2 WebLogic Server Domains

This chapter describes the tasks you can perform to monitor, control, and configure a domain. An Oracle WebLogic Server administration domain is a logically related group of Oracle WebLogic Server resources.

Domains include a special Oracle WebLogic Server instance called the Administration Server, which is the central point from which you configure and manage all resources in the domain. Usually, you configure a domain to include additional Oracle WebLogic Server instances called Managed Servers. You deploy Web applications, EJBs, Web services, and other resources onto the Managed Servers and use the Administration Server for configuration and management purposes only.

For more information on WebLogic Server domains, see Understanding Domain Configuration for Oracle WebLogic Server.


If you are logged into a domain partition, navigate from the Domain Partition menu.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Monitor domains

This section describes how to monitor your domain. This section includes the following tasks:

Monitor domain health

To monitor the health of a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Health.

    The Health summary page allows you to monitor health information for the domain and its subsystems. The Subsystem Health table displays information about the health of the server instances and subsystems configured in the current domain. Click on any sector in the pie charts to control the data described in the table, such as:

    • Server Name

    • Server Status

    • Server State

    • Server Health

    • Subsystem Name

    • Subsystem Health

    • Subsystem Type

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

Monitor domain server instances

A server is an instance of WebLogic Server that runs its own Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and has its own configuration.

To monitor the runtime status of all server instances configured in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Servers.

    The Servers table displays information about the Administration Server and any Managed Servers that have been configured in the current domain, such as:

    • Name

    • Status

    • Cluster

    • Machine

    • State

    • Health

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

  2. In the table, select the name of the server instance to view configuration information, such as the server's default network communications.

Monitor domain clusters

To monitor the runtime status of all clusters configured in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Clusters.

    The Clusters table displays information about the clusters that have been configured in the current domain, such as:

    • Cluster Name

    • Status

    • Servers

    • Cluster Address

    • Cluster Messaging Mode

    • Migration Basis

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

  2. In the table, select the name of the cluster to view configuration information, such as the cluster's default network communications.

Monitor domain migration

To monitor the status of all migration requests in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Migration.

    The Migration table displays information the status of all migration requests, such as:

    • Start Time

    • End Time

    • Status

    • Server

    • Machines Attempted

    • Machine Migrated From

    • Machine Migrated To

    • Cluster

    • Cluster Master

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

Monitor domain deployments

To monitor the status of all deployments in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Deployments.

    The Deployments (Monitoring) Summary page is displayed.

    The Deployments table displays information about the applications deployed in this domain, such as:

    • Name

    • Status

    • State

    • Health

    • Type

    • Deployment Order

    • Scope

    • Resource Group/Template

    • Domain Partition

    • Tags

    For more information, see Configuration Options.

    To monitor specific deployments that are deployed in the domain, select the appropriate pages:

    • Web Applications: monitor Web applications; includes information such as the machine and server instance on which the Web application is deployed and statistics about the number of servlets and sessions associated with the Web application

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • Resource Adapters: monitor the status of the current state of message listener endpoints and outbound connection pools for resource adapters

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • EJBs: monitor statistics about stateless, stateful, singleton, entity, and message-driven EJBs

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • Web Services: monitor all the Web services that are deployed to this domain

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • Web Service Clients: monitor all Web service clients in this domain

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • JAX-RS Applications: monitor the JAX-RS applications running in this domain

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • Workload: view statistics for the Work Managers, constraints, and policies that are configured for application deployments in this domain

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View on any page to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

Monitor domain JDBC data sources

To monitor the status of all JDBC data sources created in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select JDBC Data Sources.

    The JDBC Data Sources (Monitoring) table lists the JDBC data sources that have been created in the domain and displays related status information, such as:

    • Name

    • Type

    • Resource

    • Scope

    • Server Name

    • State

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

    To test a data source:

    1. In the JDBC Data Sources table, select the row of the JDBC data source instance you want to test. The Test Data Source option is displayed above the table.

    2. Click Test Data Source.

Monitor domain messaging

To monitor the status of JMS servers created in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Messaging.

    The JMS Servers table displays information about the status of all JMS servers in a domain, such as:

    • Name

    • Scope

    • Health

    • Health Reason

    • Target

    • Current Target

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

    To monitor the following domain messaging resources or modules, select the appropriate pages:

    • Store-and-Forward Agents: monitor SAF agent statistics and perform message management operations, such as pausing incoming requests to the agent

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • JMS Resources: monitor all JMS resources that have been created for all the JMS system modules, including queue and topic destinations, connection factories, JMS templates, destination sort keys, destination quota, distributed destinations, foreign servers, and Store-and-Forward parameters

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • JMS Modules: monitor the JMS modules created for this domain

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

    • Messaging Bridges: monitor the status of all messaging bridges configured on active server instances in this domain

      For more information, see Configuration Options.

Monitor domain asynchronous tasks

To monitor the completion status of all tasks in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Asynchronous Tasks.

    The Asynchronous Tasks table displays information about the completion status of all tasks in a domain, such as:

    • Description

    • Type

    • Status

    • Begin Time

    • End Time

    • Targets

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

  2. In the table, select the description of the task for which you want to view additional status information.

Monitor an asynchronous task

To view status information of a specific activation or other task:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Asynchronous Tasks.
  2. In the Asynchronous Tasks table, select the description of the activation or other task for which you want to view additional status information.

    The Task Results page displays status information related to the task, such as:

    • Description

    • Status

    • Begin Time

    • End Time

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Monitor a deployment asynchronous task

To view status information of a specific deployment task:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Asynchronous Tasks.
  2. In the Asynchronous Tasks table, select the description of the deployment task for which you want to view additional status information.

    The Summary page displays status information related to the task, such as:

    • Name

    • Application

    • Description

    • Status

    • Begin Time

    • End Time

    • Exception

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  3. Select Targets to view additional status information, such as:
    • Target Name

    • Target Type

    • Status

    • Exceptions

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Monitor a server life cycle asynchronous task

To view status information of a specific server life cycle task:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Asynchronous Tasks.
  2. In the Asynchronous Tasks table, select the description of the server life cycle task for which you want to view additional status information.

    The Summary page displays status information related to the task, such as:

    • Name

    • Description

    • Status

    • Begin Time

    • End Time

    • Exception

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  3. Select Log Output to view additional status information, such as:
    • Date

    • Subsystem

    • Severity

    • Machine

    • Server

    • Thread

    Optionally, select View to access the following table options:

    • Columns: add or remove the columns displayed in the table

    • Detach: detach the table (viewing option)

    • Sort: sort the columns in ascending or descending order

    • Reorder: change the order of the columns displayed

    • Query by Example

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Monitor a service migration asynchronous task

To view status information of a specific service migration task:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Asynchronous Tasks.
  2. In the Asynchronous Tasks table, select the description of the service migration task for which you want to view additional status information.

    The Task Results page displays status information related to the task, such as:

    • Description

    • Status

    • Begin Time

    • End Time

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

Monitor domain port usage

To monitor port usage in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Monitoring, then select Port Usage.

    The Port Usage table displays the following information:

    • Port in Use

    • IP Address

    • Component

    • Channel

    • Protocol

    To only monitor port usage information about one specific server instance in the domain, select that server instance from the Show menu.

Control domains

This section includes the following tasks:

Before you begin:

Control operations on Managed Servers require starting the Node Manager. Starting Managed Servers in STANDBY mode requires the domain-wide administration port.

Control domain server instances

You can start, resume, suspend, or shut down the server instances configured in a domain. For information on how the server instances transition from STANDBY or ADMIN to the RUNNING state, see "Understanding Server Life Cycle" in Managing Server Startup and Shutdown for Oracle WebLogic Server.

To change the state of server instances in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Control, then select Servers.

    The Servers table displays information about the server instances that have been configured in the current domain.

  2. In the table, select the row containing the name of the server instance you want to control. The control options are displayed above the table.
  3. From the Control menu, select one of the server control options:
    • Start: moves server instances from the SHUTDOWN state to RUNNING.

    • Resume: moves server instances from the STANDBY or the ADMIN state to RUNNING.

    • Suspend: select an option to transition a server instance from the RUNNING state to the ADMIN state:

      • When work completes: moves server instances from the RUNNING state to the ADMIN state, allowing work in process to be handled gracefully. While in the SUSPENDING state, Work Managers complete in-flight processing for pending work in application threads.

      • Force shutdown now: immediately moves server instances from the RUNNING state to the ADMIN state, without handling work in process gracefully.

    • Shutdown: select an option to shutdown a server instance:

      • When work completes: gracefully stops server instances in the domain. New requests are rejected but in-flight requests are completed before the server stops.

      • Force suspend now: immediately stops server instances in the domain. In-flight requests are dropped, no new requests are accepted, and the server immediately stops.

    • Restart SSL: restarts the SSL listen sockets so that keystore changes take effect.

For more information, see Configuration Options.

Control domain clusters

To change the state of clusters in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Control, then select Clusters.

    The Clusters table displays information about the clusters that have been configured in the current domain.

  2. In the table, select the row containing the name of the cluster you want to control.

    The control options are displayed above the table.

  3. From the Control menu, select one of the cluster control options:
    • Start: moves server instances in the cluster from the SHUTDOWN state to RUNNING.

    • Stop: select an option to shutdown server instances in a cluster

      • When work completes: gracefully stops server instances in the cluster. New requests are rejected but in-flight requests are completed before the cluster stops.

      • Force suspend now: immediately stops server instances in the cluster. In-flight requests are dropped, no new requests are accepted, and the cluster immediately stops.

    • Restart: restarts the server instances in the cluster.

    • Suspend: select an option to transition server instances in the cluster from the RUNNING state to the ADMIN state:

      • When work completes: moves server instances in the cluster from the RUNNING state to the ADMIN state, allowing work in process to be handled gracefully. While in the SUSPENDING state, Work Managers complete in-flight processing for pending work in application threads.

      • Force shutdown now: immediately moves server instances in the cluster from the RUNNING state to the ADMIN state, without handling work in process gracefully.

    • Resume: moves server instances in the cluster from the STANDBY or the ADMIN state to RUNNING.

For more information, see Configuration Options.

Configure domains

This section describes how to configure your domain. This section includes the following tasks:

Configure domain general settings

To configure general settings for a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select General Settings.

    From the General Settings page you can configure administrative options that apply to all server instances in the current domain, such as:

    • Enable Administration Port (see Configure the domain-wide administration port)

    • Administration Port

    • Production Mode

    • Enable Exalogic Optimizations

    • Enable Cluster Constraints

    • On-demand Employment of Internal Applications

    • Enable Oracle Guardian Agent

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, expand Advanced to define advanced settings for this domain.

  2. Click Save.

Configure the domain-wide administration port

Before you begin:

The administration port accepts only secure, SSL traffic, and all connections via the port require authentication by a server administrator. Because of these features, enabling the administration port imposes the following restrictions on your domain:

  • The Administration Server and all Managed Servers in your domain must be configured with support for the SSL protocol.

  • All server instances in the domain, including the Administration Server, enable or disable the administration port at the same time.


The administration port cannot be dynamically enabled on a Managed Server. You must shut down each Managed Server, enable the administration port, then restart.

WebLogic Server provides the option to enable an SSL administration port for use with all server instances in the domain. Using the administration port is strongly recommended. It provides three capabilities:

  • Since communication uses SSL, administration traffic (which includes such things as administrator passwords) is more secure.

  • It enables you to start a server instance in the STANDBY state.

  • It enables you to separate administration traffic from application traffic in your domain.

To enable the administration port for a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select General Settings.
  2. Select the Enable Administration Port check box to enable the SSL administration for this domain.
  3. In the Administration Port field, enter the SSL port number that server instances in the domain use as the administration port. You can override an individual server instance's administration port assignment on the Advanced options portion of the General Settings page.
  4. Click Save.

After you finish:

Start all Managed Server instances in the domain. You do not need to restart the Administration Server.

Archive domain configuration files

To configure how many archive files are retained:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select General Settings.
  2. Expand Advanced, then select the Configuration Archive Enabled check box.
  3. In the Archive Configuration Count field, enter the number of archive files to retain.
  4. Click Save.

Change to production mode

All server instances in a domain run either in development mode or production mode. In general, production mode requires you to configure additional security features.

To configure all server instances in a domain to run in production mode:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select General Settings.
  2. Select the Production Mode check box.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Shut down any server instances that are currently running.
  5. Invoke the domain's startWebLogic script. The Administration Server starts in the new mode.
  6. If the domain contains Managed Servers, then start the Managed Servers.

Configure domain JTA settings

To configure the Java Transaction API (JTA) of a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select Java Transaction API (JTA).

    From the JTA page you can define the JTA configuration settings for your domain, such as:

    • Timeout Seconds

    • Abandon Timeout Seconds

    • Before Completion Iteration Limit

    • Max Transactions

    • Max Unique Name Statistics

    • Checkpoint Interval Seconds

    • Forget Heuristics

    • Unregister Resource Grace Period

    • Execute XA Calls in Parallel

    • Enable Two Phase Commit

    • Enable Tightly Coupled Transactions

    • Enable Cluster-Wide Recovery

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

    Optionally, expand Advanced to define advanced settings for this domain.

  2. Click Save.

Configure the default JPA persistence provider

You can specify which Java Persistence API (JPA) persistence provider to use for each persistence entity in the persistence.xml file. However, if no persistence provider is specified, the domain-wide default provider is used.

Changing the default provider does not affect applications that are already deployed. The setting takes effect when the server instance is restarted or the application is manually redeployed.

To specify the default JPA provider in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select Java Persistence API (JPA).

    From the JPA page you can define the JPA configuration for your domain by selecting a JPA provider from the Default JPA Provider menu.

    For more information, see Configuration Options.

  2. Click Save.

Configure domain EJBs

To configure the EJBs in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select EJBs.

    From the EJB page you can define domain-wide EJB configuration settings, such as:

    • Java Compiler

    • Prepend Java Compiler Options

    • Append Java Compiler Options

    • Extra RMIC Options

    • Keep Generated EJBC Source Files

    • Force Generation

    • Temporary Directory

    • Extra EJBC Options

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  2. Click Save.

Configure domain Web applications

To configure Web applications in a domain:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select Web Applications.

    From the Web Applications page you can define the domain-wide Web application configuration settings, such as:

    • Relogin Enabled

    • Allow All Roles

    • Filter Dispatched Requests

    • Overload Protection Enabled

    • X-Powered-By Header

    • Mime Mapping File

    • Optimistic Serialization

    • Error on Name Request Time Value

    • Client Cert Proxy Enabled

    • HTTP Trace Support Enabled

    • WebLogic Plug-in Enabled

    • Auth Cookie Enabled

    • Change Session ID on Authentication

    • WAP Enabled

    • Post Timeout

    • Maximum Post Timeout

    • Maximum Post Size

    • Work Context Propagation Enabled

    • P3P Header Value

    • JSP Compiler Backwards Compatible

    • Archived Real Path Enabled

    For more information about these fields, see Configuration Options.

  2. Click Save.

Create domain notes

To create notes for domain configuration:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select Administration, then select Notes.
  2. On the Notes page, enter any notes about the configuration of your domain.
  3. Click Save.

For more information, see Configuration Options.

View the JNDI tree

The JNDI browser is a central location where you can find the JNDI names of all the WebLogic Server resources. Typically, while writing WLS client programs, you would search the JNDI browser for JNDI names. The JNDI browser displays a tree of resources in the domain, a server, or a partition. Selecting a node or an object in the tree, displays JNDI information including Binding Name, Object Class, Object Hash Code, and Object to String Results entries.

To view objects in the domain JNDI tree:

  1. From the WebLogic Domain menu, select JNDI Browser.
  2. Use the left pane to navigate the JNDI tree.

    For a selected node or object, the details appear in the right pane.

For more information about JNDI, see "Understanding WebLogic JNDI" in Developing JNDI Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.