Adding Data Elements to Drop Targets

After you select the data sources for your project, you can begin to add data elements such as measures and attributes to visualizations.

Description of GUID-423B1D42-AB5E-4DB0-B9F3-23ADEE5B7CCB-default.gif follows
Description of the illustration GUID-423B1D42-AB5E-4DB0-B9F3-23ADEE5B7CCB-default.gif

Here are some of the ways you can add data elements to drop targets:

  • You can drag and drop one or more data elements from the Data Elements pane to drop targets in the Explore pane or double-click data elements in the Data Elements pane to add them.

    The data elements are automatically positioned in the best drop target in the Explore pane, and the visualization type may also change to optimize the visualization layout.

    Description of GUID-B8056354-F36F-4DDC-9E09-B98B2660BBA2-print.eps follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-B8056354-F36F-4DDC-9E09-B98B2660BBA2-print.eps

  • You can replace a data element in the Explore pane by dragging it from the Data Elements pane and dropping it over an existing data element already in the Explore pane.
  • You can swap data elements in the Explore pane by dragging a data element already inside the pane and dropping it over another data element in the pane.
  • You can remove a data element from the Explore pane by clicking the X in the data element token.