6 Using the Lifecycle Management Tools to Install Oracle SOA Suite

Follow these steps to use Apache Groovy to run the install-oraclehome standard action, which will install Oracle SOA Suite into the Infrastructure Oracle home you created.

6.1 Starting FMW Composer

Start FMW Composer from the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin directory.

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path of a certified JDK.

    For example:

    export JAVA_HOME=/home/Oracle/products/jdk1.8.0_101
  2. Change directory to the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin directory and start FMW Composer (fmw-composer.sh).
    cd ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin

6.2 Opening the soa-bootstrap-topology-1.0.json File

After you start FMW Composer, open the sample soa-bootstrap-topology-1.0.json file. You need to provide information about the Oracle home in this file to install SOA Suite.

This file is located in the path_to_example_directory/create-domain-example/models/topologies directory.

  1. From the File menu, select Open File...
  2. In the Open Composer File dialog box, navigate to the path_to_example_directory/create-domain-example/models/topologies directory.
  3. Select soa-bootstrap-topology-1.0.json and click Open.

    When you open the file, you should see the following topology diagram on the screen:

    Description of GUID-753285A4-BF8E-4F72-83DC-CACF9EB7ACBB-default.png follows
    Description of the illustration GUID-753285A4-BF8E-4F72-83DC-CACF9EB7ACBB-default.png

6.3 Editing the soa-bootstrap-topology-1.0.json File

After opening the topology file in Composer, you need to enter environment-specific information in the required fields, such as your Oracle home location, the path to a certified JDK, and the location of the SOA Suite installer jar file. This information will be used to install SOA Suite into your Oracle home.

  1. Select the Oracle Home: soahome box in the Composer topology diagram.

    This displays a panel on the right side of the screen with fields where you can specify information about the SOA Suite Oracle home.

  2. In the Path field, enter the full path to the Oracle home where Oracle SOA Suite will be installed. This Oracle home should already contain Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

    For example:

  3. In the Java Home field, enter the path to a certified JDK.

    For example:

  4. Under Installations, select the infra (Fusion Middleware Infrastructure) entry and click Delete Item icon to remove this entry, as Infrastructure is already installed in this Oracle home.
  5. Under Installations, select the soa (SOA Suite) entry and click Edit icon to edit the installation data for Oracle SOA Suite:
    1. For the ID field, keep the default value, soa.
    2. For the Install Type field, keep the default value, SOA Suite.
    3. In the Installer field, specify the full path and file name of the Oracle SOA Suite installer jar file (fmw_12. you downloaded (see Obtaining the Oracle Fusion Middleware Software):
    4. Click OK.
  6. Select File and then Save to save the changes made to the file.
  7. After saving the file, select File and then Exit to exit Composer.

6.4 Using Apache Groovy to Run the install-oraclehome Standard Action

After editing the soa-boostrap-topology-1.0.json file, use Apache Groovy to run the create-oracle-home.groovy script. This script executes the install-oraclehome action and installs SOA Suite into your Oracle home based on the information you provided in the topology file.

The create-oracle-home.groovy file is located in the create-domain-example directory.

To run the action:

  1. Change directory to the create-domain-example directory.
    cd path_to_example_directory/create-domain-example
  2. In the call-oh.sh file, update the Oracle home location to point to the SOA Suite Oracle home.

    There are two places in this file where you need to update the Oracle home location, as shown in the following example:

    groovy -cp "ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/modules/features/oracle.fmwplatform.envspec_lib.jar:
    ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/modules/features/oracle.fmwplatform.common_lib.jar" $*

    In this example, replace ORACLE_HOME with the actual path to your Oracle home directory.

  3. In the create-oracle-home.groovy file, replace secret1@ with the actual password of the wallet you created, as shown in the following example:
    "wallet_password".toCharArray()    // the wallet passphrase
  4. Set the GROOVY_HOME variable to the directory where you installed the Apache Groovy distribution, as shown in the following example:
    export GROOVY_HOME=/home/Oracle/groovy-2.4.6
    export PATH=$PATH:$GROOVY_HOME/bin
  5. Run the following command from the create-domain-example directory to execute the action:
    sh call-oh.sh create-oracle-home.groovy

    Ensure that you have execute permissions if not already.

    If the action is successful, the exit status code is SUCCESS, as shown in the following example:

    Aug 18, 2016 8:16:24 AM oracle.fmwplatform.actionframework.v2.internal.ActionBase setInitializedState
    INFO: Action install-oraclehome changed from state CREATED to state NOT_READY
    Aug 18, 2016 8:16:24 AM oracle.fmwplatform.actionframework.v2.internal.ActionBase setCanInvokeState
    INFO: Action install-oraclehome changed from state NOT_READY to state READY
    Aug 18, 2016 8:16:58 AM oracle.fmwplatform.actionframework.api.v2.ActionResult logActionResult
    Aug 18, 2016 8:18:44 AM oracle.fmwplatform.actionframework.api.v2.ActionResult logActionResult
    Aug 18, 2016 8:18:44 AM oracle.fmwplatform.actionframework.v2.internal.ActionBase setInvokedState
    INFO: Action install-oraclehome changed from state READY to state NOT_READY
    Aug 18, 2016 8:18:44 AM oracle.fmwplatform.actionframework.v2.internal.ActionBase setClosedState
    INFO: Action install-oraclehome changed from state NOT_READY to state DESTROYED
    Aug 18, 2016 8:18:44 AM oracle.fmwplatform.actionframework.v2.internal.ActionBase setDoneState
    INFO: Action install-oraclehome changed from state DESTROYED to state DONE
      "actionResultList" : [ {
        "statusCode" : "SUCCESS",
        "messageId" : "FMWPLATFRM-06554",
        "statusDetail" : "JAVA_ACTION: Init: FMWPLATFRM-06554"
      }, {
        "statusCode" : "SUCCESS",
        "messageId" : "FMWPLATFRM-06554",
        "statusDetail" : "JAVA_ACTION: Init: FMWPLATFRM-06554"
      } ]
At this point, you should have an Oracle home that contains both Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and Oracle SOA Suite.