7.20 Logical Agent Editor

Use to create and define the logical agents.

A logical agent is an alias that allows a unique name to be given to all the physical agents with the same function in different contexts.

  • The aim of the logical agent is to simplify going into production and scheduling on several contexts.

  • To be usable, a logical agent must be declared in a context. Declaring a logical agent in a context consists in indicating the physical agent it corresponds to in the given context.

The Logical Agent Editor has the following tabs:

7.20.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name Name of the logical agent. The name should suggest the function of the agent or OS it is based on.

Caution: This name is used as ID code by the objects contained in the work repositories accessed by other Oracle Data Integrator Navigators. Uncontrolled modification of this name may cause manual readjustment of the references from the user interfaces of the Oracle Data Integrator Navigators.

Context List of the contexts declared in Oracle Data Integrator.
Physical Agent Shows the physical agent corresponding to the logical agent in this context. An undefined value indicates that the logical agent does not exist in the context.

"Creating a Logical Agent" in the "Setting Up a Topology" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Data Integrator