2.2 About the Help Center

The Help Center enables you to browse the table of contents, locate relevant topics in the dynamic help links lists, and do a full text search of installed and online content. It also provides a Favorites navigator for saving links to frequently referenced topics. The Help Center comprises two windows, the help navigator on the left and the help topic viewer on the right.The main Help Center toolbar includes the items listed in the following table.

Name Description
Keep Help Center on Top Use to keep the Help Center on top of all other open windows. The keyboard shortcut is Alt+K.
Navigators Use to open the Help Center windows you have previously closed.
Search Use to perform a search in the installed documentation, Oracle Technology Network (OTN), and the Fusion Middleware and Database Libraries.

The left pane of the Help Center displays tabs that help navigate through content:

  • Contents - Displays the table of contents for all installed content in the help system, including traditional online help and the developer guide.

  • Favorites - Displays the help topics and external links you have saved for quick retrieval.

  • Dynamic - Displays links to a set of relevant help topics based on the current selection and IDE component in use.

The right pane of the Help Center displays selected content and search results:

  • Help content viewers - Displays the selected online help and developer's guide contents. Multiple tabbed pages open for selected content.

  • Search results - Displays the results of a full-text search.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator