7.1 Action Editor

Use to create and configure actions.

Actions are templates for Data Definition Language (DDL) commands. They are used by the Common Format Designer to generate the scripts that implement a data model into a data server or synchronize the differences between a data model described in Oracle Data Integrator and its implementation in the data server.

An action corresponds to a DDL operation (create table, drop reference, and so forth).

The Action Editor has the following tabs:

7.1.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name Name of the action, as it appears in the user interface.
Type Type of operation performed by the action.
Description Detailed description of the action.

7.1.2 Details

Each action contains several Action Lines, corresponding to the commands required to perform the DDL operation (for example, dropping a table requires dropping all its constraints first). The Detail tab lists these action lines, which you can create, delete, and organize using the buttons beside the grid.

To edit an existing action, select the tab that corresponds to the action line. The action lines details are described in the Lines section.

7.1.3 Lines

You can add or delete an action line by clicking the corresponding icon in the Lines toolbar of the Action Editor. You can arrange the order of the action lines by using the arrows to move the range forward or backward.

Properties Description
Name Name of the action line. This name will be given to the procedure command generated.
Ignore Errors This option must be selected if you do not want the procedure to stop when this specific command returns an error. For example, dropping a nonexisting table should not block the whole process.
Commit Indicates if a commit should be issued at the end of the command.
Log Level Logging level of the command. At execution time, commands can be kept in the log based on their log level.
Isolation Level Transaction isolation level for the command.

The levels of isolation are:

  • Read Uncommitted: The transaction can read data not committed by another transaction. Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads can occur.

  • Read Committed: The transaction can only read data committed by other transactions (in general, this is the default mode of many data servers). Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.

  • Repeatable Read: The transaction is certain to read the same information if it executes the same SQL query several times, even if the rows have been modified and committed by another transaction in the meantime. Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.

  • Serializable: The transaction is certain to read the same information if it executes the same SQL query several times, even if the rows have been modified, deleted, or created and committed by another transaction in the meantime. Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads are prevented

  • None: Transactions are not supported.

  • Default: This action line does not change the isolation level and the isolation level of the previous action line is used. If no isolation level has been defined yet, the default isolation of the JDBC driver will be used.

Transaction You can execute commands on several concurrent transactions (numbered from 0 to 9) or work off-transaction by selecting the option Autocommit.
Action Text Code of the command to execute. Click Expression Editor to open the Expression Editor and write the action text.

"Using Substitution Methods in Actions" in the "Introduction to the Substitution API" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Knowledge Modules with Oracle Data Integrator