8 High Availability Schema

This chapter provides a reference to the ocep_cluster_config.xsd schema. The ocep_cluster_config.xsd file describes the high availability clustering configuration elements and attributes

All of the high availability adapters are based on the basic adapter configuration and add elements specific to their type of adapter. See Component Element Hierarchies for the basic adapter elements. This section covers the elements specific to high availability adapters.

This chapter includes the following sections:

8.1 ha-buffering-adapter

Use the ha-buffering-adapter element to create a high availability buffering adapter. This element has the following child elements:

The following example shows how to use these elements in a configuration file:

<ha:ha-buffering-adapter >
  <warm-up-window-length units="minutes">6</warm-up-window-length>
</ha:ha-buffering-adapter >

8.2 ha-broadcast-adapter

Use the ha-broadcast-adapter to create a high availability broadcast adapter. The element has the following child elements:

The following example shows how to use the trimming-interval element in a configuration file:

  <trimming-interval units="events">10</trimming-interval>
  <warm-up-window-length units="minutes">6</warm-up-window-length>

8.3 ha-correlating-adapter

Use the ha-correlating-adapter to create a high availability correlating adapter. This element has the following child elements:

The following example shows how to use the fail-over-delay element in a configuration file:


8.4 ha-inbound-adapter

Use the ha-inbound-adapter to create a high availability input adapter. This element has the following child elements:

The following example shows how to use the heartbeat and batch-size elements in a configuration file:

  <heartbeat units="millis">1000</heartbeat>

8.5 batch-size

batch-size: An integer value that indicates the number of events to send to the secondary server with the same time stamp. By default, batching is disabled (value 0).

8.6 fail-over-delay

fail-over-delay: The time in milliseconds that a secondary server waits to received a correlating message before considering the primary to have failed.

8.7 heartbeat

heartbeat: The value (n) for the heartbeat time out on this adapter. Oracle Stream Analytics generates a heartbeat after n time units of time go by without any event being generated on this adapter. The default time unit is nanoseconds.

8.8 trimming-interval

trimming-interval: The interval at which Oracle Stream Analytics trims events from a secondary server buffer. Units are either events or milliseconds.

8.9 warm-up-window-length

warm-up-window-length: The length of the warm-up window. Units can be in seconds (default) or minutes. The warm-up window is the length of time that a secondary server needs before it begins to produce valid output events after joining the cluster. Set the warm-up window long enough to allow the input windows of all Oracle CQL queries to be fully populated. By default, the length is 0 meaning no warm-up window.

8.10 window-length

window-length: The length of the warm-up window. Units can be in seconds (default), or minutes and type Long with units (seconds or minutes). The warm-up window is the length of time that a secondary server needs before it begins to produce valid output events after joining the cluster. Set the warm-up window length long enough to allow the input windows of all CQL queries to be fully populated. By default, the length is 0 seconds meaning there is no warm-up window.