4 Configuring an Integrated WebLogic Server Domain

You can configure the Integrated WebLogic Server's default domain or standalone domain for a Quick Start distribution.

After following the steps in this section, you will be able to test applications using the Integrated WebLogic Server and Java DB.

4.1 Orientation

This is where you are in the Quick Start installation and configuration roadmap.

Step Description

Plan your installation.

You used Chapter 1 to decide which distribution and configuration path suits your goals.

Download and install a Quick Start distribution

You downloaded and installed Quick Start for Oracle SOA Suite or Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

Configure a default or standalone domain.

You are configuring a default domain or a standalone domain for your developed applications.

Develop or test an application.

You will develop or test an application.

4.2 Understanding Quick Start Domains

There are three supported ways to configure a domain with Quick Start. All domains will be pre-configured with IDE plugins for the Oracle SOA Suite components of your choice.

Use the following table to decide which domain would best suit your needs.

Suggested Use Case Method Description


Configure the Integrated WebLogic Server's default domain in JDeveloper.

Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server from inside JDeveloper to create the default domain.

In this case, the server is tethered to your current JDeveloper session. When you quit JDeveloper, the Integrated WebLogic Server shuts down as well. Every time you start a new JDeveloper session, you need to relaunch the Integrated WebLogic Server.

See Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain for more information.

Development with Java DB

Configure a standalone domain.

Create a standalone version of the Integrated WebLogic Server. The server and domain run independently of JDeveloper.

This will save you startup time if you plan on developing an application in JDeveloper over a series of separate sessions, or if you plan to develop applications in the Oracle Service Bus browser-based console.

See Configuring a Standalone Domain for more information.

Development with an Oracle Database

Configure a compact domain.

You can configure your Quick Start installation to use an Oracle database with an external compact domain.

You should only choose this option if you know you want your domain to be compatible with Enterprise Scheduler, Managed File Transfer, B2B, Heathcare, or BAM components.

See Configuring a Compact Domain for more information.

Any other method of creating a domain is not recommended.

4.3 Preparing to Launch the Integrated WebLogic Server

Follow steps to prepare your environment before launching the Integrated WebLogic Server.

4.3.1 Setting the JDEV_USER_DIR Environment Variable

You can set the JDEV_USER_DIR environment variable to define the location of your user home directory. This should be a unique location for your distribution. The user home directory will contain subdirectories for your domain files and your user-generated application files.


This step is crucial if you are planning to install and run multiple distributions of JDeveloper on the same machine. Assign a unique user home directory for each distribution you install.

Oracle recommends a directory structure similar to the one shown below, where config shows the location of the user home directory.

Figure 4-1 Recommended Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Recommended Oracle Fusion Middleware Directory Structure"

If you do not define JDEV_USER_DIR, your domain home and application home will be created at two different locations.

On an UNIX host, the default domain home will be created at $HOME/.jdeveloper/system12. The default application home will be created at $HOME/jdeveloper/mywork.

On a Windows host, the default domain home will be created at %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\DefaultDomain. Your default application home will be created at C:\JDeveloper\mywork.

Once you have set JDEV_USER_DIR, the domain home and application home will be collocated as subdirectories under the defined location. For example, on a UNIX system, the domain home will be located in JDEV_USER_DIR\system12. The application home will be located in JDEV_USER_DIR\mywork.

4.3.2 Setting the ORACLE_HOME Environment Variable

You can set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to simplify navigating to the various directories when you are running installation and configuration commands.

The path definition should look something like this:

Environment Run Command


setenv ORACLE_HOME $HOME/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home


SET ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home

4.3.3 Checking Entropy for Oracle Linux

If you are installing on an Oracle Linux (formally Oracle Enterprise Linux) machine, you should ensure that you have sufficient entropy. You need at least 500 for the Integrated WebLogic Server to start up in a timely manner.

To check for entropy, run the following command:

cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail

If you have less than 500, use the following command to replenish bytes to /dev/random using /dev/urandom as the source:

rngd -r /dev/urandom -o /dev/random -b 

You can configure this command by editing /etc/sysconfig/rngd and add the following line:

EXTRAOPTIONS="-i -r /dev/urandom -o /dev/random -b -t 60 -W 2048"

4.4 Configuring JDeveloper's Default Domain

You can configure JDeveloper's default domain by launching the Integrated WebLogic Server.

4.4.1 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

To start the integrated WebLogic server:
  1. Start JDeveloper.

    If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can enter commands similar to the following examples:

    Environment Run Command


    cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin


    CD %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

    As Oracle JDeveloper starts, you will get three prompts.

    When prompted, select Studio Developer as your role and click OK.

    When prompted, click No to import preferences from a previous JDeveloper installation.

    When prompted about Oracle Usage Tracking, check whether or not you want Oracle JDeveloper to send automated usage reports to Oracle and click OK.

    JDeveloper has fully started at this point.

  2. Start the Integrated WebLogic Server by selecting Run from top menu bar, then Start Server Instance.

    Figure 4-2 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server

    Description of Figure 4-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-2 Starting the Integrated WebLogic Server"
  3. The first time you start the server instance, you will be prompted to enter a password for your default domain.

    Figure 4-3 Specifying a Password for Default Domain

    Description of Figure 4-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-3 Specifying a Password for Default Domain"

    The Administrator ID, Listen Address, Listen Port, and SSL Listen Port should already have values. Review them and make any appropriate changes.

  4. Starting the integrated server will take several minutes.

    You can track the server's launch in the Messages window pane. This window should automatically open at the bottom of the JDeveloper screen. If it is not there, you can open it by selecting Window from the top bar menu and Log from the drop-down menu. You can also activate it with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+L.


    If the creation of the Integrated WebLogic Server domain fails with the following error:

    Failed to query contents of table SERVICETABLE. - Schema 'DEMODB' does not exist

    Make sure to shut down all running servers, even if they are not using Java DB, and try the domain creation again.


    If your machine is connected through a VPN, Coherence may be confusing the local and VPN IP addresses. Change the Coherence cluster to multicast.

  5. When you see the following messages appear in the log, the Integrated WebLogic Server has started successfully.
    [SOA Platform is running and accepting requests
    [IntegratedWebLogicServer started.]

4.4.2 Verifying Your Domain

Your default domain is already configured with Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Service Bus runtime components. To verify your domain installation:

  1. Access the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, which is located at a URL following this format:


    The default port for the Integrated WebLogic Server should always be 7101 unless you changed it during configuration.

    Log in using the username and password that you specified when starting the Integrated Weblogic Server.

    For more information on using Fusion Middleware Control, see Getting Started Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

  2. Alternatively, if you plan to develop projects using the Oracle Service Bus console, you can check to see if Oracle Service Bus is running.

    The Oracle Service Bus console is located at an URL with the following format:


    Log in using the username and password that you specified when creating your standalone domain.

    For more information on using the Oracle Service Bus console, see Getting Started with the Oracle Service Bus Console in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus.

4.4.3 Disabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

This is an optional task. SSL is enabled by default in the Integrated WebLogic Server. If you do not have stringent design time requirements, you can disable SSL as follows:

  1. Go to the Administrator Console at http://localhost:7101/console
  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. Select Environments, then Servers, then Admin Server.
  4. Uncheck SSL Listen Port Enabled.
  5. Restart the Integrated WebLogic Server.

4.5 Configuring a Standalone Domain

You can launch a standalone version of the Integrated WebLogic Server and domain.

4.5.1 Starting the Configuration Wizard

Before starting the configuration wizard, make sure no other servers are running on your system.

To start the configuration wizard to create a standalone domain:

  1. Go to the bin directory.
  2. Set the environment variable QS_TEMPLATES to either the SOA domain template or to both SOA and OSB domain template.
  3. Start the standalone domain configuration wizard.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can enter commands similar to the following examples:

Environment Run Command


cd $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin
setenv QS_TEMPLATES "$ORACLE_HOME/soa/common/templates/wls/oracle.soa_template.jar, $ORACLE_HOME/osb/common/templates/wls/oracle.osb_template.jar"


cd %ORACLE_HOME%\oracle_common\common\bin
set QS_TEMPLATES=%ORACLE_HOME%\soa\common\templates\wls\oracle.soa_template.jar, %ORACLE_HOME%\osb\common\templates\wls\oracle.osb_template.jar

4.5.2 Navigating the Configuration Wizard Screens

Navigate through the following screens in the Configuration Wizard:

Table 4-1 Quick Start WebLogic Server Configuration Wizard Screens

Screen Description


Specify a password for your default domain.

Edit the Domain Location. By default, the domain will be created at ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain. To prevent confusion in the future, replace base_domain in the Domain Location path with standalone_domain.

Replace base_domain with standalone_domain in the Application Location path as well.

Review the port numbers.

Click Create.

Configuration Progress

This screen allows you to see the progress of the configuration.

End of Configuration

This screen appears when the installation is complete. Take note of the information on this screen.

You can leave the option to start your new domain unchecked if you want to start it manually from the domain location listed on this screen.

Click Finish to exit the wizard.

4.5.3 Starting the Administration Sever

If you chose not to start the domain automatically after creation, you can start your standalone manually.

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your domain home location, you can enter the following commands to start the domain’s Administration Server:

Operating System Command




cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

Domain configuration will take several minutes. When you see the following message appear in the terminal, the WebLogic Server has started and your standalone domain has been created successfully.

SOA Platform is running and accepting requests

Your standalone domain is already configured with Oracle SOA Suite runtime components.

4.5.4 Starting the Application Server Connection Wizard

Start Oracle JDeveloper with the appropriate command.

If you have set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can enter the following commands:

Environment Run Command


cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin


cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

Select Window from the top menu, and then choose Application Server from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-G. This will open the Application Server Navigator in the left-hand pane.

Right-click on Application Server in the Application Server Navigator. Select New Application Server from the drop-down menu to start the Create Application Server Connection wizard.

4.5.5 Navigating the Create Application Server Connection Wizard Screens

The Create Application Server Connection wizard includes the following screens:

Table 4-2 Application Server Connection Creation Screens

Screen Description


Select Standalone Server.

Click Next.

Name and Type

Specify an intuitive Connection Name for your server.

Leave WebLogic 12.x selected as the Connection Type.

Click Next.


Input the Username and Password you created during domain configuration.

Click Next.


Input the standalone domain's name. Then click Next without changing anything else on the screen.


Click the Test Connection button at the top. If any of the tests fail, you should press Back to the Connections or Authentication screens to make sure you entered everything correctly.

If everything passes, click Next.


The Finish screen tells you how to launch your new connection, covered in the following task. Click Finish.

4.5.6 Verifying Your Connection

Expand the connection node beside Application Servers in the Application Server Navigator. You should see your standalone domain listed by the Connection Name you specified on the Name and Type screen.

Right-click on your standalone domain's name and choose Launch Administrative Console.

Log into your administrative console. If you log in successfully, then you can begin creating applications.

4.6 Understanding Basic JDeveloper Functions

You should be familiar with basic Oracle JDeveloper functions to manage JDeveloper effectively.

You can learn more about using Oracle JDeveloper in Working with Oracle JDeveloper in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

4.6.1 Stopping the Integrated WebLogic Server

If you started the Integrated WebLogic Server from inside Oracle JDeveloper, you can simply close out of Oracle JDeveloper to end a running server.

If you do not want to close out of JDeveloper for any reason, you can also click the red stop button in the ribbon menu.

If you have set the DOMAIN_HOME environment variable to your Oracle home, you can enter the following commands to stop an independent WebLogic Server:

Environment Run Command




cd %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin

4.6.2 Restarting JDeveloper

If you have closed Oracle JDeveloper and need to reopen it, you can use the following commands:

Environment Run Command


cd $ORACLE_HOME/jdeveloper/jdev/bin


cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper

4.7 Managing Multiple Installations on the Same Machine

When you install multiple Quick Start distributions on the same machine, each distribution has its own JDeveloper that runs its own unique instance of Java DB. All Java DB instances on the same machine initialize on the same port. For these reasons, you cannot perform the following actions:

  • You cannot simultaneously start two Integrated WebLogic Servers from different distributions.

  • You cannot access your Oracle SOA Suite runtime environment by starting the WebLogic Server from your Oracle Business Process Management Suite Quick Start Oracle home.

  • You cannot access your Oracle Business Process Management Suite runtime environment by starting the WebLogic Server from your Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start Oracle home.

4.8 Switching Between Quick Start Distributions

If you want to switch between different servers using Java DB on the same machine, you need to take the following steps to ensure you are starting the desired development environment:

  1. If you have not done so already, decide on separate user directory home locations for each of your JDeveloper distributions. The user home directory will contain subdirectories for your domain files and your user-generated application files.

    For example, you may want to install and use both an Oracle Business Process Management Suite JDeveloper and an Oracle SOA Suite JDeveloper on the same machine. You could designate the user home directory for your Oracle SOA Suite JDeveloper to be located at C:/jdev12cworkarea/soa, while your Oracle Business Process Management Suite user home directory could be located at C:/jdev12cworkarea/bpm.

  2. Set the environment variable JDEV_USER_DIR to the location of the user directory home for the JDeveloper distribution that you want to use.

    For the example in the previous step, set JDEV_USER_DIR=C:/jdev12cworkarea/soa if you want to use the Oracle SOA Suite environment.


    Redefining JDEV_USER_DIR changes the default save location for your application projects. If you already started and used JDeveloper without defining JDEV_USER_DIR, you may have saved applications in the default application home. The default application home is located at the user's root directory under JDeveloper/mywork.

  3. Go to the JDeveloper home of the distribution you want to use.

    For example, if you want to use your Oracle SOA Suite environment, go to your Oracle SOA Suite Oracle home and navigate to /jdeveloper/jdev/bin.

  4. Start the JDeveloper executable from there.

You must reset the JDEV_USER_DIR variable every time you switch between distributions using Java DB.

4.9 Next Steps

Once you have verified your installation, you can perform any of the following tasks:

Action Resource

Configure your Quick Start installation to use an external Oracle database and standalone compact domain.

See Configuring a Compact Domain.

Deploy a sample application.

See Running a Sample Application.

Make or test an application of your own.

See Working with Oracle JDeveloper in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

Delete your installation.

If you have tested your installation out and are done, see Deinstalling Oracle Quick Start.