4 Post-Upgrade Tasks

After completing the upgrade process, perform the tasks listed in this chapter to start the BI instance and validate the upgrade.

This chapter contains the following topics:

4.1 Enabling Internal SSL

Enable SSL on internal communication links after you complete the upgrade process.

To enable internal SSL:
  1. Stop the system by entering the following command:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:
  2. Enter the following command to ensable SSL on WebLogic internal channels and internal components:
    On UNIX operating system:
    DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/ssl.sh internalssl true
    On Windows operating system:
    DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin\ssl.cmd internalssl true
  3. Restart the system by entering the following command:
    On UNIX operating system:
    On Windows operating system:

4.2 Migrating Catalog Groups

Catalog groups are a feature of Oracle BI EE that allows administrators to organize users and application roles for security administration purposes.

In Oracle BI Release 12c ( and higher), catalog groups are deprecated. The catalog groups are migrated by the upgrade process to Application roles.