8.7 Object Instance Editor

Use to manage on a specific object instance the methods of a user.

An authorization by Object Instance is granted to a user on an object instance. It allows you to grant to this user certain methods of this object instance.

The Object Instance Editor has the following tabs:

8.7.1 Security

This tab contains a list of objects and associated methods. It contains not only the methods for the instance the authorization applies to, but also the methods for the object instances found under this instance in the tree view. For example the instance MODEL1 of the Model object is inserted, then the methods for the datastores, condition, and so forth contained in this model are also displayed.

No default selection is made in the list. To perform a selection, click the lines in the table. You can select a group of items by pressing the SHIFT key, or perform multiple selections by keeping the CTRL key pressed.

Properties Description
Object Object type to which the privilege applies.
Method Name of the object method.
Active This three-state check box defines how the method is granted:
  • Always: It is granted for all work repositories attached to this master, even the future ones.

  • Never: It is denied for all work repositories attached to this master, even the future ones.

  • By Repository: It is granted for the work repositories selected in the Repository field, and denied for other repositories.

Repository This field contains either a list of work repositories or Not defined by the user is displayed. If By Repository is selected under Active, this field contains a list of work repositories. If Always or Never is selected, Not defined by the user is displayed, meaning this privilege is allowed or denied in all repositories

8.7.2 Version

Use to view the internal ID of the object instance.

The internal ID enables the identification of the object.

  • The internal ID is unique for the object type within a repository.

  • The internal ID for an object type contained in more than one repository is unique because it also contains the unique repository ID.

"Managing Privileges" in the "Managing Security in Oracle Data Integrator" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Data Integrator