6.63 Label Editor

Use to create and configure labels in Oracle Data Integrator.

A label is a comprehensive and consistent set of interdependent versions of objects. Like other objects, it can be selected at a given time as a version, and may be restored at a later date. Labels are saved in the master repository. A label assembles a group of versions called the label's elements.

A label is automatically assembled using cross-references. By scanning cross-references, a label automatically includes all dependant objects required for a particular object. For example, when adding a project to a label, versions for all the models used in this project's mappings are automatically checked in and added to the label. You can also manually add or remove elements into and from the label.

The following objects may be added into labels:

  • Projects

  • Load Plans

  • Models

  • Scenarios

  • Global Variables, User Functions and Sequences

The Label Editor has the following tabs:

6.63.1 Definition

Properties Definition
Name Name of the label. This name appears in the user interface.
Description Description of the label.
Principal Elements Elements (projects, load plans, models, scenarios, and so forth) that are manually added to the label. These elements are versions of objects. Click Restore or Delete to manage these versions. Click Synchronize to force Oracle Data Integrator to re-analyze the dependencies, and suggest addition or deletion to the required elements.
Required Elements Elements that are directly or indirectly referenced by the principal elements. These elements are automatically added by analyzing the dependencies on the principal elements. These elements are versions of objects. Click Restore or Delete to manage these versions.

"Working with Labels" in the "Using Version Control" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator