7.33 Technical Environment Dialog

Use to specify the parameters listed in Table 7-1 for the export of the technical environment.

The export of the technical environment produces a comma separated (.csv) file in the directory of your choice, containing the details of the technical environment. This information is useful for support purposes.

Table 7-1 Technical Environment Export Parameters

Properties Description

Export Directory

Directory in which the export file are created.

File Name

Name of the .cvs export file.

Advanced options

Use these options to customize the XML output file format. It is recommended that you leave the default values.

Character Set

Encoding specified in the export file. The encoding parameter in the XML file header.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

Field codes

The first field of each record produced contains a code identifying the kind of information present on the row. You can customize these codes as necessary.

  • Oracle Data Integrator Information Code: Code used to identify rows that describe the current version of Oracle Data Integrator and the current user. This code is used in the first field of the record.

  • Master, Work, Agent, and Technology Record Code: Code for rows containing information about the Master Repository, the work repositories, the running agents, or the data servers, their version, and so forth.

Record Separator and Field Separator

Separators define the characters used to separate records (lines) in the file, and fields within one record.

Text Separator

Defines the characters used to separate text within expressions, typically a quote or a double-quote character.

Click OK to start the export of the technical environment.


For more information about Encryption see, Export Key fields in Export Dialog

"Exporting the Technical Environment" in the "Exporting and Importing" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator