5 Oracle PeopleSoft

This chapter describes how to work with Oracle PeopleSoft Knowledge Modules in Oracle Data Integrator.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Introduction

Oracle Data Integrator integrates data extracted from Oracle PeopleSoft applications. It supports reverse-engineering of PeopleSoft metadata as well as scalable data extraction from PeopleSoft tables.

5.1.1 Concepts

The Oracle Data Integrator KMs for PeopleSoft use mature integration methods for PeopleSoft, in order to:

  • Reverse-Engineer PeopleSoft data structures (Business Objects, tables, views, columns, keys, and foreign keys) in the form of datastores. Oracle Data Integrator provides two specialized knowledge modules (KMs) for performing this operation for PeopleSoft instances hosted in Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases.

  • Extract data from PeopleSoft using a data-level integration approach. Data is extracted from the database tables containing the PeopleSoft data.

5.1.2 Knowledge Modules

Oracle Data Integrator provides the Knowledge Modules listed in Table 5-1 for handling PeopleSoft data. Theses specific Knowledge Modules for PeopleSoft provide integration and connectivity between Oracle Data Integrator and the PeopleSoft platform.

These KMs enable data-level integration for PeopleSoft: Data extraction is performed directly on the PeopleSoft Business Objects tables. This method is read-only.

Table 5-1 Oracle PeopleSoft Knowledge Modules

Knowledge Module Description


Reverse-engineering knowledge module to retrieve the business objects, tables, views, columns, keys, and foreign keys from PeopleSoft. The database hosting the PeopleSoft tables is Oracle.

RKM PeopleSoft MSSQL

Reverse-engineering knowledge module to retrieve the business objects, tables, views, columns, keys, and foreign keys from PeopleSoft.The database hosting the PeopleSoft tables is Microsoft SQL Server.

5.2 Installation and Configuration

Make sure you have read the information in this section before you start working with the PeopleSoft technology:

5.2.1 System Requirements and Certifications

Before performing any installation you should read the system requirements and certification documentation to ensure that your environment meets the minimum installation requirements for the products you are installing.

The list of supported platforms and versions is available on Oracle Technical Network (OTN):


5.2.2 Technology Specific Requirements

There are no technology-specific requirements for using PeopleSoft data in Oracle Data Integrator.

5.2.3 Connectivity Requirements

Oracle Data Integrator connects the database hosting the PeopleSoft data using JDBC connectivity. For detailed information on JDBC connectivity with Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases, see the "Oracle Database Connectivity Requirements" and "Microsoft SQL Server Connectivity Requirements" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

5.3 Setting up the Topology

This step consists in declaring in Oracle Data Integrator the data server, as well as the physical and logical schemas that will be used to store the PeopleSoft data.

5.3.1 Create a Data Server

The PeopleSoft tables can be stored in an Oracle schema or a Microsoft SQL Server database.

Create a data server either for the Oracle technology or for the Microsoft SQL Server technology. See "Creating an Oracle Data Server" or "Creating a Microsoft SQL Server Data Server" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

This data server represents the database instance that stores the PeopleSoft data.

5.3.2 Create a Physical Schema

Create a physical schema under the data server that you have created in Create a Data Server. Use the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Physical Schema" in Administering Oracle Data Integrator.

This schema is the Oracle schema or the Microsoft SQL Server database that contains the PeopleSoft tables you want to reverse-engineer.


The Oracle schema or the Microsoft SQL Server database storing the PeopleSoft tables should not be defined as a work schema in the physical schema definition. Moreover, this schema or database must not be used as staging area for a mapping.

Create for this physical schema a logical schema using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Logical Schema" in Administering Oracle Data Integrator and associate it in a given context.

5.4 Setting up the Project

Setting up a project using PeopleSoft features follows the standard procedure. See "Creating an Integration Project" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

Import the following KMs into your Oracle Data Integrator project:

  • RKM PeopleSoft ORACLE

  • RKM PeopleSoft MSSQL

In addition to these specific PeopleSoft KMs, import the standard LKMs for the Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server technologies. See Oracle Database "Knowledge Modules" and Microsoft SQL Server "Knowledge Modules" in the Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator for a list of available KMs.

5.5 Creating and Reverse-Engineering a Model

This section contains the following topics:

5.5.1 Create a Model

Create a Model based on the Oracle or Microsoft SQL technology and on the logical schema created when setting up the topology using the standard procedure, as described in "Creating a Model" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator.

5.5.2 Reverse-Engineer PeopleSoft Tables

The PeopleSoft RKMs are able to reverse-engineer PeopleSoft data structures at data level, enriching them with information retrieved from the PeopleSoft dictionary.

Data extraction is performed directly on the PeopleSoft Business Objects tables. This access method is read-only.

The reverse-engineering process returns the following information:

  • Business Objects as sub-models

  • Business Objects tables as datastores with their associated columns as attributes and constraints

  • Comments attached to the reversed tables and columns

To perform a Customized Reverse-Engineering of PeopleSoft tables with the PeopleSoft RKMs, use the usual procedure, as described in "Reverse-engineering a Model" of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Data Integrator. This section details only the fields specific to PeopleSoft tables:

  1. In the Reverse tab of the Model, select the RKM PeopleSoft ORACLE. or RKM PeopleSoft MSSQL.
  2. Set the BUSINESS OBJECT RKM option as follows:

    Enter the Business Object code, for example CCM, DBI, or DPO.

    The Business Object code corresponds to the PeopleSoft Object Owner ID. The different Object Owner IDs are listed in the PeopleSoft view: EO_BCOWNRID_VW. This field is used as a mask to filter the Business Objects to be reverse-engineered. This field must not be empty and must contain at least the percentage symbol (%).

  3. Specify the reverse-engineering mask in the Mask field in order to select the tables to reverse. The Mask field, in the Reverse tab, filters reverse-engineered objects based on their name. The Mask field must not be empty and must contain at least the percentage symbol (%).

The reverse-engineering process returns the applications and tables as sub-models and datastores. You can use these PeopleSoft datastores as a source in a mapping.

5.6 Designing a Mapping

You can use PeopleSoft data tables as a source of a mapping.

The KM choice for a mapping determines the abilities and performance of this mapping. The recommendations in this section help in the selection of the KM for different situations concerning loading PeopleSoft data.

5.6.1 Loading Data from PeopleSoft

PeopleSoft data tables can be used as a source of a mapping to extract data from the PeopleSoft database and integrate them into another system (Data warehouse, other database...).

Using PeopleSoft as a source in these conditions is identical to using an Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server datastore as a source in a mapping. The generic SQL, Oracle Database, or Microsoft SQL Server KMs can be used for this purpose. See the following chapters in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Connectivity and Knowledge Modules Guide for Oracle Data Integrator for more information: