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addURL(ResourceURL) - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Adds a URL as found on this resource.
addURLs(List<ResourceURL>) - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Adds a list of URLs as found in this WebResource.


com.fatwire.crawler - package com.fatwire.crawler
com.fatwire.crawler.url - package com.fatwire.crawler.url


extract(WebResource) - Method in interface com.fatwire.crawler.LinkExtractor
Method is used to parse the WebResource and find a list of links based on the algorithm specified.


getBinaryData() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
The method is used to get the binary data for a resource that is downloaded as part of the crawl session.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Get content encoding for the downloaded WebResource.
getContentType() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Returns content type of the downloaded WebResource.
getDepth() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.url.ResourceURL
The method is used to return the depth of the ResourceURL.
getDownloadTime() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Returns the time it took to download this resource in milliseconds.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Used to get all the headers inside the HTTP response for a WebResource.
getResourceSize() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Used to get the content size of the downloaded resource.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Get the status code for the response while accessing the WebResource.
getText() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Used to return the HTTP body as a string if text conversion is possible.
getTries() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.url.ResourceURL
Return the number of tries made to reach this ResourceURL.
getURI() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.url.ResourceURL
Method is used to return the URI for the ResourceURL.
getURI() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Returns the URI for the downloaded resource.
getURL() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Returns the URL which was used to download this resource.
getURLs() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
The method is used to return the list of the URLs that are found inside the web resource.


incrementTries() - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.url.ResourceURL
Increment and return the number of retries made to reach this ResourceURL.


LinkExtractor - Interface in com.fatwire.crawler
This interface is used to extract the links from the downloaded markup as part of the crawl session.
load(HttpResponse) - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Reads the HttpResponse and sets various HTTP parameters on this resource.


Mailer - Interface in com.fatwire.crawler
This interface provides an extensible point for sending an email after the crawl session has been finished.


ResourceRewriter - Interface in com.fatwire.crawler
This interface is used to provide the implementation for rewriting links inside the downloaded markup.
ResourceURL - Class in com.fatwire.crawler.url
This class represents a resource URL which is extracted from a WebResource downloaded as part of the crawl session.
ResourceURL(URI, int) - Constructor for class com.fatwire.crawler.url.ResourceURL
Constructor to create a ResourceURL object.
rewrite(WebResource) - Method in interface com.fatwire.crawler.ResourceRewriter
This method is automatically injected by the crawler framework and is used to provide an implementation for the resource rewriter algorithm.


sendMail(String, String) - Method in interface com.fatwire.crawler.Mailer
Send an email after the crawl session is completed.
setContentEncoding(String) - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Setter for content encoding.
setContentType(String) - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Setter for the contentType.
setDownloadTime(long) - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Sets the time taken to download the WebResource in milliseconds.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Setter for the HTTP response status code.


WebResource - Class in com.fatwire.crawler
This class is used to represent a resource which is downloaded as part of a crawl session.
WebResource(ResourceURL) - Constructor for class com.fatwire.crawler.WebResource
Constructor for creating an object of WebResource.
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