Create a page



Creates a page and returns information about the newly created page.Note: after a new page is created, additional POST operation is required to add newly created page to NavigationNode tree. To do this, see NavigationNodes POST operation :"/v1/portal/navigationnodes/{id}/childNodes", or "/v1/portal/navigationnodes/{id}/childNodes/{toFollow}" documents for how to use it.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
Body Parameter
Content of required attributes of the page to be created.
Root Schema : page
Nested Schema : linkStates
Type: array
Nested Schema : Locale
Nested Schema : Linked
Nested Schema : reference
Nested Schema : LinkElementState
Nested Schema : pathLinkValues
Type: array
Nested Schema : pathLinkWildcards
Type: array
Nested Schema : reflect.Method
Nested Schema : supportedMethods
Type: array
Nested Schema : supportedQueryParams
Type: array
Nested Schema : annotatedExceptionTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : annotatedParameterTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : reflect.AnnotatedType
Nested Schema : genericExceptionTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : genericParameterTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : reflect.Type
Nested Schema : parameters
Type: array
Nested Schema : typeParameters
Type: array
Nested Schema : reflect.Parameter
Nested Schema : reflect.Executable
Nested Schema : annotatedExceptionTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : annotatedParameterTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : genericExceptionTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : genericParameterTypes
Type: array
Nested Schema : parameters
Type: array
Nested Schema : typeParameters
Type: array
Nested Schema : reflect.TypeVariable
Nested Schema : annotatedBounds
Type: array
Nested Schema : bounds
Type: array
Nested Schema : QueryParam
Nested Schema : extensionKeys
Type: array
Nested Schema : unicodeLocaleAttributes
Type: array
Nested Schema : unicodeLocaleKeys
Type: array
Nested Schema : linkStates
Type: array
Nested Schema : linkStates
Type: array


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
400 Response
Bad request: ill-formatted content in request
403 Response
Invalid utoken supplied