6.4 Condition Editor

Use to define and configure conditions.

A condition is a WHERE-type SQL expression attached to a datastore based on an RDBMS that supports SQL. The purpose of this condition is to filter or check the data in the datastore in question.

The Condition Editor has the following tabs:

6.4.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name Name of the condition.
  • Database condition: A condition that exists in the database engine.
  • Oracle Data Integrator condition: A condition defined by the user that does not necessarily exist in the database engine.

Where (Use the table alias: <table alias>) WHERE-type expression defining the condition. This expression must use the table alias (defined in the Datastore Editor) before each attribute.

An example of an expression on the datastore CLIENT with the alias CLI: CLI.TYPE_CLIENT like 'A%'

Use the Expression Editor to define the WHERE expression. Click Launch the Expression Editor to open it.

Verify your expression by clicking Testing query on the DBMS.

Message Error message listed in the error table for rows in a datastore that contain an error.

6.4.2 Control

Use to display and configure the quality control properties.

The quality control properties are taken into account during a flow control or during a static control. Quality control information is not available for filter conditions, because filter conditions are not checked.

Properties Description
Defined in the database Shows if this condition is defined in the database engine. A condition that has been reversed has been defined in the database.
Active Shows if the condition is active in the database. In some technologies, the dictionary may contain active (Enable) or inactive (Disable) conditions, that is, where the database does not check data consistency.
Control Shows the type of control for which this condition will be checked.
Flow During a flow control for this datastore, the condition will be verified if this box is selected. This information is a default value that can be modified when the mapping is designed. It is recommended to activate this type of control to ensure data quality, even if the target technology also checks the information.
Static During a static quality control, that is, a quality control of data already present in this datastore, the condition will be verified if the box is selected.
Synchronous Control Retrieves and displays the number of rows that do not respect the condition.
Rows not satisfying condition Number of rows that do not respect the condition. This number is returned when the Check button is clicked.

Click the Check button to retrieve the number of records that do not respect this constraint. To obtain a list of the rows in error, a static control must be launched from either the Datastore or the Model Editor.

"Conditions" in the "Creating and Using Data Models and Datastores" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator