About the REST APIs

Oracle WebCenter Portal Rest API enable portal users/developers to manage Portal resources.


The operations from the businessobjects category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the cmis category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the dptaskflows category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the layouts category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the lists category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the pages category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the pagestyles category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the pagetemplates category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the portalTemplates category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the portals category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the preferences category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the resourcecatalogs category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the restdataservices category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the skins category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the sqldataservices category.
View API Endpoints
The operations from the visualizationtemplates category.
View API Endpoints

You can view a list of all REST Endpoints.