5.15 Session Task Editor

Use to view the session task details.

A session task is the smallest execution unit. It corresponds for example to a procedure command in a KM, a procedure task, assignment of a variable, or a connect/disconnect command.

The Session Task Editor has the following tabs:

5.15.1 Definition

Properties Description
Task Name Name of the task.
Status The status of the task when the Session Task Editor was opened. The possible states are Done, Error, Running, Waiting, and Warning. See "Monitoring Integration Processes" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator for more information.
Type Type of task executed.
Ignore Errors Shows if this task sets up an error tolerance, and therefore, if errors for this task are blocking.
Order Detail the order of the task in the session (unique for the session), and the task order in the KM or the procedure that contributed to its creation.
Log Level Log level defined for the task, representing the level of the logs that the task generates. The task log is retained if the session's execution level is the same or higher than this value.

The task log level is related to the session's execution log level, but that they are different properties.

Note: Log level 6 has the same behavior as log level 5, but with the addition of variable tracking. More

Invocation Log Level Session Log Level specified in the Run Dialog or Session start.
URL An optional URL link that enables you to view details such as execution structure, metrics, error messages, and logs using a UI specific to the execution. For example, Oozie Web Console or MapReduce JobTracker.

Record Statistics

Properties Description
No. of Inserts Number of rows inserted during the task.
No. of Updates Number of rows updated during the task.
No. of Deletes Number of rows deleted during the task.
No. of Errors Number of rows with errors in the task.
No. of Rows Total number of rows handled during this task.

Execution Statistics

Properties Description
Start Start date and time of execution of the task.
End End date and time of execution of the task.
Duration (seconds) Time required to execute the task.
Return code Return code for the task.

Execution Details

Properties Description
Execution Details Displays metrics about the performance of the loading task and any configuration data that have an impact on performance.

Variable and Sequence Values

Note: If tracking was not enabled for this session, this section will be empty.

Properties Description
Name Full name of the variable or sequence.
Type Indicates whether this is a variable or a sequence.
Value Value associated with the variable or sequence at the end of the session task. For sequences, the value shows the start and end value of the sequence used in this task.

Error Message

Task execution error message, if any.

5.15.2 Code

This tab contains the code of the commands launched on the target connection and in the source connection, if any. You can edit this code and save changes before restarting a session. Changes performed in this tab do not alter the original object which needs to be edited from its own editor.

Properties Description
Code Type Select Executed Code to display the code that was executed for the task. The code cannot be edited as it has been executed.

Select Pre-executed Code to edit the code to be used to execute this task.

Source Code/Target Code

Properties Description
Edit and use as Pre-execution Code Click to open a dialog box to enter or edit Pre-execution code associated with this task.

Click Save Pre-executed Code to save the code you have entered. Click Cancel to reject all changes and return to the code tab.

Revert to original Pre-execution Code Click to delete the updates to the Pre-execution code and restore the original code.
Query/Execution Plan Click to display the execution plan used by the database to execute the SQL query of this task.

Note: This feature is only provided for an Oracle database.

Show/Hide Values Click to display the code with resolved variable and sequence values. Variables that are marked as Secure Value are not tracked and are not resolved in the code text. If the variable values are shown, the code becomes read-only.

5.15.3 Connection

This tab displays the details of source and target connections on which the code is being executed.

Properties Description
Connection Name Data server executing the task.
Context Execution context of the task.
Logical Schema Logical schema onto which the task is executed.
Transaction Isolation Transaction isolation level for the command.
Commit Commit management for the transaction.
Transaction ID Number of the transaction onto which the command is executed.

5.15.4 Details

Use to view a summary of the Oozie or MapReduce job details when a session task is executed within a Hadoop cluster.

Properties Description
External ID ID representing the execution in the external system, for example, an Oozie Job ID when the execution is in Oozie.
Last Refresh Last time the execution log details were refreshed.
Progress A number between 0 and 1 that is calculated by the external execution system representing the progress of the execution.

Execution Details

Properties Description
Execution Details Displays optional text summarizing the execution with details from the external system. It might also contain embedded links to native UIs for the external system, such as the Oozie Web Console and MapReduce JobTracker.

"Monitoring Integration Processes" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrating Big Data with Oracle Data Integrator