3 Oracle Reports

This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle Reports. It includes the following topics:

Deprecation Notice for Oracle Reports

Oracle Fusion Middleware’s 12c R2 release ( will be Oracle Reports terminal release.

You are advised to use or migrate to Oracle BI Publisher for reporting purposes. Oracle BI Publisher is Oracle’s strategic product for enterprise reporting. This reporting solution allows authoring, managing, and delivering pixel-perfect customer facing reports against various data sources with web browser or familiar desktop tools and minimal impact to transactional system.

Previously, Oracle Reports 10g, shipped in 2005 was its last feature bearing release. Since then Oracle Reports saw the 11g R1, 11g R2 releases. Minor enhancements were added to the product during these releases. In the 11g and in 12c R2 release, the emphasis was on product stability and bug fixing.

The following list will also provide you guidance on the future direction of the product and the options you have to protect your investment or plan the application migration to Oracle BI Publisher:

  • Premium support for Oracle Reports 11g R1 is not available while for 11g R2 and 12c R2 will now be available till December 2016 and October 2020 respectively.

  • Extended support for Oracle Reports 11g R1, 11g R2 and 12c R2 will be available till June 2017, December 2018 and October 2023 respectively. Oracle Reports customers can migrate to Oracle BI Publisher at their own pace while continuing to receive extended support. Oracle plans no forced upgrades or migrations.

  • Oracle is not planning any functional enhancements for Oracle Reports other than critical bug fixes.

  • Oracle Reports will be shipped with Oracle Fusion Middleware ( release and it will be its terminal release.

General Issues and Workaround

This section describes general issues and workaround. It includes the following topic:

Use JDBC thin connection format in reports server configuration

When using database as job repository or job status repository, JDBC thick connection urls in reports server configuration files will not work. Instead use JDBC thin connection urls. If connection is of JDBC thick connection format <property value="dbSid" name="dbconn"/> change it to JDBC thin connection format, for example, <property value="example.com:dbport:dbSid" name="dbconn" />.

Reports Admin pages are not available in the Enterprise Manager from release

As of release, reports administration pages are not available in Enterprise Manager. As an alternative use Oracle Reports Servlet and Enterprise Manager MBean browser for reports administration. For more details, see the "Administering Oracle Reports Services Using Oracle Enterprise Manager" chapter in Publishing Reports to the Web with Oracle Reports Services.

Reports not starting when length of Oracle Home path is more than 64 characters

Oracle Reports executable may not start when length of oracle home path is more than 64 characters in Windows platform. To fix the issue, apply ARU patch number 19380012.