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Web Service Client: Monitoring: Servers

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Use this page to monitor a Web service client. Each row aggregates all of the statistics of a Web service client on a single server.

For JAX-WS Web services, the Web services runtime creates system-defined client instances within a Web service endpoint that are used to send protocol-specific messages as required by that endpoint. For example, the reliable messaging runtime uses these client instances to periodically send SequenceAcknowledgement or TerminateSequence messages to its clients in order to fulfill its quality of service guarantees. The system-defined client instances are named after the Web service endpoint that they serve with the following suffix: -SystemClient. Monitoring information relevant to the system-defined client instances is provided to assist in evaluating the application performance.


Name Description
Refresh icon

Refresh icon Causes the Administration Console to periodically poll the resource monitored by this page and refresh the display.

Column Display

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The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.

Name Description

Gets the client ID for this client.

MBean Attribute:


Name of this port.

This attribute corresponds to the "name" attribute of the "port" element in the WSDL that describes the Web service. Programmers specify the name of the port using the portName attribute of the @WLXXXTransport annotation, where XXX refers to the type of transport (HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS).

Programmers can also use the WLXXXTransport child element of the jwsc Ant task to specify this attribute.

MBean Attribute:


An alphanumeric name for this server instance. (Spaces are not valid.)

The name must be unique for all configuration objects in the domain. Within a domain, each server, machine, cluster, JDBC connection pool, virtual host, and any other resource type must be named uniquely and must not use the same name as the domain.

For more information on server naming conventions, see Server Name Restrictions in Understanding Domain Configuration for Oracle WebLogic Server.

The server name is not used as part of the URL for applications that are deployed on the server. It is for your identification purposes only. The server name displays in the Administration Console, and if you use WebLogic Server command-line utilities or APIs, you use this name to identify the server.

After you have created a server, you cannot change its name. Instead, clone the server and provide a new name for the clone.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


Number of errors sending or receiving a request.

MBean Attribute:

Last Response Error

Last response error to arrive for this client/service (or null if no errors have occurred).

MBean Attribute:

Total Security Faults

Total number of security faults and violations.

MBean Attribute:


Total number of operation invocations in the current measurement period.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

MBean Attribute:


Total number of oresponses generated from operation invocations.

MBean Attribute:

Response Errors

Total number of errors from responses generated from operation invocations.

MBean Attribute:

Dispatch Time Average

Average operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

MBean Attribute:

Execution Time Average

Average operation execution time.

MBean Attribute:

Response Time Average

Average response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

MBean Attribute:


The name of the application.

MBean Attribute:

Authentication Successes

Total number of authentication successes detected for this port. Only incoming message processing can add to the success count.

MBean Attribute:

Authentication Violations

Total number of authentication violations generated for this port. Only incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

MBean Attribute:

Confidentiality Successes

Total number of confidentiality successes generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the success count.

MBean Attribute:

Confidentiality Violations

Total number of confidentiality violations generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

MBean Attribute:

Context Root

Returns the context root (context path) for the web application.

MBean Attribute:

Dispatch Time High

Longest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

MBean Attribute:

Dispatch Time Low

Shortest operation dispatch time for the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

MBean Attribute:

Dispatch Time Total

Total time for all operation dispatches in the current measurement period.

Dispatch time refers to the time for WebLogic Server to process the invocation.

The measurement period typically starts when WebLogic Server is first started.

MBean Attribute:

Execution Time High

Longest operation execution time.

MBean Attribute:

Execution Time Low

Shortest operation execution time.

MBean Attribute:

Execution Time Total

Total time for all operation executions.

MBean Attribute:

Integrity Successes

Total number of integrity successes generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the success count.

MBean Attribute:

Integrity Violations

Total number of integrity violations generated for this port. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

MBean Attribute:

Last Error

Last error that occurred processing a request.

MBean Attribute:

Last Error Time

Time on WebLogic Server of the last error for a request (sending or receiving) was detected expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

MBean Attribute:

Last Invocation Time

Time of the last operation request to be sent or received (or 0 if no requests have been sent or received).

MBean Attribute:

Last Response Error Time

Time on WebLogic Server of the last error sending or receiving a response (or 0 if no failures have occurred) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

MBean Attribute:

Last Response Time

Time on WebLogic Server of the last response to arrive for this client/service (or 0 if no responses have been received) expressed as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

MBean Attribute:

Last Routing Failure

The exception that caused the last routing failure, or null if no failures have occurred.

MBean Attribute:

Last Routing Failure Time

The time (in milliseconds since epoch) of the last routing failure (or 0 if no failures have occurred).

MBean Attribute:


The WebLogic Server host computer (machine) on which this server is meant to run.

If you want to use Node Manager to start this server, you must assign the server to a machine and you must configure the machine for Node Manager.

You cannot change this value if a server instance is already running.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


Returns the web URI as configured in application.xml for the web application. For a standalone WAR, it will return the docroot (if exploded) or the name of the WAR file (if archived).

MBean Attribute:

Policy Faults

Total number of policy faults.

MBean Attribute:


The number of requests (messages with no RelatesTo header) that have come through this front-end since the server started.

MBean Attribute:

Response Time High

Longest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

MBean Attribute:

Response Time Low

Lowest response time from the responses generated from operation invocations.

MBean Attribute:

Response Time Total

Total time for all responses generated from operation invocations.

MBean Attribute:

Routed Requests

The number of requests that were routed to a specific server instance via routing information in the request (not just load balanced) since the server started.

MBean Attribute:

Routed Responses

The number of responses that were routed to a specific server instance via routing information in the response (not just load balanced) since the server started.

MBean Attribute:

Routing Failures

The number of times a message failed to be routed, since the server started.

MBean Attribute:

Start Time

Date and time that the Web service endpoint started.

MBean Attribute:

Total Violations

Total number of authentication, integrity, and confidentialy violations. Both outgoing and incoming message processing can add to the violation count.

MBean Attribute:

Transport Protocol Type

Transport protocol used to invoke this Web service, such as HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS.

This attribute determines the transport that is published in the endpoint address section of the WSDL of the Web Service. Programmers specify the transport by the type of @WLXXXTransport JWS annotation they specify, where XXX refers to the type of transport (HTTP, HTTPS, or JMS).

Programmers can also use the WLXXXTransport child element of the jwsc Ant task to specify this attribute.

MBean Attribute:

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