4.83 Version Tree Editor

Use to view the version history of a version controlled ODI artifact across multiple branches, tags, or trunk present in the Subversion repository. To generate the graph, ODI fetches all the log messages from the integration project root and each revision graph node in the version tree graph represents a revision in the repository. The different nodes are distinguished by different colors, for example, the items that were deleted are red in color. Right-click a version to view the corresponding log in the Version Properties section.


Name Description
Refresh Refreshes the version history.
Hide Insignificant Versions Hides the nodes to which no changes were made.
Reset Layout Resets the version history.
Zoom In Zooms in to the version tree display.
Zoom Out Zooms out of the version tree display.
Zoom 100% Zooms in a 100% of the version tree display.
Fit to Window Fits the version tree to window.
Hand Tool Moves the version tree graph up and down or from left to right.
Version Properties Displays version properties.
Version Tree Filter Displays the "Version Tree Filter Dialog".
Version Compare Enables you to compare selected versions or compare a selected version with a repository object.

Version Properties

Use to view the properties of the version and the corresponding value. For example, the Property column displays Version Creation Date and the corresponding Value column displays the date and time when the version was created.

"Integrating ODI with Version Control Systems" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator