4.58 Restart Debug Session Dialog

Use to restart a debug session for mapping, procedure, package, or scenario.

Properties Description
Use the previous agent If checked, uses agent from previous execution.
Choose another agent I checked, chooses an agent to execute debug session.
Log Level Specifies the level of logging information that should be retained. All session tasks with a defined log level lower than or equal to this value are kept in the Session log when the session completes. However, if the object execution ends abnormally, all tasks will be kept, regardless of this setting.

Note: Log level 6 has the same behavior as log level 5, but with the addition of variable and sequence tracking. More

Debug Properties

Properties Description
Suspend Before First Task If checked, the debug session suspends the execution before the first task, even if no client is connected to the Debuggable session.

If unchecked, the debug session proceeds until it hits a breakpoint or finishes.

Checked by default.

Associate to Current Client If checked, debugger starts a session in debug mode and open the blueprint to debug the session.

If unchecked, the debugger starts a session in debug mode but not open the blueprint for debugging. The session can later be associated by this or other clients.

Checked by default.

Delay Before Connection (Sec) Seconds before debugger attempts a connection to the started session.

Default is 5.

Debug Descendant Sessions If checked, it will ask to start a new debugging session whenever a Startscen command is executed. This only applies to packages or procedures, not mappings.

If unchecked, any descendant session is executed without debugger.

Unchecked by default.

Break on Error If checked, the debugger suspends execution at the task where an error happened. This enables the user to review data within the transaction.

If unchecked, session execution engine reacts to any errors as usual. Debugger client does not provide any notification to the user.

Unchecked by default.

"Restart Execution" in the "Debugging Integration Processes" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle Data Integrator