers - deregisterOOTBProducers

    For command syntax and examples, see deregisterOOTBProducers in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

  • Sample producers - deregisterSampleProducers

    For command syntax and examples, see deregisterSampleProducers in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

18.5.4 Deregistering a WSRP Portlet Producer in WebCenter Portal

If you no longer want to use a particular producer in WebCenter Portal, you can deregister the producer.

To deregister a WSRP portlet producer in WebCenter Portal:

  1. Open WebCenter Portal Administration.
  2. Click Tools and Services, and then select Portlet Producers.

    Alternatively, use the following URL, and then select Portlet Producers:

  3. Select the portlet producer that you want to deregister.
  4. From the menu bar, click Deregister.
  5. In the Delete Confirmation dialog, click Deregister to complete the deregistration process.

18.6 Deploying Portlet Producer Applications

After developing a Portlet Producer application in JDeveloper, you can deploy that application to any Oracle WebLogic Managed Server instance that is configured to supportWebCenter Portal portlet producers.

To deploy an application to a managed server, you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, Oracle WebLogic Administration Console, or WLST.

For more information about these administration tools, see Oracle WebCenter Portal Administration Tools.

You can also deploy a Portlet Producer application from within JDeveloper.

This section includes the following topics:

For more information about deploying applications, see Deploying Applications in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

18.6.1 Preparing Portlet Producer Applications for Deployment

WebCenter Portal provides a predeployment tool that adds the required configuration to a portlet producer application's EAR file to expose the portlets over WSRP.

The predeployment tool must be run in the following circumstances:

  • You created the application's WAR file outside of JDeveloper.

  • You created the application's WAR file in JDeveloper, but selected to not expose the application as a WSRP application. That is, you selected No in the Select deployment type dialog.

To add the required configuration to a portlet producer application's EAR file to expose the portlets over WSRP, run the WSRP producer predeployment tool located in the Middleware directory at WCP_ORACLE_HOME/webcenter/modules/oracle.portlet.server_11.1.1, as follows:

java -jar wsrp-predeploy.jar source EAR  target EAR

For JSR 286 portlets developed with servlet version 2.3, you must specify web proxies using the following command:

java -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy host -Dhttp.proxyPort=proxy port -jar
wsrp-predeploy.jar source EAR target EAR 


  • proxy host is the server to which your producer has been deployed.

  • proxy port is the HTTP Listener port.

  • wsrp-predeploy.jar is located in the WCP_ORACLE_HOME/webcenter/modules/oracle.portlet.server_11.1.1 directory.

  • source EAR is the name of the JSR 286 EAR file.

  • target EAR file is the name of the new EAR file to be created. If the file name for the targeted EAR file is not specified, then a new EAR file called WSRP-source EAR is produced.

The wsrp-predeploy.jar predeployment tool makes all the necessary changes to a JSR 286 portlet to be able to deploy it to the Oracle portlet container and expose it as a WSRP producer. Here are some examples of what the predeployment tool does:

  • Creates the wsdldeploy directory in the java.io.tmpdir folder.

    • On UNIX, the default value of this property is /tmp or /var/tmp

    • On Microsoft Windows, the default value of this property is c:\temp.

  • Unpacks the EAR file into wsdldeploy/EAR.

  • Unpacks the WAR files into wsdldeploy/warfilename.war/.

  • Inserts WEB-INF/WSDLs into the unpacked application.

  • Modifies WEB-INF/web.xml in the unpackaged WAR files.

  • Inserts or modifies WEB-INF/webservices.xml in the WAR files.

  • Inserts or modifies WEB-INF/oracle-webservices.xml in the WAR files.

  • Repackages the WARs and builds a new EAR file.

In the following example a web proxy is specified:

java -Dhttp.proxyHost=myhttpproxy.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -jar wsrp-predeploy.jar wsrp-samples.ear

This example produces WSRP-wsrp-samples.ear.

18.6.2 Deploying a Portlet Producer Application Using Fusion Middleware Control

You can deploy a Portlet Producer using Fusion Middleware Control.

When deploying a Portal Framework application using Fusion Middleware Control you must know the location of the application archive, and whether a deployment plan exists for the application.

To deploy a Portlet Producer application using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control.
  2. In the Target Navigation pane, expand WebLogic Domain and click the domain in which your target Managed Server was created.
  3. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Deployments.
  4. Choose Deployment > Deploy.

    The Select Archive page displays.

  5. In the Archive or Exploded Directory section, do one of the following:
    • Select Archive is on the machine where this web browser is running and enter the location of the archive or click Browse to find the archive file.

    • Select Archive or exploded directory is on the server where Enterprise Manager is running and enter the location of the archive or click Browse to find the archive file.

  6. In the Deployment Plan section, do one of the following:
    • Select Create a new deployment plan when deployment configuration is done to automatically create a new deployment plan after the redeployment process.

    • Select Deployment plan is on the machine where this web browser is running and enter the path to the plan or click Browse to find the plan.

    • Select Deployment plan is on the server where Enterprise Manager is running and enter the path to the plan or click Browse to find the plan.

  7. Click Next.

    The Select Target page displays.

  8. Select the target server(s) to deploy the application and click Next.

    The Application Attributes page displays.

  9. Click Next.

    The Deployment Settings page displays.

  10. Click the edit icon for Configure ADF Connections to check connection settings associated with the Portal Framework application.

    The Configure ADF Connections page displays.

  11. Click the edit icon for each connection and check that the connection settings are correct for the target environment (for example, staging or production).

    For WSRP producers, two connections are shown for each producer: a WSRP Producer and a Web Service connection. Typically only the Web Service connection must be changed to the target producer, and this contains four URL endpoints, all of which must be changed. The WSRP Producer connection only configures proxy settings that can be set independent of the default proxy setting for the application server, if this is required.

    If any connections to portlet producers in the EAR file must be changed to point to producers in the target deployment environment, it is important to change them here. This ensures the portlet customizations are imported to the target producers as the application starts.


    If any target producers are not reachable as the application starts for the first time, the import fails. After the portlet producer becomes reachable, restart the application and try to import again.

    If you do not modify producer connections using the Configure ADF Connections page and they are pointing to incorrect but reachable producer locations (for example, a producer in a development environment), portlets are imported to the incorrect producers.

    To correct this, after deployment use Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands to modify the producer URL endpoint, and then redeploy the application.

  12. If required, specify additional deployment options such as the Web modules to include in your application or security migration settings.
  13. In the Deployment Plan section, click Edit Deployment Plan to optionally edit the currently selected Deployment Plan.
  14. In the Deployment Plan section, click Save Deployment Plan to optionally save the currently selected Deployment Plan for reuse when you redeploy the application.
  15. To start the deployment process, click Deploy.

    Fusion Middleware Control displays processing messages.

  16. Click Close in the Deployment Succeeded page.

    The portlet producer application (and its deployment plan) is now deployed on the WebLogic Managed Server instance.

  17. If you restart the WebLogic Managed Server on which you deployed the application during your Fusion Middleware Control session, refresh the Farm from the Farm menu to update the application status.

    If you configured connections during deployment, these are not stored as part of the deployment plan. You must specify these connection details again the next time you deploy.

18.6.3 Deploying a Portlet Producer Application Using Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

You can use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to deploy a Portlet Producer application. However, the Console does not offer a means to change ADF connections, including the essential MDS connection.

To use the Console to deploy a Portlet Producer application, the MDS connection in the EAR file must be configured to the target deployment repository. Follow steps 1-5 in Deploying a Portlet Producer Application Using WLST then follow the steps below to deploy a Portlet Producer application using the WLS Administration Console.


Oracle does not recommend deploying Portlet Producer applications to any of the preconfigured Managed Servers created during the installation, or to the Administration Server. Create a new Managed Server instance before deploying, or optionally deploy to the WC_Portlet server.

To deploy a Portlet Producer application using the WLS Administration Console:

  1. Log in to the WLS Administration Console.

    For information on logging into the WLS Administration Console, see Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. In the Domain Structure pane, click Deployments.

    The Summary of Deployments page displays.

  3. Click Install.

    The Install Application Assistant page displays.

  4. Using the Install Application Assistant Path field, locate the EAR file that corresponds to the Portlet Producer application you want to install. Select the EAR file and click Next.

    Page 2 of the Install Application Assistant page displays.

  5. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next.

    Page 3 of the Install Application Assistant displays.

  6. Select the deployment target to which to deploy the application and click Next.
  7. Review the configuration settings you specified, and click Finish to complete the installation.

    To change a producer URL after deployment, use Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands to modify the producer URL endpoint, and then redeploy the application.

18.6.4 Deploying a Portlet Producer Application Using WLST

You can deploy a Portlet Producer application using the WLST command line.

To deploy a Portlet Producer application using the WLST command line, WLST must be connected to the Administration Server. You must invoke the deploy command on the computer that hosts the administration server.

To deploy a Portlet Producer Application using WLST:

  1. Start the WLST shell.

    For information on starting the WLST shell, see Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

  2. Connect to the Administration Server of your Oracle WebCenter Portal installation:


    • user_name is the user name to access the Administration server (for example, weblogic).

    • password is the password to access the Administration server (for example, welcome1).

    • host_name is the host name of the Administration Server (for example, myserver.example.com).

    • port is the port number of the Administration Server (7001 by default)

    You should see the following message:

    Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'wc_domain'.
  3. Retrieve the MDS configuration by running the following command:
    archive = getMDSArchiveConfig(fromLocation='ear_file_path')

    Where ear_file_path is the path and file name of the EAR file you are deploying (for example, /tmp/myEarFile.ear). For more information, see getMDSArchiveConfig in WLST Command Reference for Infrastructure Components.

  4. After retrieving the MDS configuration information from the EAR file, you must set the proper MDS schema information according to your Oracle WebCenter Portal setup (for example, your application might be using a database connection based on a specific schema). To set the MDS schema information, run the following command:


    • repository is the name of the database schema (for example, mds-Feb23demo).

    • partition is the individual entity in the repository to allow each application to have its own namespace (for example, webcenter).

    • jndi is the path and name used to allow access by the application server's other components (for example, jdbc/mds/Feb23demo).

  5. After setting the MDS repository information, save the MDS configuration information with the following command:
  6. Deploy the Portlet Producer application using the WLST deploy command.
    deploy(app_name, path, [targets] [stageMode], [planPath], [options])


    • appName is the name of the Portlet Producer application to be deployed (for example, myPortlets).

    • path is the path to the EAR file to be deployed (for example, /tmp/customApp.ear).

    • targets specifies the target Managed Server(s) to which to deploy the application (for example, AppServer). You can optionally list multiple comma-separated targets. To enable you to deploy different modules of the application archive on different servers, each target may be qualified with a module name, for example, module1@server1. This argument defaults to the server to which WLST is currently connected.

    • stageMode optionally defines the staging mode for the application you are deploying. Valid values are stage, nostage, and external_stage.

    • planPath optionally defines the name of the deployment plan file. The file name can be absolute or relative to the application directory. This argument defaults to the plan/plan.xml file in the application directory, if one exists.

    • options is an optional comma-separated list of deployment options, specified as name-value pairs. For more information about valid options, see WLST deploy in WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server.

When you see the following message, the application has been successfully deployed and is ready to be accessed:

Completed the deployment of Application with status completed


Since WLST does not prompt you to modify connections during deployment, the connection information in the EAR file is used to identify the target producer location in the last start-up. If that location is unreachable, correct the location after deploying the application by bringing up the target producers and restarting the application. Migration of portlet customizations starts automatically.

If the producer connections point to incorrect producers (for example, development producers), and those producers are reachable, the migration of portlet customizations starts using those producers. Since the migration completes, although incorrectly, restarting the application does not automatically restart the migration process.

To remedy this, after deployment, use Fusion Middleware Control or WLST commands to modify the producer URL endpoint, and then redeploy the application.

18.6.5 Deploying a Portlet Producer Application Using Oracle JDeveloper

You can deploy a Portlet Producer application to an Oracle WebLogic Managed Server instance directly from the development environment using Oracle JDeveloper, if you have the necessary credentials to access the WebLogic server.

For more information, see the Deploying Portlet Producers in Developing WebCenter Portal Assets and Custom Components with Oracle JDeveloper.

18.7 Managing Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producers

System administrators can use Fusion Middleware Control or the WLST command-line tool to register and manage Oracle PDK-Java portlet producers for WebCenter Portal.

This section includes the following topics:

18.7.1 Registering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer

You can register an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer using Fusion Middleware Control, WLST commands, or WebCenter Portal Administration.

Registering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Using Fusion Middleware Control

To register an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Portal.

    See Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal.

  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Settings and then Service Configuration.

  3. In the Add Portlet Producer Connection section, enter connection details for the Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer.

    For detailed parameter information, see Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Connection Parameters.

  4. Click OK.

    The new producer appears in the connection table.

Registering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Using WLST

Use the WLST command registerPDKJavaProducer to create a connection to an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer and register the producer with WebCenter Portal.

For command syntax and examples, see registerPDKJavaProducer in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

Registering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer in WebCenter Portal

To register an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer in WebCenter Portal:

  1. Open WebCenter Portal Administration.

    For more information, see Accessing the Settings Pages in WebCenter Portal Administration.

  2. Click Tools and Services, and then select Portlet Producers.

    Alternatively, use the following URL, and then select Portlet Producers:

  3. On the menu bar, click Register.

  4. In the Register Portlet Producer page, enter connection details for the Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer. For details, see Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Connection Parameters.

  5. Click Test to verify that the server details you provided are correct.

    If the server is contactable, a success message is displayed. If the server is down or the host information is incorrect or no longer valid, a connection failure message is displayed.


    The test performs a simple server (host/port) PING test. Anything in the path after the host:port is ignored. To verify whether the producer is accessible, access the producer's test page in your browser. For more information, see Testing Oracle PDK-Java Producer Connections.

  6. Click Ok.

18.7.2 Testing Oracle PDK-Java Producer Connections

To verify an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer connection, run the producer URL in a browser window.

Use the following format:


For example:


18.7.3 Editing Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Registration Details

WebCenter Portal provides several tools for editing Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer registration details.

Editing Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Registration Details Using Fusion Middleware Control

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for the WebCenter Portal application. For more information, see:

    For more information, see Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal.

  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Settings and then Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Portal Service Configuration page, select Portlet Producers.

  4. In the Manage Portlet Producer Connections section, select the producer you want to modify, and click Edit.

  5. In the Edit Portlet Producer Connection section, modify connection details, as required.

    For more information, see Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Connection Parameters.

  6. Click OK.

Editing Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Registration Details Using WLST

Use the WLST command setPDKJavaProducer to edit Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer connection details.

For command syntax and examples, see setPDKJavaProducer in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

Editing Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Registration Details in WebCenter Portal

In WebCenter Portal, you can access and revise many of the registration details provided for a portlet producer.

  1. Open WebCenter Portal Administration.

    For more information, see Accessing the Settings Pages in WebCenter Portal Administration.

  2. Click Tools and Services, and then select Portlet Producers.

    Alternatively, use the following URL, and then select Portlet Producers:

  3. Select the portlet producer that you want to edit.

  4. On the menu bar, click Edit.

  5. Edit the producer registration properties as required.

    For details, see Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Connection Parameters.

    You cannot edit the Producer Name or Producer Type.


    While it is possible to edit the value of the URL Endpoint, for example, if the producer port has changed, you can point to a different producer only if the new producer has access to the persistence store of the old producer, or if the persistence store of the old producer has been migrated to that of the new producer. For more information, see Backing up and Restoring Other Schema Data (ACTIVITIES and PORTLET).

  6. When you have changed all the necessary settings, you can click Test to verify that the server details you provided are correct.

    If the server is contactable, a success message is displayed. If the server is down or the host information is incorrect or no longer valid, a connection failure message is displayed.


    The test performs a simple server (host/port) PING test. Anything in the path after the host:port is ignored. To verify whether the producer is accessible, access the producer's test page in your browser. For more information, see Testing Oracle PDK-Java Producer Connections.

18.7.4 Deregistering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer

WebCenter Portal provides several tools for deregistering WSRP portlet producers.

You can deregister a WSRP portlet producer at any time.

Before deregistering a producer, consider the impact toWebCenter Portal as portlets associated with a deregistered producer no longer work. Check the Portlets Producer Invocation metric to see how frequently the producer is being used. For more information, see Viewing Performance Metrics Using Fusion Middleware Control.

When you deregister a producer, registration data is removed from both WebCenter Portal and the remote producer:

  • WebCenter Portal - The producer connection is deleted and producer metadata is also deleted.

  • Remote producer - Portlet instances are deleted (not the portlets themselves).

Portlet instances are not removed from WebCenter Portal pages. In place of the portlet, users see a Portlet unavailable message.


Consider also deleting the external application associated with this portlet producer if the application's sole purpose was to support this producer. See Deleting External Application Connections.

Deregistering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Using Fusion Middleware Control

To deregister an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the home page for WebCenter Portal.

    See Navigating to the Home Page for WebCenter Portal

  2. From the WebCenter Portal menu, select Settings and then Service Configuration.

  3. From the list of services on the WebCenter Portal Service Configuration page, select Portlet Producers.

  4. Select the name of the producer you want to deregister, and click Delete.

    The connection details are removed. Portlets associated with this producer are no longer accessible within WebCenter Portal.

Deregistering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Using WLST

Use the WLST command deregisterPDKProducer to deregister an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer.

For command syntax and examples, see deregisterPDKJavaProducer in WebCenter WLST Command Reference.

For information on how to run WLST commands, see Running Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) Commands.

Deregistering an Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer in WebCenter Portal

To deregister an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer in WebCenter Portal

  1. Open WebCenter Portal Administration.

    For more information, see Accessing the Settings Pages in WebCenter Portal Administration.

  2. Click Tools and Services, and then select Portlet Producers.

    Alternatively, use the following URL, and then select Portlet Producers:

  3. Select the portlet producer that you want to deregister.

  4. On the menu bar, click Deregister.

  5. In the Delete Confirmation dialog, click Deregister to complete the deregistration process.

18.7.5 Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Connection Parameters

When you register an Oracle PDK-Java portlet producer, there are several connection parameters that you must set.

Table 18-6 Oracle PDK-Java Portlet Producer Connection Parameters

Field Description
Connection Name

Enter a unique name that identifies this portlet producer registration within WebCenter Portal. The name must be unique across all WebCenter Portal connection types.

The name you specify here appears in the resource catalog (under the Portlets folder).

Producer Type Select Oracle PDK-Java Producer.
URL End Point

Enter the Oracle PDK-Java producer's URL using the following syntax:



  • host is the server where the producer is deployed

  • port is the HTTP Listener port number

  • context_root is the Web application's context root

  • providers is static text

For example


Service ID

Enter a unique identifier for this producer.

PDK-Java enables you to deploy multiple producers under a single adapter servlet. Producers are identified by their unique service ID. A service ID is required only if the service ID is not appended to the URL end point. For example, the following URL endpoint requires sample as the service ID:


However, the following URL endpoint, does not require a service ID:


The service ID is used to look up a file called service_id.properties, which defines the characteristics of the producer, such as whether to display its test page. Use any value to create the service ID. When no Service ID is specified, _default.properties is used.

Use Proxy?

Select this check box if WebCenter Portal must use an HTTP proxy when contacting this producer. If selected, enter values for Proxy Host and Proxy Port.

A proxy is required if WebCenter Portal and the remote portlet producer are separated by a firewall and an HTTP proxy is needed for communication with the producer.

Proxy Host Enter the host name or IP address of the proxy server. Do not prefix http:// to the proxy server name.
Proxy Port Enter the port number on which the proxy server listens. The default port is 80.
Associated External Application

If one of this producer's portlets requires authentication, use the Associated External Application drop-down to identify the correct external application.

If the application you want is not listed, select Create New to define the external application now.

See Also Registering External Applications.

Establish Session?

Select to enable a user session when executing portlets from this producer. When sessions are enabled, they are maintained on the producer server. This allows the portlet code to maintain information in the session.

Message authentication uses sessions, so if you specify a shared key, you must also select this option.

For sessionless communication between the producer and the server, do not select this option.

Default Execution Timeout (Seconds)

Enter a suitable timeout for communications with the producer, in seconds. For example, the maximum time the producer may take to register, deregister, or display portlets on WebCenter Portal pages. This defaults to 30 seconds.

Individual portlets may define their own timeout period, which takes precedence over the value expressed here.

Subscriber ID

Enter a string to identify the consumer of the producer being registered.

When a producer is registered with WebCenter Portal, a call is made to the producer. During the call, the consumer (WebCenter Portal in this instance) passes the value for Subscriber ID to the producer. If the producer does not see the expected value for Subscriber ID, it might reject the registration call.

Shared Key

Enter a shared key to use for producers that are set up to handle encryption.

The shared key is used by the encryption algorithm to generate a message signature for message authentication. Note that producer registration fails if the producer is set up with a shared key and you enter an incorrect shared key here. The shared key can contain between 10 and 20 alphanumeric characters.

The Shared Key is also known as the HMAC key.