49 Debugging and Auditing SOA Composite Applications

This chapter describes how to debug SOA composite applications with the SOA debugger in Oracle JDeveloper, test HTTP requests and response messages in the HTTP Analyzer, and configure auditing for BPEL process activities in a SOA composite application.

This chapter includes the following sections:

49.1 Introduction to the SOA Debugger

You can test and debug SOA composite applications with the SOA debugger in Oracle JDeveloper. The SOA debugger reduces the development cycle for a SOA composite application by providing a troubleshooting environment within Oracle JDeveloper. This eliminates the lengthy process of building a SOA composite application in Oracle JDeveloper, deploying it to the SOA Infrastructure, starting Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to test or view audit trails and flow traces, and then returning to Oracle JDeveloper to repeat the exercise. Instead, you can set breakpoints in Oracle JDeveloper for troubleshooting on the following components:

  • Binding components and service components in SOA composite applications

  • Synchronous and asynchronous BPEL processes

  • Oracle BPM processes

  • Oracle Service Bus pipelines (See Section "Debugging Oracle Service Bus Applications" of Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus)

Note the following guidelines when using the SOA debugger:

  • The SOA composite application name and the Oracle JDeveloper project name must be the same.

  • Any SOA composite application encountered during a debugging session must reside in the currently active workspace in Oracle JDeveloper.

  • Debugging is limited to design view in Oracle JDeveloper. You cannot run the SOA debugger in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

  • Debugging is a localized user experience. If you want to switch to other tasks (for example, search for instances or initiate new instances of the same composite from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control), close the debugging session.

  • You cannot set breakpoints on REST services.

  • The breakpoints that you create for debugging in a SOA composite application in one installation of Oracle JDeveloper are not available to other Oracle JDeveloper installations. You must create the breakpoints again for debugging.

  • During a debugging session in which you are using the embedded Integrated WebLogic Server, you cannot use the version of Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control included with the embedded server to generate new instances or query instances. For information about the Integrated WebLogic Server, see Installing SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers.

  • You cannot debug cross-language features, such as a Java exec activity, XSLT and XQuery transformations, and so on.

  • You can debug SOA composite applications on servers on which Oracle SOA Suite is installed. For example, if Oracle SOA Suite runs on managed servers, clients must connect using the managed server host and port.

  • Only one client at a time can connect to the SOA debugger.

  • You cannot debug multiple instances of the same SOA composite application at a given time even though Oracle JDeveloper does not restrict you from this action. This is not the correct approach. The SOA debugger is a development tool. It is your responsibility to ensure that only a single instance is debugged at any given time.

  • Adapter endpoint errors are not displayed in the SOA debugger in Oracle JDeveloper. Those errors are logged in the log file.

  • You can only debug if the server is in development mode. Debugging in production mode is not supported.

  • Oracle B2B and Oracle SOA for Healthcare service and reference binding components cannot be debugged with the SOA debugger even though you can set debugging points on both components.

  • SOA composite application-to-SOA composite application debugging is not supported.

49.2 Debugging a SOA Composite Application

This section describes how to create breakpoints and debug SOA composite applications in Oracle JDeveloper.


Do not attempt to debug SOA composite applications with very large payloads. Attempting to do so results in the SOA debugger breakpoints hanging in the outbound direction.

49.2.1 How to Start the SOA Debugger

To start the SOA debugger:

  1. Start the Integrated WebLogic Server. For information about starting the Integrated WebLogic Server with the Start Server Instance option, see Section "Installing Oracle SOA Suite Quick Start for Developers" of Installing SOA Suite and Business Process Management Suite Quick Start for Developers.

  2. Start the SOA debugger in either of the following ways. This is limited to single composite debugging.

    1. Click the debugger icon above the SOA Composite Editor, as shown in Figure 49-1.

      Figure 49-1 Debugger Icon in SOA Composite Editor

      Description of Figure 49-1 follows
      Description of "Figure 49-1 Debugger Icon in SOA Composite Editor"
    2. Right-click the SOA composite application in the Applications window, and select Debug. Figure 49-2 provides details.

      Figure 49-2 Debug Menu Option for a SOA Composite Application in the Applications Window

      Description of Figure 49-2 follows
      Description of "Figure 49-2 Debug Menu Option for a SOA Composite Application in the Applications Window"

    The SOA Debugger Connection Settings dialog is displayed, as shown in Figure 49-3. This dialog enables you to define the SOA debugging server to use.

    Figure 49-3 SOA Debugger Connection Settings Dialog

    Description of Figure 49-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-3 SOA Debugger Connection Settings Dialog"
  3. Enter values appropriate to your environment, and click OK. Table 49-1 provides details.

    Table 49-1 SOA Debugger Connection Setting Dialog

    Field Description


    Select the debugging server to which to connect. By default, the name of the local host is displayed. This is the embedded Integrated WebLogic Server in Oracle JDeveloper. You can also enter a remote server. When a project is imported from a different host, the host that was used there is displayed here.


    Enter the port on which the debugging agent listens. The default value is 5004. Debugging is automatically enabled in development environments when you install the Oracle SOA Suite Developer Quick Install. The debugger cannot be enabled in production mode or when the server is part of a cluster. For development environments, the debugger can be overridden by adding the following property settings in the setDomainEnv.sh file.

    export SOA_DEBUG_FLAG="true"
    export SOA_DEBUG_PORT="5004"


    Specify in minutes how long the client should wait while attempting to establish a debugging session before stopping. The default value is 5 minutes. For synchronous processes, you can increase the default value:

    Skip this dialog next time

    Select to skip this dialog the next time you begin a debugger session. The settings you previously defined are used.

    You can display this dialog again by right-clicking the project in the Applications window. Select Project Properties > Run/Debug > Edit > Tool Settings > Debugger > Remote, and select the Show Dialog Box Before Connecting Debugger check box.


    You can also edit these properties by right-clicking the project in the Applications window, and selecting Project Properties > Run/Debug > Edit > Tool Settings > Debugger > Remote.

    A check is made to determine if the SOA composite application selected for debugging is deployed. Table 49-2 provides details.

    Table 49-2 Check to Determine if the SOA Composite Application is Deployed

    If the SOA Composite Application Is... Then...


    The following message is displayed on the right handle of the service binding component:

    Use context menu to initiate WS debugging

    See Figure 49-5 for an example of this message.

    You are ready to begin debugging. Go to How to Set Breakpoints and Initiate Debugging.

    • Not deployed

    • Deployed, but there has been a design change in the composite since it was deployed.

      Note: Composites deployed a second time with the Overwrite any existing composites with the same revision ID check box selected do not require an additional redeployment.

    • Deployed, but you removed the Oracle JDeveloper system folder. The system folder is identified by selecting Help > About > Properties, and searching for ide.system.dir.

    • Deployed in one Oracle JDeveloper, but the ZIP file of the SOA composite application was opened in a different installation of Oracle JDeveloper.

    The Deployment Action page of the Deploy Project_Name wizard is displayed, and you must deploy the composite.

    1. Select Deploy to Application Server.

    2. Follow the pages of the wizard to deploy the SOA composite application to an application server.

      For information about deploying SOA composite applications, see Deploying the Profile.

    3. When deployment is complete, go to How to Set Breakpoints and Initiate Debugging.

    You are ready to begin a debugging session when the following message is displayed in the Log window:

    Debugger attempting to connect to remote process at host_name 5004
    Debugger connected to remote process at host_name 5004
    Debugger process virtual machine is SOA Debugger.

49.2.2 How to Set Breakpoints and Initiate Debugging

Breakpoints are the intentional pausing locations in a SOA composite application that you set for debugging purposes. You can set breakpoints on the following components:

  • Service binding components

  • Inbound and outbound parts of BPEL process activities and BPM process service components

  • Reference binding components such as web services and JCA adapters

  • Oracle Service Bus services (see "Debugging Oracle Service Bus Applications" of Developing Services with Oracle Service Bus)

Components on which breakpoints are set are designated with red request (outbound) icons, reply (inbound) icons, or request-reply (outbound-inbound) icons. Figure 49-4 provides an example of a SOA composite application in which breakpoint icons have been set.

Figure 49-4 SOA Composite Application with Breakpoints Set

Description of Figure 49-4 follows
Description of "Figure 49-4 SOA Composite Application with Breakpoints Set"

To set breakpoints and initiate debugging:

  1. Select the component on which to set the breakpoint, as shown in Table 49-3.

    Table 49-3 Components on Which to Set Breakpoints

    To Set a Breakpoint on a... Go to Step...

    Service binding component


    Reference binding component


    Service component such as a BPEL process or BPM process


  2. To set a breakpoint on a service binding component.

    1. Right-click the right handle of the service on which the following message is displayed.

      Use context menu to initiate WS debugging

      This action invokes the context menu shown in Figure 49-5.

      Figure 49-5 SOA Debugger Breakpoint Menu Options

      Description of Figure 49-5 follows
      Description of "Figure 49-5 SOA Debugger Breakpoint Menu Options"
    2. Select the appropriate breakpoint interaction option shown in Table 49-4.

      Table 49-4 Breakpoint Interaction Options

      Option Description

      Create Breakpoints Pair

      Set for a request-reply (outbound-inbound) interaction. This is useful for scenarios in which both the request and reply are important.

      Create Request Breakpoint

      Set for a request (outbound) interaction. This is useful for scenarios in which only the request is important.

      Create Reply Breakpoint

      Set for a reply (inbound) interaction. This is useful for scenarios in which only the reply is important.

      Initiate WS Debugging

      Initiate a debugging session. For example, the debugging session encompasses an initiating SOAP request from a web service to a BPEL process to an adapter reference binding component.

      Red icons representing your interaction choice are added.

      For example, if you select Create Breakpoints Pair, request and reply breakpoint icons are added. Figure 49-6 provides details.

      Figure 49-6 Request and Reply Breakpoint Icons on a Service Binding Component

      Description of Figure 49-6 follows
      Description of "Figure 49-6 Request and Reply Breakpoint Icons on a Service Binding Component"
    3. Go to Step 5.

  3. To set a breakpoint on a reference binding component.

    1. Right-click the applicable reference binding component (for example, a web service or a database adapter), and select one of the breakpoint options described in Table 49-4.

      For example, if you select Create Breakpoints Pair for several references, request and reply breakpoint icons are added. Figure 49-7 provides details.

      Figure 49-7 Breakpoints Set on Reference Binding Components

      Description of Figure 49-7 follows
      Description of "Figure 49-7 Breakpoints Set on Reference Binding Components"
    2. Go to Step 5.

  4. To set a breakpoint on a service component (for this example, a BPEL process is selected).

    1. Select Edit, as shown in Figure 49-8.

      Figure 49-8 Request and Reply Breakpoint Icons on a BPEL Process

      Description of Figure 49-8 follows
      Description of "Figure 49-8 Request and Reply Breakpoint Icons on a BPEL Process"

      This opens the BPEL process in Oracle BPEL Designer.

    2. Right-click the BPEL activity on which to set a breakpoint, and select Toggle Breakpoint. Figure 49-9 provides details.

      Figure 49-9 Breakpoint Setting for a BPEL Process

      Description of Figure 49-9 follows
      Description of "Figure 49-9 Breakpoint Setting for a BPEL Process"

      An icon is added to the activity. These breakpoint icons are only red dots because the flow is always in one direction. It is recommended that you always set a breakpoint on the first activity within an asynchronous BPEL process.

    3. To disable the breakpoint, right-click and select Toggle Breakpoint again. The red dot is removed. To display a list of all breakpoints set in the BPEL process, right-click the activity and select Breakpoints. You can also enable and disable breakpoints from this dialog.

    4. Go to Step 5.

  5. To begin debugging of the SOA composite application, right-click the right handle of the service binding component shown in Figure 49-5, and select Initiate WS Debugging from the menu.

    This invokes the HTTP Analyzer.

  6. Enter the request message data to send, and click Send Request or click HTTP Content to copy and paste the contents from an XML file. You can either enter data field-by-field or copy and paste an XML document. Figure 49-10 provides details.

    Figure 49-10 SOA Debugger Message Data

    Description of Figure 49-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-10 SOA Debugger Message Data"

    The debugger stops at the first breakpoint you set (for this example, on the service binding component).

  7. In the Log window at the bottom of Oracle JDeveloper, click Data.

  8. Expand the message contents. Figure 49-11 provides details. You can double-click a value to change it. For non-XML variables, right-click and choose View value (for example, the return message from a database adapter).

    Figure 49-11 Message Contents After Debugger Invocation

    Description of Figure 49-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-11 Message Contents After Debugger Invocation"

49.2.3 How to Step Through a Debugging Session

When you create a breakpoint, a corresponding frame is created in the Structure window, as shown in Figure 49-12. This frame was created for the request-reply entry point on the service binding component.

A frame is a location. A stack of frames is a bread crumb trail of the locations that lead you to your current location. This is equivalent to a stack trace. It shows you where you are and how you got there. Frames are created independent of breakpoints. When you stop at a breakpoint, all frames that have been created in the Structure window are displayed. A stack frame also contains the data that existed at that point of time. Clicking a different stack frame in the Structure pane also updates the Data tab.

For example, if you have a web service connected to a BPEL process connected to a reference, if you set a breakpoint on the reference, you see a stack that generally looks as follows:

  • Reference

  • BPEL invoke

  • BPEL scope

  • Web service

If you click the web service frame, the SOAP payload in the Data tab is displayed. If you then click the BPEL invoke frame, the various BPEL variables and other details are displayed in the Data tab.

You can step over the frame and begin debugging at a different location, such as a different breakpoint (for this example, the LoanProcess BPEL process). As you proceed with debugging, the following frames are created. Frames are where variables are located.

  • Scope frame: Contains scope variables.

  • Process frame: Contains global variables.

Variables are visible to a process from the top frame through the bottom frame. Frames are displayed in the Structure window.

Figure 49-12 Frames in Structure Window

Description of Figure 49-12 follows
Description of "Figure 49-12 Frames in Structure Window"

To step through a debugging session:

  1. Go to the tool bar in Oracle JDeveloper. The step options are shown in Figure 49-13.

    Figure 49-13 Step Options in Oracle JDeveloper

    Description of Figure 49-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-13 Step Options in Oracle JDeveloper"

    Table 49-5 describes each option.

    Table 49-5 Step Options in Oracle JDeveloper Main Menu

    Icon Description
    End or detach icon

    Ends or detaches from a debugging session.

    Step over button

    Steps over a frame.

    This places you at the next breakpoint (for example, the receive activity in the BPEL process on which a breakpoint was set in Figure 49-9). If there are no breakpoints, it steps over all the frames and goes back to the first frame.

    You can also press F8 to step over a frame.

    Step into option

    Steps into the next valid location.

    This can be a new frame or the same frame, but in a different location.

    You can also press F7 to step into a frame.

    Step out option

    Steps out of a frame.

    This option is only used to process a BPEL scope or sequence activity. After completion of scope processing, it pauses at the next scope or activity in the process. You can also press Shift-F7.

    Resume a step

    Resumes a step operation.

    You can also press F9 to resume.

  2. If you selected the Step Over option, it stops at the receive activity.
  3. In the Log window, click Data and expand the contents to view the variables defined in the BPEL process, as shown in Figure 49-14. You can edit BPEL process variables during debugging. The payload is empty for the example shown in Figure 49-14.

    This is because the breakpoint on the receive activity has not been executed, as shown in Figure 49-15.

    Figure 49-15 Empty Payload Before Receive Activity Breakpoint Execution

    Description of Figure 49-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-15 Empty Payload Before Receive Activity Breakpoint Execution"
  4. Click the Step Into option, as described in Table 49-5.

    This executes the receive activity shown in Figure 49-16.

    Figure 49-16 Populated Payload After Receive Activity Breakpoint Execution

    Description of Figure 49-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-16 Populated Payload After Receive Activity Breakpoint Execution"
  5. Expand the payload.

    The payload is populated with the data you entered in Step 6 of How to Set Breakpoints and Initiate Debugging. Figure 49-17 provides details.

    Figure 49-17 Expanded Payload

    Description of Figure 49-17 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-17 Expanded Payload"
  6. Select the Step Over option, as described in Table 49-5. This causes the debugger to pause at the next breakpoint (for this example, a web service reference binding component, as shown in Figure 49-7).

    The contents of the request message to the web service call are shown in Figure 49-18.

    Figure 49-18 Request Message Payload Contents

    Description of Figure 49-18 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-18 Request Message Payload Contents"
  7. Select the Step Over option.
  8. Expand the payload to view the message reply. Figure 49-19 provides details.

    Figure 49-19 Request Message Payload Contents

    Description of Figure 49-19 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-19 Request Message Payload Contents"
  9. Proceed with debugging.

    If you step through the copy rules of an assign activity, the SOA debugger displays a window showing which copy rule it is on within the assign activity. The window has a table showing all the copy rules and there is a breakpoint icon next to the copy rule at which the debugger is stopped.


    If you set a breakpoint on an adapter (for example, a database adapter), the SOA debugger steps out of the BPEL process service component and goes to the SOA Composite Editor.

49.2.4 How to End or Detach from a Debugging Session

To end or detach from a debugging session:

  1. Click the button in the tools menu to end a debugging session. Figure 49-20 provides details.

    Figure 49-20 End or Detach from a Debugging Session

    Description of Figure 49-20 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-20 End or Detach from a Debugging Session"

    The Terminate Debugger Process dialog is displayed.

  2. Select an option. Table 49-6 provides details.

    Table 49-6 Breakpoint Menu Options

    Option Description


    Removes the debugger without ending the debugging process.


    Ends the debugging process.

  3. If you selected Detach, click the debugger icon above the SOA Composite Editor shown in Figure 49-1 to resume debugging.
  4. If you selected Terminate, right-click and select Initiate WS Debugging to reinitiate the debugger and start a new debugging session.

49.2.5 How to Remove Breakpoints

You can remove individual breakpoints or all breakpoints.

To remove breakpoints:

  1. To remove an individual breakpoint, perform the following:
    • Right-click an activity on which a breakpoint has been set and select Toggle Breakpoint.

    • Click the Breakpoints icon above Oracle BPEL Designer and select the activity on which to remove a breakpoint in the Breakpoints dialog.

  2. To remove all breakpoints, right-click in the SOA composite application, and select Remove All Breakpoints.
  3. Click the icon above the BPEL process in Oracle BPEL Designer, as shown in Figure 49-21.

    Figure 49-21 Breakpoints Icon in Oracle BPEL Designer

    Description of Figure 49-21 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-21 Breakpoints Icon in Oracle BPEL Designer"

    This invokes the Breakpoints dialog, as shown in Figure 49-22.

    Figure 49-22 Breakpoints Dialog

    Description of Figure 49-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-22 Breakpoints Dialog"
  4. In the Enable check boxes, select BPEL process breakpoints to disable.

49.2.6 How to View Adapter Properties

You can view adapter properties under the Data tab in the Log window.

To view adapter properties:

  1. Click the Step Over icon until you stop at a breakpoint on a reference binding component such as a database adapter. Figure 49-23 provides details.

    Figure 49-23 JCA Adapter Properties

    Description of Figure 49-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-23 JCA Adapter Properties"

    The process is stopped to check on the existence of the customer. Adapter endpoint properties are displayed. Figure 49-24 provides details. The SQL syntax to be executed is also displayed.

  2. Right-click a property and select View Whole Value to view the data being passed to the customer (for this example, nativePayload is selected). Figure 49-25 shows the customer ID being passed. View Whole Value is also useful for non-XML BPEL variables.

    Figure 49-25 Request Message Contents Being Passed

    Description of Figure 49-25 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-25 Request Message Contents Being Passed"
  3. Click the Step Over icon to execute the database adapter.
  4. Right-click a property and select View Whole Value to view the customer reply message data. For this example, the value of 1 indicates that the customer exists. Figure 49-26 provides details.

    Figure 49-26 Reply Message Contents Being Returned

    Description of Figure 49-26 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-26 Reply Message Contents Being Returned"
  5. To change a value, right-click a property and select Modify Value.

49.2.7 How to View Threads

A process instance is always run by a single logical thread, whether it is a synchronous or asynchronous process (the process ID can be thought of as the thread). The SOA debugger sees and uses the logical thread. If a process has a flow or flowN activity, then several logical threads run the flow or flowN activity.

To view threads:

  1. From the main menu, select Window > Debugger > Threads.

    The Threads tab is displayed in the Structure window.

  2. Step into the service binding component of the BPEL process to begin debugging.

    The thread value for the request is 40, as shown in the Structure window in Figure 49-27.

    Figure 49-27 Request Thread Value

    Description of Figure 49-27 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-27 Request Thread Value"
  3. Step into the receive activity of the asynchronous BPEL process.

    The thread value for the reply is 41, as shown in Figure 49-28.

    Figure 49-28 Reply Thread Value

    Description of Figure 49-28 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-28 Reply Thread Value"

49.3 Testing SOA Composite Applications with the HTTP Analyzer

You can test HTTP requests and responses in a SOA composite application with the HTTP Analyzer in Oracle JDeveloper. The HTTP Analyzer enables you to examine the content of HTTP request/response package pairs. You can edit the content of a request package, resend it, and observe the response packet returned. For more information about the HTTP Analyzer, see the "Auditing and Monitoring Java Projects" chapter of Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper.

To test the SOA composite application with the HTTP Analyzer:

  1. From the Window main menu, select Application Servers.
  2. In the Application Servers window, expand the SOA composite application.
  3. Right-click the component to test (for this example, a web service binding component), and select Test Web Service. Figure 49-29 provides details.

    Figure 49-29 Component to Test in the Application Servers Window

    Description of Figure 49-29 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-29 Component to Test in the Application Servers Window"

    The HTTP Analyzer is displayed.

  4. Enter the request message data to send, and click Send Request or click HTTP Content to copy and paste the contents from an XML file. Figure 49-30 provides details.

    If successful, output similar to that shown in Figure 49-31 is displayed in the right pane.

    Figure 49-31 Response HTTP Headers

    Description of Figure 49-31 follows
    Description of "Figure 49-31 Response HTTP Headers"

You can also use the Test Web Service page to perform testing. For more information, see Section "Initiating a Test Instance of a Business Flow" of Administering Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite.

49.4 Auditing SOA Composite Applications at the BPEL Activity Level

Audit trail data often accounts for a large percentage of the state data persisted to the database. To reduce the amount of persisted state data, you can specify finer-grained levels of auditing at the BPEL process activity level. These settings take precedence over the audit trail settings configured at the service component, SOA composite application, BPEL process service engine, and SOA Infrastructure levels.

You perform the following procedures:

  • Create and configure an audit policy XML file that defines the level of auditing to perform on BPEL activities in the SOA composite application.

  • Create and configure an audit policy binding XML file that binds the audit policy to the BPEL process.

  • Place the files in the same directory location as the composite.xml file or in a separate directory that you identify with properties in the composite.xml file.

  • Deploy the SOA composite application to the SOA Infrastructure.

  • View the audit trail of the BPEL process activities in the flow trace of the SOA composite application in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

Note the following guidelines:

  • The audit policy supports the auditing of both standard BPEL 1.1 and 2.0 activities and scopes and BPEL extension activities, such as emails, notifications, and all others. Within a parent scope, you can configure specific child scopes to be audited, and other child scopes to not be audited.

  • The supported auditing levels are shown in Table 49-7.

    Table 49-7 Auditing Levels

    Level Description


    Logging matches the SOA Infrastructure audit level that you set on the SOA Infrastructure Common Properties page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. This is the default setting.


    Minimal information for business flow instances is collected. For example, the BPEL process service engine does not capture the payload. Therefore, the payload details are not available in the flow audit trails. This level is optimal for most standard operations and testing.


    Complete information for BPEL process activities is collected. This option allows both composite instance tracking and payload tracking. This setting may have an impact on performance because the payload is stored at each step in the message flow. This setting is useful for debugging purposes.


    No logging is performed. Composite instance tracking information and payload tracking information are not collected.

  • Support is provided for wild-card matching of process names and revision numbers in the fault policy binding file. For example:

    • Entering Order* applies to BPEL process service components included in the composite named OrderProcess, OrderRejected, and OrderConfirmed:

      <process auditPolicy="noLoops" name="Order*"/>
    • Entering 1* applies to composite revisions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2:

      <process auditPolicy="noAssign" name="*" revision="1.*"/>

The following example shows the audit policy schema to use:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/auditpolicy"
   <!-- activity can have a type or a name as optional attribute.-->
   <!-- Audit rules apply to all activities if no specific type or name is -->
   <!-- provided -->
   <xs:complexType name="Activity">
        <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:QName" use="optional"/>
        <xs:attribute name="name" type="tns:idType" use="optional"/>
        <xs:attribute name="auditLevel" type="tns:auditLevelType" use="required"/>
   <xs:simpleType name="idType">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
             <xs:minLength value="1"/>
   <xs:simpleType name="auditLevelType">
         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
              <xs:enumeration value="off"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="minimal"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="production"/>
              <xs:enumeration value="development"/>
   <xs:element name="auditPolicy">
                  <xs:element name="activity" type="tns:Activity" minOccurs="0"
             <xs:attribute name="id" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
             <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" default="1.0"/>
        <!-- we restrict users to provide mulitple rules for same activity -->
        <xs:key name="UniqueActivity">
             <xs:selector xpath="tns:activity"/>
             <xs:field xpath="@type"/>
             <xs:field xpath="@name"/>

The following example shows the audit policy binding schema to use.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/auditpolicyBinding"
        <xs:complexType name="Process">
             <xs:attribute name="auditPolicyId" type="tns:idType" use="optional"/>
             <xs:attribute name="name" type="tns:idType" use="optional"/>
             <xs:attribute name="revision" type="tns:idType" use="optional"/>
        <xs:simpleType name="idType">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                       <xs:minLength value="1"/>
        <xs:element name="auditPolicyBinding">
                            <xs:element name="process" type="tns:Process"
                             minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string"
                 <xs:key name="UniqueActivity">
                       <xs:selector xpath="tns:process"/>
                       <xs:field xpath="@name"/>
                       <xs:field xpath="@revision"/>

49.4.1 How to Audit SOA Composite Applications at the BPEL Activity Level

This section describes how to create and configure the audit policy and audit policy binding files.

To audit SOA composite applications at the BPEL activity level:

  1. Create and configure an audit policy file (for example, named audit-policy.xml) that defines the audit level settings for the BPEL activities. The file can have any name and must follow the schema described in the preceding section.
    <auditPolicies xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/auditpolicy"
    xmlns:bpelx="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/extension" version="1.0">
      <auditPolicy name="whilePolicy">
         <!-- enabling this will cause all assign activities to not log -->
         <!-- anything to the audit trail -->
      <activity type="bpel:assign" auditLevel="production"/>
        <!-- enabling this will cause all scope activities and all -->
        <!-- enclosed activities to not log anything to the audit trail -->
         <activity type="bpel:scope" auditLevel="production"/>
         <!-- enabling this will cause all while activities to log with -->
         <!-- minimak level  -->
         <activity type="bpel:while" auditLevel="production"/>
          <activity type="bpel:reply" auditLevel="production"/>
          <activity type="bpel:flow" auditLevel="production"/>
           <activity type="bpel:switch" auditLevel="off"/>
           <activity type="bpel:terminate" auditLevel="production"/>
           <activity type="bpel:empty" auditLevel="development"/>
            <activity type="bpel:wait" auditLevel="production"/>
             <activity type="bpel:throw" auditLevel="off"/>
              <activity type="bpel:catchAll" auditLevel="production"/>
               <activity type="bpel:sequence" auditLevel="off"/>
                <activity type="bpel:receive" auditLevel="production"/>


    To enable BPEL extensions to be audited, enter bpelx:exec with an appropriate auditing level (for example, production).

    <activity type="bpelx:exec" auditLevel="production"/>
  2. Create and configure an audit policy binding XML file (for example, named audit-binding.xml) that binds the audit policy to the BPEL process. The file can have any name and must follow the schema described in the previous section. This example uses the wildcard option to enable all BPEL processes that begin with myProcess to be audited. Several other auditing options have been commented out.
    <auditPolicyBindings xmlns="http://schemas.oracle.com/bpel/auditpolicyBinding"
      <!-- enabling this will cause all processes in the domain to use this -->
      <!-- policy audit -->
      <!-- <process auditPolicyName="whilePolicy" name="BPELProcess*"/> -->
      <!-- enabling this will cause all processes that start with the name -->
      <!-- myProcess to use the audit policy 'noLoops' -->
      <process auditPolicyName="noLoops" name="myProcess*"/>
      <!-- enabling this will cause all processes -->
      <!-- process auditPolicyName="noAssign" name="*"/> -->
  3. Place the XML file in the same directory as the composite.xml file.
  4. Define the audit-policy.xml and audit-binding.xml files in the composite.xml file.
    <property name="oracle.composite.bpelAuditPolicyFile">audit-policy.xml</property>
  5. Deploy the SOA composite application.