31 Oracle Diagnostic Logging (ODL) Configurations

When ODL is set up, the WebCenter Sites Admin interface displays the Configure Log ODL tool, under System Tools, in the Admin node, in the General Admin tree. The Configure Log ODL tool enables general administrators to view current loggers, temporarily change logger levels, and add new loggers directly from the Admin interface. Changes made from the Admin interface remain in effect only until WebCenter Sites is restarted. They will persist upon restart only if you manually add the loggers to the logging-config.xml file. (Changes that are made directly in the logging-config.xml file will not be applied to WebCenter Sites until the system is restarted.)

The following topics provide information about configuring the logging-config.xml file:

31.1 Adding Loggers

To add new loggers to the ODL framework in your WebCenter Sites system, manually add them to the logging-config.xml file.

  1. Open the logging-config.xml file (<sites-shared>/config/).
  2. Add the new loggers to the logging-config.xml file in the following format:
    <logger name='<name of logger>' level='<logger level>'
      <handler name='<name of handler>' />


    Do not name any handler odl-handler. This will cause a conflict with WebLogic.

  3. Save the logging-config.xml file and restart the WebCenter Sites system.

31.2 Changing Logger Levels

The logging-config.xml file enables you to permanently change logger levels. The changes you make to loggers in the logging-config.xml file take effect when WebCenter Sites is restarted. You can also configure loggers to inherit verbosity levels from the root logger or a parent logger. To temporarily change logger levels during a session, use the Configure ODL tool in the Admin interface.


  • For information about changing logger levels from the Admin interface, see Changing Logger Levels in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Sites.

  • Log4j log levels set by users cannot be migrated to ODL logs. Users must set these levels manually after the upgrade.

To change logger levels in the logging-config.xml file:
  1. Open the logging-config.xml file (<sites-shared>/config/).
  2. Navigate to the logger whose level you want to change and enter one of the following values into the level attribute:
    • ERROR:1

    • WARNING:1


    • TRACE:16

    • TRACE:1

    • OFF

    For example, if you changed the oracle.wcsites.search logger’s level to TRACE:1, the logger would look as follows in the logging-config.xml file:

    <logger name='oracle.wcsites.search' level='TRACE:1'
       <handler name='wcsites-odl-handler' />
  3. If you want a logger to use the same logging level as its parent handler, do the following:
    1. Remove the child logger’s level attribute and value.

    2. Change the value of the child logger’s useParentHandler attribute to true.

    For example, if you wanted the oracle.wcsites.visitorservices.rest logger to share the same logging level as its parent logger (oracle.wcsites.visitorservices), the child logger would look as follows in the logging-config.xml file:
    <logger name='oracle.wcsites.visitorservices.rest 
      <handler name='visiors-odl-handler' />
  4. Save the logging-config.xml file and then restart WebCenter Sites for your changes to take effect.