Setting Up the Multiuser Development Directory

Your administrator needs to perform these tasks to prepare for multiuser development.

To prepare for multiuser development:

  • Identify or create a shared network directory that will be dedicated to multiuser development.

  • After creating all projects, copy the repository file in which you created the projects to the multiuser development directory where it will be used as your master repository for multiuser development.

After the administrator has identified the multiuser development directory and copied the repository file, developers must set up the Administration Tool to point to the multiuser development directory before they can check out projects.

This section contains the following topics:

Identifying the Multiuser Development Directory

After defining all projects, the administrator must identify or create a shared network directory, called the multiuser development directory. Developers can access, and then upload the new master repository to the multiuser development directory.

This shared network directory should be used only for multiuser development. This directory typically contains copies of repositories that need to be maintained by multiple developers. The multiuser development directory must be on a Windows system.

Developers create a pointer to the multiuser development directory when they set up the Administration Tool on their computers.


The administrator must set up a separate, shared network directory that is dedicated to multiuser development. If not set up and used as specified, critical repository files can be unintentionally overwritten and repository data can be lost.

Copying the Master Repository to the Multiuser Development Directory

After the multiuser development directory is identified, the administrator must copy the master repository file to the multiuser development directory.

Projects from this master repository are extracted and downloaded by the developers who make changes and then merge these changes back into the master repository.

After you copy the repository to the multiuser development network directory, notify developers that the multiuser development environment is ready.

Even after starting repository development, it might be necessary to make manual changes to the master repository from time to time. See Manually Updating the Master MUD Repository in Troubleshooting Multiuser Development.

Setting Up a Pointer to the Multiuser Development Directory

Before checking out projects, developers working in the multiuser development environment must set up their local copies of the Administration Tool to point to the multiuser development directory on the network.

The Administration Tool uses this location when the developer checks out and checks in objects in the multiuser development directory.


Until the pointer is set up, the multiuser options are not available in the Administration Tool.

Initially, the network directory contains the master repositories. The repositories in this location are shared with other developers. Later, the network directory contains additional multiuser development history files, including historical subsets and repository versions. Do not manually delete any files in the multiuser development directory; these files are important and are used by the system.

When setting up the pointer, the developer can also complete the Full Name field. Although the field is optional, it is recommended that the developer complete this field to allow other developers to know who has locked the repository.

  1. From the Administration Tool menu, choose Tools > Options.
  2. In the Options dialog, click the Multiuser tab.
  3. In the Multiuser tab, for Multiuser development directory, enter the full path to the network directory.

    Alternatively, click Browse, select the multiuser development directory, and then click OK.

  4. In the Full Name field, type your complete name, then click OK.