Configuring Essbase Data Sources on Linux and UNIX

The Oracle BI Server uses the Essbase client libraries to connect to Essbase data sources.

The Essbase client libraries are installed by default with Oracle Business Intelligence. No additional configuration is required to enable Essbase data source access for full installations of Oracle BI EE .

You must perform the additional configuration steps listed below for HP-UX Itanium systems.

  1. In the NQSConfig.ini file, define ESSLANG and LANG.

    For example:

    export ESSLANG
    export LANG
  2. Comment out LOCALE, SORT_ORDER_LOCALE, and SORT_TYPE in the NQSConfig.ini file. For example:
    [ GENERAL ]
    // Localization/Internationalization parameters.
    // LOCALE="English-usa";
    // SORT_ORDER_LOCALE="English-usa";
    // SORT_TYPE="binary";