3 Typical Integration Projects

Oracle Data Integrator provides a wide range of integration features. This chapter introduces the most typical ODI Integration Projects.

This chapter includes the following topics:

3.1 Design-time Projects

A typical project is composed of several steps and milestones.

Some of these are:

  • Define the business needs

  • Identify and declare the sources and targets in the Topology

  • Design and Reverse-engineer source and target data structures in the form of data models

  • Implement data quality rules on these data models and perform static checks on these data models to validate the data quality rules

  • Develop mappings using datastores from these data models as sources and target

  • Develop additional components for tasks that cannot be achieved using mappings, such as Receiving and sending e-mails, handling files (copy, compress, rename and such), executing web services

  • Integrate mappings and additional components for building Package workflows

  • Version your work and release it in the form of scenarios

  • Schedule and operate scenarios.

Oracle Data Integrator will help you cover most of these steps, from source data investigation to metadata lineage, and through loading and data quality audit. With its repository, Oracle Data Integrator will centralize the specification and development efforts and provide a unique architecture on which the project can rely to succeed.

The "Overview of an Integration Project" section in Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator introduces you to the basic steps of creating an integration project with Oracle Data Integrator. The "Creating an Integration Project" section in Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator gives you more detailed information on the several steps of creating an integration project in ODI.

3.2 Batch-Oriented Integration

ODI is a comprehensive data integration platform with a built-in connectivity to all major databases, Big Data clusters, data warehouse and analytic applications providing high-volume and high-performance batch integration.

The main goal of a data warehouse is to consolidate and deliver accurate indicators to business users to help them make decisions regarding their everyday business. A typical project is composed of several steps and milestones. Some of these are:

  • Defining business needs (Key Indicators)

  • Identifying source data that concerns key indicators; specifying business rules to transform source information into key indicators

  • Modeling the data structure of the target warehouse to store the key indicators

  • Populating the indicators by implementing business rules

  • Measuring the overall accuracy of the data by setting up data quality rules

  • Developing reports on key indicators

  • Making key indicators and metadata available to business users through adhoc query tools or predefined reports

  • Measuring business users' satisfaction and adding/modifying key indicators

With its repository, ODI will centralize the specification and development efforts and provide a unique architecture on which the project can rely to succeed.

Scheduling and Operating Scenarios

Scheduling and operating scenarios is usually done in the Test and Production environments in separate Work Repositories. Any scenario can be scheduled by an ODI Agent or by any external scheduler, as scenarios can be invoked by an operating system command.

When scenarios are running in production, agents generate execution logs in an ODI Work Repository. These logs can be monitored either through the Operator Navigator or through any web browser when Oracle Data Integrator Console is setup. Failing jobs can be restarted and ad-hoc tasks submitted for execution.


ODI uses a unique E-LT architecture that leverages the power of existing RDBMS and Big Data engines by generating native SQL and bulk loader control scripts to execute all transformations.

3.3 Event-Oriented Integration

Capturing events from a Message Oriented Middleware or an Enterprise Service Bus has become a common task in integrating applications in a real-time environment. Applications and business processes generate messages for several subscribers, or they consume messages from the messaging infrastructure.

Oracle Data Integrator includes technology to support message-based integration and that complies with the Java Message Services (JMS) standard. For example, a transformation job within Oracle Data Integrator can subscribe and source messages from any message queue or topic. Messages are captured and transformed in real time and then written to the target systems.

Other use cases of this type of integration might require capturing changes at the database level. Oracle Data Integrator Changed Data Capture (CDC) capability identifies and captures inserted, updated, or deleted data from the source and makes it available for integration processes.

ODI provides two methods for tracking changes from source datastores to the CDC framework: triggers and RDBMS log mining. The first method can be deployed on most RDBMS that implement database triggers. This method is optimized to minimize overhead on the source systems. For example, changed data captured by the trigger is not duplicated, minimizing the number of input/output operations, which slow down source systems. The second method involves mining the RDBMS logs—the internal change history of the database engine. Log-based CDC is supported using Oracle GoldenGate.

The CDC framework used to manage changes, based on Knowledge Modules, is generic and open, so the change-tracking method can be customized. Any third-party change provider can be used to load the framework with changes.

Changes frequently involve several data sources at the same time. For example, when an order is created, updated, or deleted, both the orders table and the order lines table are involved. When processing a new order line, it is important that the new order, to which the line is related, is taken into account too. ODI provides a mode of change tracking called Consistent Set CDC. This mode allows for processing sets of changes for which data consistency is guaranteed.

For example, incoming orders can be detected at the database level using CDC. These new orders are enriched and transformed by ODI before being posted to the appropriate message queue or topic. Other applications such as Oracle BPEL or Oracle Business Activity Monitoring can subscribe to these messages, and the incoming events will trigger the appropriate business processes.

For more information on how to use the CDC framework in ODI, see the "Using Journalizing" section in Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator.

3.4 Service-Oriented Architecture

Oracle Data Integrator can be integrated seamlessly in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) in several ways:

Data Services are specialized Web services that provide access to data stored in database tables. Coupled with the Changed Data Capture capability, data services can also provide access to the changed records for a given subscriber. Data services are automatically generated by Oracle Data Integrator and deployed as Web services to a Web container, usually a Java application server. For more information on how to set up, generate and deploy data services, see the "Creating and Using Data Services" section in Administering Oracle Data Integrator.

Oracle Data Integrator can also expose its transformation processes as Web services to enable applications to use them as integration services. For example, a LOAD_SALES batch process used to update the CRM application can be triggered as a Web service from any service-compliant application, such as Oracle BPEL, Oracle Enterprise Service Bus, or Oracle Business Activity Monitoring. Transformations developed using ODI can therefore participate in the broader Service Oriented Architecture initiative.

Third-party Web services can be invoked as part of an ODI workflow and used as part of the data integration processes. Requests are generated on the fly and responses processed through regular transformations. Suppose, for example, that your company subscribed to a third-party service that exposes daily currency exchange rates as a Web service. If you want this data to update your multiple currency data warehouse, ODI automates this task with a minimum of effort. You would simply invoke the Web service from your data warehouse workflow and perform any appropriate transformation to the incoming data to make it fit a specific format. For more information on how to use web services in ODI, see the "Using Web Services" section in Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator.

3.5 Data Quality with ODI

With an approach based on declarative rules, Oracle Data Integrator is the most appropriate tool to help you build a data quality framework to track data inconsistencies.

Oracle Data Integrator uses declarative data integrity rules defined in its centralized metadata repository. These rules are applied to application data to guarantee the integrity and consistency of enterprise information. The Data Integrity benefits add to the overall Data Quality initiative and facilitate integration with existing and future business processes addressing this particular need.

Oracle Data Integrator automatically retrieves existing rules defined at the data level (such as database constraints) by a reverse-engineering process. ODI also allows developers to define additional, user-defined declarative rules that may be inferred from data discovery and profiling within ODI, and immediately checked.

Oracle Data Integrator provides a built-in framework to check the quality of your data in two ways:

  • Check data in your data servers, to validate that this data does not violate any of the rules declared on the datastores in Oracle Data Integrator. This data quality check is called a static check and is performed on data models and datastores. This type of check allows you to profile the quality of the data against rules that are not enforced by their storage technology.

  • Check data while it is moved and transformed by a mapping, in a flow check that checks the data flow against the rules defined on the target datastore. With such a check, correct data can be integrated into the target datastore while incorrect data is automatically moved into error tables.

Both static and flow checks are using the constraints that are defined in the datastores and data models, and both use the Check Knowledge Modules (CKMs). For more information see the "Flow and Static Control" section in Developing Integration Projects with Oracle Data Integrator.

These checks check the integrity of the data and validate constraints. For advanced data quality projects (for example for name and address cleansing projects) as well as advanced data profiling, the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality products can be used along with Oracle Date Integrator.


Oracle Enterprise Data Quality (EDQ) can augment ODI's Data Quality capabilities. For more information about EDQ, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality documentation.