A Configuring the Content Server for Desktop

You need to make sure the CoreWebdav system component is enabled, before the client can use the WebCenter Content Desktop with the Content Server.

Additionally, you must enable the following components:
  • DesktopIntegrationSuite

  • DesktopTag

  • FolderStructureArchive

  • FrameworkFolders

You can also enable the EmailMetadata, which maps the e-mail message fields to the e-mail metadata fields.


When you enable the FrameworkFolders component (Folders feature), verify that the Folders_g component (Contribution Folders feature) is disabled; CoreWebdav will not work correctly with both enabled.
To configure the Content Server for Desktop:
  1. Login to WebCenter Content as an administrator.
  2. In the Content Server Administration menu, select Admin Server then select Component Manager. .
  3. On the Component Manager page, select Folders to display the Folders category of components.
  4. Select the following components:
    • FrameworkFolders

    • DesktopIntegrationSuite

    • DesktopTag

    • (Optional) EmailMetadata

  5. Click Update then click OK to confirm your selections.
  6. In the Component Manager page, click advanced component manager.
  7. In the Disabled Components box on the Advanced Component Manager page, select FolderStructureArchive, and click Enable.
  8. If Folders_g is in the Enabled Components box, select this component and click the Disable.
  9. Make sure that the CoreWebdav component is enabled:
    • Under Category Filters on the Advanced Component Manager page, select Show System Components.

    • If CoreWebdav is not in the Enabled Components box, select CoreWebdav in the Disabled Components box and click Enable.

  10. Restart the Content Server, as Starting and Stopping Managed Servers describes.
See the remaining topics in this section for more on configuration tasks.

A.1 About Installing and Configuring the Desktop on a Client Workstation

WebCenter Content for desktop has a set of embedded applications that help users integrate desktop experiences with Content Server, Oracle Content Database, or other WebDAV-based content repositories.

These applications provide convenient access to content repositories directly from Microsoft Windows Explorer, Microsoft Office applications, and supported e-mail clients (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes).To install Desktop on a client workstation, see Setting Up the Desktop Client Software on Your Computer.

A.2 Opening Files from Microsoft Office 2010 Over a Non-SSL Connection

By default, Microsoft Office 2010 will not open files over WebDAV using basic authentication over a non-SSL connection.

You can create the following registry entry and set its value to 2:


For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2123563 at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2123563.

A.3 Configuring the Records Management in Content Server

If you are licensed to configure the Records Management in a WebCenter Content Managed Server, you can configure either standalone Records Management or the Oracle URM Adapter in Content Server after the WebCenter Content Records Managed Server is configured.

  • The ContentFolios component is required for access to the Records Management web interface. This component is enabled automatically when you configure Records Management in the Content Server.

  • Do not disable the ContentFolios component.

If you don’t want to use Records Management in the Content Server, you can remove the configuration user interface by disabling the RMFeatureConfig component. Before you disable the Records Management and restart the Content Server, you need to delete the Report template files that Records Management installs. You cannot delete them after Records Management is disabled.

To configure Records Management in the Content Server:

  1. From the Administration menu, choose Configure Records Settings to go to the Records Management Setup checklist, then click Configure Installation.
  2. On the Enabled Features page, select a Records Management option and click Submit.
    • None

    • Standalone

    • Adapter

  3. Restart the WebCenter Content Managed Server. See Starting and Stopping Managed Servers.
    After you restart the WebCenter Content, Records Management Setup checklist appears.
  4. If you selected Adapter, click Register Source on the Enabled Features page then enter values for the fields on the Register Source page:
    Option Description

    Provider Name

    Outgoing provider used to connect to the Records Managed Server. You can choose from the list of current outgoing providers, or you can click Add and create one. The provider dialog box shows an abbreviated list of provider fields.

    You can also add providers from the regular Providers page. To view information about an existing provider, click Info in the Action column.

    Source Name

    Name of the external source to be added to the Records Managed Server. The source name is required and cannot contain spaces.

    Source Table Name

    Prefix to use for creating database tables. The default value is the source name.

    Source Display Name

    Caption to use for showing the source name. Default value is the source name.

  5. Click Register.
    Before the source is registered, the following tests are run:
    • Validate the provider and test the connection to the Records Managed Server.

    • Validate the specified source values

    Compare the retention schedules of the adapter and the Records Managed Server to determine if any items in the adapter are missing in the Records server. Before you can register the source, you must resolve any differences on the Import Retention Schedule page.

    The retention schedule needs to be synchronized between the adapter and server. By default, all of the items that need to be resolved will be imported into the Records server. You will also have the option of deleting any of the items instead of importing them into the server. Before any items are imported or deleted, backups of retention schedules are made on both the adapter and the Records server, and the backups are checked in to Content Server.

  6. After the source is successfully registered, click OK on the confirmation page.
    After the source is registered, the Retention Schedule and Upload Content task will run in the background.
  7. Configure the adapter in the Configuration Wizard:

    Table A-1 Adapter Options

    Option Description

    Configure Custom Fields

    Page where you enter custom fields on the external source. When you add or edit custom fields, you map them to existing document metadata fields defined in Content Server. You can use the same name for each field as defined in Content Serve, or you can rename the field. When the content is uploaded to the Records server as external content items, these fields map to their external field names.

    You can configure the following custom fields:

    • Add or edit an external custom field

    • Configure the disposition actions or scheduled events

    • View the external source information

    Configure Scheduled Times

    Page where you enter when the scheduled tasks run. You can specify the interval at which the tasks are run (in hours, days, or weeks) and the time of day.

  8. From the Records menu, select Configure then Enabled Features.
    On the Enabled Features page, you can change the selection of features and dispositions. For the adapter, the features you select cannot be more than the features selected on the Records server..


    If you have changed any features or dispositions, restart the WebCenter Content.

A.4 About Configuring Oracle iPlanet Web Server as a Web Tier and Configuring Shared Folders

You can configure the Oracle iPlanet Web Server as a web tier for WebCenter Content. If you are using a cluster of WebCenter Content Managed Servers, you need to configure a shared file system for the WebCenter Content cluster.