Applying Range Filters

Range filters are used for data elements that are number data types and that have an aggregation rule set to something other than none.

Range filters are applied to data elements that are measures. Range filters limit data to a range of contiguous values, such as revenue of $100,000 to $500,000. Or you can create a range filter that excludes (as opposed to includes) a contiguous range of values. Such exclusive filters limit data to two incontiguous ranges (for example, revenue less than $100,000 or greater than $500,000).
To use a range filter:
  1. Click the filter to view the Range list.
  2. In the Range list, click By to view the Selections list.
    All members that are being filtered have check marks next to their names.
  3. Optionally, in the Selections list, for any selected member you want to remove from the list of selections, click the member.
    The check mark disappears next to the previously selected member.
  4. Optionally, in the Selections list, for any non-selected member you want to add to the list of selections, click the member.
    A check mark appears next to the selected member.
  5. Optionally, set the range you want to filter on by moving the sliders in the histogram. The default range is from minimum to maximum, but as you move the sliders, the Start field and End field adjust to the range you set.
  6. Click outside of the filter to close the filter panel.