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Modifies field values for multiple rows in a table using the CATALOGMANAGER command.



ftcmd (required)
Value must be set to updaterows.

tablename (required)
Name of the table containing rows to be updated.

primarykeyN (optional)
Value of row's primary key. The primarykey parameter is the primary key's column name. The value of N corresponds to the row number--in the resultset--that you want to update.

columnnameN (optional)
Each column in the row to be updated. columnname is a table column name. The value of N corresponds to the row number--in the resultset--that you want to update.

urlcolumnnameN_folder (optional)
The syntax urlcolumnname_folderN is deprecated.
A subfolder name to store the uploaded file. The file is then stored under the upload folder and the subfolder. The upload folder is specified in the SystemInfo table's defdir column. Note that you can have multiple upload columns.

Upload columns are designated by the prefix url. The column name in the table must begin with url (for example, urltext). The argument name must include the table's column name with _folder appended to the column name (for example, urltext_folder).

columnnameN_file (required for non-binary files)
The name of the file you want to upload. The column name in the table must begin with url (for example, urltext). The argument name must have _file appended to the table's column name (for example, urltext_file).

tablekeyN (optional)
Use the tablekeyN parameter if you want to update rows based on a value other than the primary key. The value of tablekeyN is the column name of the column you use to perform the update. The value of N corresponds to the row number--in the resultset--that you want to update.

tablekeyvalueN (optional)
Value in the tablekey column of the row you want to update. The value of N corresponds to the row number--in the resultset--that you want to update.


The updaterows command modifies field values for multiple rows in a table. For fields other than url fields, the value of the field is modified. For url fields, updaterows deletes the file associated with the url field and modifies the url field to point to the newly uploaded file.

Error Numbers

The possible values of errno include:

No such table.
No table definition.
Database error.


This example updates the rows with godzilla and titanic in the movies table, and changes the values of the comments column to miss it and see it, respectively.

See Also


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