6.27 Load Plan Editor

Use to create and configure a Load Plan.

The Load Plan is the largest execution unit in Oracle Data Integrator. It contains a hierarchy of steps that can be executed conditionally, in parallel or in series. The leaves of this hierarchy are scenarios. Packages, mappings, variables, and procedures are started by Load Plans in the form of scenarios. More

In the Load Plan editor toolbar, click Validate to verify whether the Load PLan contains any errors and click Execute to start the Load Plan.

The Load Plan Editor has the following tabs:

6.27.1 Definition

Properties Description
Name Name of the Load Plan.
Folder Name Name of the Load Plan and Scenario folder where this Load Plan is located. If the Load Plan is not created within a folder, this field is empty.
Keep Log History (days) Number of days for which log history is kept for this Load Plan.
Log Sessions Indicates how logs are preserved for the sessions started by the Load Plan. Possible values are:
  • Always Keep: Always keep session logs (default).

  • Never: Never Keep session logs.

    Note: This has no effect on Run Scenario steps that are configured as Restart from Failed Step or Restart From Failed Task as the whole session needs to be preserved for restartability.

  • Error: Only keep the session log if the session completed in an error state.

Log Session Step Indicates how logs are maintained by default for the session steps of each of the sessions started by the Load Plan. Note that this applies only when the session log is preserved. Possible values are:
  • By Scenario Settings: Session step logs are preserved depending on the scenario settings. Scenario created from packages can preserve or not the steps depending on the advanced step property called Log Steps in the Journal. Other scenarios preserve all the step (Default).

  • Never: Never keep session step logs.

    Note: This has no effect on Run Scenario steps that are configured as Restart from Failed Step or Restart from Failed Task as the whole session needs to be preserved for restartability.

  • Errors: Only keep session step log if the step is in an error state.

Session Tasks Level Logging Indicates the task level logging (from 1 to 5). This value corresponds to the Log Level value when starting unitary scenarios. Default is 5. Note that when Run Scenario steps are configured as Restart from Failed Step or Restart From Failed Task, this parameter is ignored as the whole session needs to be preserved for restartability.
Keywords Comma separated list of keywords that are set on the sessions started from this Load Plan. These keywords improve the organization of ODI logs by session folders and automatic classification.

Note: You can override these keywords at the level of the child steps.

Description Description of the Load Plan.

Concurrent Execution Controller

Properties Description
Limit Concurrent Executions If checked, enables the Concurrent Execution Controller for the Load Plan.
Violation Behavior Specifies the violation behavior action. Default is Raise Execution Error and Wait to Execute.
Wait Polling Interval Specifies the polling frequency (in seconds) for the wait behavior to check for its turn to run. This field accepts only a positive integer, and it is enabled only when Violation Behavior is selected as Wait.

Note: A newly generated scenario or a newly created load plan has blank as the default value, meaning that the runtime agent determines the actual value used for the polling (currently the default is 30 seconds in the runtime agent).

6.27.2 Steps

Use to define and view the steps hierarchy and step properties.

The Steps Hierarchy table defines the organization of the steps in the Load Plan. Each row in this table represents a step. You can drag components such as packages, mappings, variables, procedures, or scenarios from the Designer Navigator into the Steps Hierarchy table for creating Run Scenario steps for these components.

The Steps Hierarchy table contains the following columns:

  • Steps Hierarchy: Displays the steps hierarchy in a tree showing the name of each step.

  • Enabled: Defines whether a step is enabled or disabled. Disabling a step also disables all its child steps. Disabled steps and all their child steps are not executed when you run the Load Plan.

  • Scenario/Variable: Displays the name of the scenario for Run Scenario steps or the name of the variable evaluated in a Case step.

  • Restart: Defines the restart behavior of a step when the Load Plan is restarted. More

  • Context: Displays the context that is used for the step execution. Default context is the Load Plan context that is defined in the Start Load Plan Dialog when executing a Load Plan.

  • Logical Agent: Displays the logical agent that is used for the step execution. By default, the logical agent, which is defined in the Start Load Plan Dialog when executing a Load Plan, is used.

The Load Plan Editor toolbar, located on top of the Steps Hierarchy table, provides tools for creating, organizing, and sequencing the steps in the Load Plan. Table 6-1 details the different toolbar components.

Table 6-1 Load Plan Editor Toolbar

Name Description


Searches for a step in the Steps Hierarchy table.

Expand All

Expands all tree nodes in the Steps Hierarchy table.

Collapse All

Collapses all tree nodes in the Steps Hierarchy table.

Add Step

Opens an Add Step menu. You can either select the Add Step Wizard or a Quick Step tool to add a step. See "Adding Load Plan Steps" for more information.

Remove Step

Removes the selected step and all its child steps.

Navigation arrows: Move Up, Move Down, Move Out, Move In

Use the navigation arrows to move the selected step to the required position.

The Property Inspector displays the step properties for the step that is selected in the Steps Hierarchy table.

The following sections describe the Load Plan Step properties displayed in the Property Inspector: Common Properties

This section describes the following properties common to all Load Plan steps:

Steps Properties

Properties Description
Name Displays the name of the Load Plan step
Step Type Displays the type of the step. You cannot modify the step type. If you want to change the step type, you have to delete the step and create a new one.
Enabled Select Enabled to execute the step and its subsequent steps.

Note: Disabled steps are not executed in the Load Plan regardless of the enabled/disabled property of their sub-elements. When a step is created, it is enabled by default.

Keywords Displays the keywords that are attached to the sessions of the scenario execution. The keywords are passed to the steps under this step in the hierarchy. These keywords improve the organization of ODI logs by session folders and automatic classification. If you use several keywords, use a comma (,) to separate the keywords. If no keywords are specified, the keywords are inherited from the parent step.

Exception Handling

Properties Description
Timeout(s) Defines a maximum time that this step takes before it is aborted by the Load Plan. When a timeout is reached, the step is marked in error and the Exception step (if defined) is executed. In this case, the exception step never times out. If needed, a timeout can be set on a parent step to safeguard such a potential long running situation.If the step fails before the timeout and an exception step is executed, then the execution time of the step plus the execution time of the exception step should not exceed the timeout, otherwise the exception step will fail when the timeout is reached.

Note: The default value of zero (0) indicates an infinite timeout.

Exception Step Displays the name of the step that is executed if this Load Plan step fails. See "Handling Load Plan Exceptions and Restartability" for more information about exception steps.
Exception Behavior Defines how this step behaves in case an exception is encountered. Possible values are:
  • Run Exception and Raise: Runs the Exception step of the Load Plan and raises the exception to its parent. If no exception step is defined, it only raises the exception to its parent. This is the default value.

  • Run Exception and Ignore: Runs the Exception step of the Load Plan and ignores the exception. The parent step is notified of a successful run. If no exception step is defined, it notifies the parent step of the successful run. If an exception is caused by the exception step itself, the parent step is notified of the failure.

See "Handling Load Plan Exceptions and Restartability", for more information on how to create Exception steps and how to define the exception flow.


  • Order: Displays the execution order of this step within the parent step.


This section is only displayed for Serial, Parallel, Run Scenario, and Case steps. The Variables section displays and defines how the variables are handled in this step.


When starting a Run Scenario step, all the variables that are common to the closest parent step and the scenario are passed to the scenario and overwrite the variable default values of this scenario.
Properties Description
Variable Displays the fully qualified name of the variable.
Data Type Displays the datatype of the variable.
Overwrite Select Overwrite, if you want to specify a variable value for this step and all its children. Otherwise the step inherits the variable value from its parents.
Value Displays the variable value used for this step and all its children, if Overwrite is selected.
Refresh Select Refresh to refresh this variable prior to executing the step.

See "Working with Variables in Load Plans" in the "Using Load Plans" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator for more information. Serial Step Properties

This section describes the step properties that are specific to Serial steps.

Exception Handling

Properties Description
Restart Type Defines the restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted. Possible values are:
  • Restart all children: When the Load Plan is restarted and if this step is in error, the sequence of steps restarts from the first one.

  • Restart from failure: When the Load Plan is restarted and if this step is in error, the sequence of child steps starts from the one that has failed. This is the default value. Parallel Step Properties

This section describes the step properties that are specific to Parallel steps.

Exception Handling

Properties Description
Restart Type Defines the restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted. Possible values are:
  • Restart all children: When the Load Plan is restarted and if this step is in error, all the child steps are restarted regardless of their status. This is the default value.

  • Restart from failed children: When the Load Plan is restarted and if this step is in error, only the failed child steps are restarted in parallel.

Max Error Child Count Displays the maximum number of sub-elements in error that is accepted before this step is to be considered in error. Default is 0. When the Max Error Child Count is reached, all errors are buffered until all pending sessions are stopped or completed. The final behavior depends on the selected Restart Type:
  • If the Restart type is Restart from failed children, it waits for all sessions (these are the currently running sessions and the ones waiting to be executed) to run and complete before it raises the error to the parent step.

  • If the Restart Type is Restart all children, it stops all running sessions and does not start any new ones before it raises the error to the parent. Run Scenario Step Properties

This section describes the step properties that are specific to Run Scenario steps.

Step Properties

Scenario: Displays the scenario name and version that is executed in this step.

Click Lookup Scenario to launch the Modify Run Scenario Step 1 Wizard and change the scenario.

Exception Handling

Properties Description
Restart Type Defines the restart behavior of this step when the Load Plan is restarted. Possible values are:
  • Restart from new session: When restarting the Load Plan and this scenario step is in error, start the scenario and create a new session. This is the default value.

  • Restart from failed step: When restarting the Load Plan and this scenario step is in error, restart the session from the step in error. All the tasks under this step are restarted. This option is restricted by the settings of the Session Level Logging, Session Step Logging, and Task Level Logging defined in Definition tab of the Load Plan Editor.

  • Restart from failed task: When restarting the Load Plan and this scenario step is in error, restart the session from the task in error. This option is restricted by the settings of the Session Level Logging, Session Step Logging, and Task Level Logging defined in the Definition tab of the Load Plan Editor.

When restarting from a failed step or task, all the database sessions are reopened and any uncommitted changes are lost.

Caution: When restarting from a failed step or task, all the database sessions are reopened and any uncommitted changes are lost. These options should be used with caution as they may result in data loss.

The same limitation as those described in "Restarting a Session" apply to the sessions restarted from a failed step or failed task.


Properties Description
Priority Priority for this step when its parent is a parallel step. The integer value range is from 0 to 100 (100 being the highest priority). The default value is 0. The priority of a Run Scenario step is evaluated each time Load Plan has a set of runnable scenarios to be executed during the advancing of a Load Plan. Runnable scenarios are the ones that are available for running after a prior scenario completes its execution. The Run Scenario step with the highest priority is executed first, however, once a scenario is submitted or running for execution based on the priority evaluation during Load Plan advancing, it will not be unseated in the future by a Run Scenario with a higher priority.
Context Context that is used for the step execution. The default context is the Load Plan context that is defined in the Start Load Plan Dialog when executing a Load Plan.
Logical Agent Logical agent that is used for the step execution. By default, the logical agent, which is defined in the Start Load Plan Dialog when executing a Load Plan, is used.

Scenario Variables

This section displays the scenario variables used in this step.

Properties Description
Variable Displays the fully qualified name of the variable.
Data Type Displays the datatype of the variable.
Overwrite Select Overwrite, if you want to specify a variable value for this step and all its children. Otherwise the step inherits the variable value from its parents.
Value Displays the variable value used for this step and all its children, if Overwrite is selected.
Refresh Select Refresh to refresh this variable prior to executing the step.

Other Load Plan Variables

This section displays the variables that are available for this step but that are not used in this step.

The properties are the same as for Scenario Variables. Case Step Properties

This section describes the step properties that are specific to Case steps.

Test Variable: Displays the fully qualified name of the variable that is used for evaluating the tests defined in the WHEN statements.

Click Lookup Variable to launch the Modify Case Step Wizard and change the test variable. When Step Properties

This section describes the step properties that are specific to WHEN steps.

Case Statement Variable: Displays the fully qualified name of the variable that is used in the WHEN clause evaluation. This variable is the one defined in the parent Case step.

Select the Operator to use in the WHEN clause evaluation. Possible values are:

  • Less Than (<)

  • Less Than or Equal (<=)

  • Different (<>)

  • Equals (=)

  • Greater Than (>)

  • Greater Than or Equal (>=)

  • Is not Null

  • Is Null

Value: Displays the value of the variable that is used in the WHEN clause evaluation. Else Step Properties

This section describes the step properties that are specific to Else steps.

Case Statement Variable: Displays the fully qualified name of the variable that is used in the WHEN clause evaluation. This variable is the one defined in the parent Case step.

6.27.3 Exceptions

Use to define and view the exception steps.

This tab displays the list of Exception Steps in the Steps Hierarchy table. Each Exception Step consists of a hierarchy of Load Plan steps. When a step of the Load Plans results in an error, the associated exception step is executed automatically. You can associate a given exception step to one or more steps in the Load Plan Editor.The Exceptions tab is similar to the Steps tab in the Load Plan editor. The main differences are:

  • There is no root step for the Exception Step hierarchy. Each exception step is a separate root step. An Exception step contains only common step properties. See Common Properties for more information on these properties.

  • The Serial, Parallel, Run Scenario, and Case steps have the same properties as on the Steps tab but do not have an Exception Handling properties group. An exception step that results in an error cannot raise another exception step. See Steps for more information on the step properties

See "Handling Load Plan Exceptions and Restartability" for more information on how to define the exception flow and how to use exceptions in Load Plans.

6.27.4 Variables

Use to declare and edit the Load Plan variables.

Project and Global Variables used in a Load Plan are declared as Load Plan variables. Load Plan variables are automatically available in all steps and their value passed to the Load Plan steps.

The value of the variables are passed to the Load Plan on startup. At a step level, you can override the variable value (by setting it or forcing a refresh) for this step and its child steps.

You can use variables in Run Scenario steps - the value of the variable are passed as startup parameters to the scenario - or in Case/When/Else steps for conditional branching.

See "Working with Variables in Load Plans" in the "Using Load Plans" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator for more information.

The Variable table displays the Load Plan variables and contains the following columns:

  • Variable: Displays the fully qualified name of the variable

  • Data Type: Displays the datatype of the variable

  • Logical Schema: Displays the logical schema where the SELECT statement for refreshing the variable value is executed

  • Description: Displays the description of the variable

  • Select Statement: Displays the SELECT statement of a Refresh variable.

"Introduction to the Load Plan Editor" in the "Using Load Plans" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator

"Executing a Load Plan" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Data Integrator