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Domain : Zero Downtime Patching

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Use this page to roll out any combination of Java Home, Oracle Home or Application upgrades.

Leave the fields blank for patching that is not needed. When specifying Oracle Home, both Rollout Oracle Home and Backup Oracle Home are required.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Java Home

Select this option to update to a new JAVA_HOME directory.

Oracle Home

Select this option to update to a new ORACLE_HOME directory.


Select this option to update one or more applications.

All Combinations

Select this option to update any combination of JAVA_HOME, ORACLE_HOME, and one or more applications.

Rolling Restart

Select this option to perform a rolling restart of servers. Rolling restart determines which servers need to be restarted and creates a workflow to shut them down gracefully and restart them safely,


Lists the domain, clusters, or servers that you selected as targets for the update.

Java Home

The new JAVA_HOME to update to. The new JAVA_HOME must refer to a valid JAVA_HOME path installed on each machine. The rollout operation will not run the Java installer.

Shutdown Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for the server to shutdown gracefully before forcing the server to shutdown. default is 0 which indicates no timeout.

Delay between Nodes

The number of seconds to wait after updating one node before updating the next node. This is for giving sessions additional time to replicate. default is 60 seconds

Dry Run

If selected, the patching operation will be evaluated but will not be executed. This option is not selected by default.

Auto Revert on Failure

If selected, the patching operation will automatically revert if there is a failure. If not selected, the patching operation will stop if there is a failure and will wait for you to resume it. This option is selected by default.

Session Compatibility

Select this option if the sessions between the patched and unpatched versions of Oracle Home are compatible; this affects session handling a graceful server shutdown times. Do not select this option is special consideration should be taken into account to preserve unpatched sessions; this could impact the amount of time it takes for the update to complete. For incompatible sessions, a value greater than zero must be specified for server timeout.

Rollout OracleHome

The location of the archive or local directory that contains the version of Oracle Home to update to. This Oracle Home will replace the current Oracle Home. The archive is typically a JAR file created with the copyBinary script.

Backup OracleHome

The name of the local directory to which the current Oracle Home will be moved and renamed.

is Rollback

Select this option to specify that the change being rolled out is a previous patch release of Oracle Home, that is, the Oracle Home being rolled out has a lower patch version than the current Oracle Home.

Application Properties

The full path to a readable file on the Administration Server that contains information about each application that is being upgraded. The file must be text file with the application information specified in JSON format.

Migration Properties

The full path to a readable file on the Administration Server that contains information about migration. The file contains migration options for fine grained control of service migrations during a rollout. This supports service migrations (JMS or JTA) as well as server migration (WSM) The file must be text file in JSON format.

Coherence Services HA Status

Select an HA(High Availability) Status which all the Coherence Services, for which HA is applicable, must be running with. The workflow will wait until all the Coherence Services has an HA Status which matches the targeted status.

Coherence Services HA Status Wait Timeout

Specify the timeout(s) for the Coherence HA Status task in the workflow. The task will wait for the specified time, check the Coherence Service HA Status at frequent intervals, and fail if the targeted HA Status cannot be maintained by any of the Coherence services for which HA is applicable

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