4.73 SVN Connection Dialog

Use to create and edit a Subversion repository connection from ODI Studio. ODI provides the following types of authentication options when connecting to the Subversion repository:

  • HTTP Basic Authentication

  • Subversion Basic Authentication

  • SSH Authentication

  • SSL Authentication

  • File Based Authentication

Based on the selected authentication option, different properties are displayed in the SVN Connection Dialog. The configuration properties that appear for more than one authentication option are described below:

Properties Description
Authentication Type Authentication option to connect to the Subversion repository.
SVN URL Subversion repository URL.
User User name for authentication.
Password Password to connect to the Subversion repository.

Properties specific to authentication options are described in the following sections:

HTTP Basic Authentication

Properties Description
Use Proxy Server Select to use an HTTP or HTTPS proxy server.
Note: If this check box is selected, the Host and Port properties are enabled.
Host Proxy server to connect to the Subversion repository.
Port Proxy server port.
Proxy Server Requires Authentication Select to authenticate the proxy server.
Note: If this check box is selected, the User and Password properties are enabled.
User User name to connect to the proxy server.
Password Password to connect to the proxy server.

SSH Authentication

Properties Description
Private Key File Select to establish an SSH connection using SSH keys.
Note: If this check box is selected, the Key File and Passphrase properties are enabled.
Key File Path of the Private Key File.
Passphrase Passphrase for the selected Private Key File.

SSL Authentication

Properties Description
Enable Client Authentication Select to enable client authentication.
Note: If this check box is selected, the Certificate File and Passphrase properties are enabled.
Certificate File Path of the Certificate File.
Passphrase Passphrase for the selected Certificate File.

"Integrating ODI with Version Control Systems" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator