C Components, Compatibility, and Upgrading of the ODI SAP Adapter

This appendix provides information about the components and compatibility of the ODI SAP Adapter. It also provides important information about upgrading the ODI SAP Adapter.

This appendix includes the following sections:

C.1 Components

The ODI SAP ABAP Adapter consists of three components:


  • ODI SAP OpenTool (odi-sap.jar)

  • ODI SAP Components

The KMs connect to the SAP system either via the SAP JCo or via the ODI SAP OpenTool (which internally also uses the SAP JCo). So either directly or indirectly the KMs connect to the SAP system and call RFCs delivered as part of the ODI SAP Components.


Please note the following points:

  • KMs are centrally installed in the ODI repository and are shipped with ODI Software or patches.

  • The ODI SAP OpenTool (odi-sap.jar) is part of each local ODI software installation. This applies to any ODI Studio installations as well as to any ODI Agent installations. The OpenTool is part of the ODI Software.

  • The ODI SAP Components must be installed in every SAP system which ODI is to connect to. This installation is done as part of the Installation of the ODI SAP Adapter.

C.2 Compatibility

The following are a few rules regarding compatibility:

  • Newer KMs often require a newer OpenTool version. The required minimum OpenTool version is given in the KM description. The OpenTool version can be checked by executing the odi-sap.jar using java -jar odi-sap.jar.

  • Newer KMs often require newer ODI SAP Components. The need for updating is described in the respective release or patch note.

  • ODI OpenTools are backwards compatible: any OpenTool can be upgraded to a newer version without impacting existing ODI mappings or ODI Scenarios.

  • Existing ODI Scenarios work with newer ODI SAP Component versions as well as with newer OpenTool versions.

C.3 Upgrading


The primary source for upgrade steps are product or patch release notes. There may be other steps required than just the ones described below.

If you have any doubts, please contact Oracle Product Support.

Unless otherwise specified, upgrading to a new ODI SAP Adapter version consists of the following steps:

  • Upgrading the OpenTool

    There should not be any need to manually upgrade the OpenTool, as it is shipped as part of the ODI Software or Patch. If needed, the OpenTool is upgraded, by replacing the odi-sap.jar.

  • Upgrading the ODI SAP Components

    Upgrading the ODI SAP Components is described in Updating ODI SAP Components.

  • Upgrading KMs

    In case the SAP Adapter update has happened as part of an ODI Update, KMs may have already been replaced by the Upgrade Assistant, if Replace KMs with Mandatory Updates had been checked. If not, there are two methods for manually updating the KMs in a repository. Please choose based on your requirements. Both methods may be combined, for example, start with method 1 for a few mappings and if tests have been successful, method 2 can be applied.


    No matter which KM update method is used, it is recommended to test all mappings.

C.3.1 Method 1: Add as new KMs

This update path leaves the existing KMs unmodified and imports the updated KMs as new KMs. All existing mappings and existing ODI Scenarios will stay unchanged. This approach allows a step-by-step update to the new KMs, but requires every mapping / model to be updated to use the new KMs.

  • Import all new KM files in Duplication mode inside your project or as global KMs depending on what you have been using so far. This will create new KM objects.

  • Rename each KM from Copy of <KM Name> to <KM Name>. For example, Copy of LKM SAP ERP to SQL to LKM SAP ERP to SQL v38.

  • For every mapping / model (which should use the updated KMs) switch the L/RKM to v38, for example LKM SAP ERP to SQL to LKM SAP ERP to SQL v38.


Existing ODI Scenarios will stay unchanged, until they are regenerated.

C.3.2 Replace existing KMs

This update path replaces the active KMs inside the repository with the new versions. Any mapping or model using the old KMs will immediately be using the updated KM. Existing ODI Scenarios will stay unchanged, until they are regenerated.

Steps to repeat for every KM:

  • Take a backup of existing KM. For example, right-click the KM and click Export.

  • Right-click the KM, select Import Replace..., select the corresponding new KM file and then click OK.

  • No changes required to any mappings or models.


Existing ODI Scenarios will stay unchanged, until they are regenerated.