11 Working with Actions

This chapter describes how to work with actions in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. It describes how to use actions to navigate to related content and to invoke operations, functions, or processes in external systems and explains how to add actions to analyses, dashboard pages, agents, KPIs, and initiatives and objectives in scorecards.

What Are Actions?

Actions allow data and calculations to become interactive.

Actions provide functionality to:

  • Navigate to related content

  • Invoke operations, functions, or processes in external systems

You can include actions in analyses, dashboard pages, agents, scorecard objectives, scorecard initiatives, and KPIs.

Actions can be executed:

  • Explicitly by end users who click action links that are embedded within:

    • Analyses on column headings, column values, and hierarchy level values, in certain views, such as graphs, and on totals and grand totals within tables and pivot tables

    • Dashboard pages

    • Content delivered by agents

    • Scorecards in Cause & Effect Maps, Custom Views, Strategy Tree Views, Strategy Maps, KPIs, and KPI watchlists

    • KPI analyses

  • Automatically, as the final step of an agent

  • Directly from the Home page or from the Catalog page

For example, a sales director wants to meet with the sales manager of any region where sales drop below a certain threshold. You might embed an action object into the sales director's dashboard to enable the sales managers to schedule such a meeting simply by clicking a link. Or, you could use an agent to schedule the meeting automatically as soon as the sales threshold is passed.

What Are Action Links and Action Link Menus?

Action links and action link menus provide interactivity to data presentations.

An action link is a link to an action that you have embedded in an analysis, dashboard page, scorecard objective, scorecard initiative, or KPI that, when clicked, runs an associated action.

The following illustration shows an analysis to which an action link has been added to column values. When you hover the mouse pointer over a column value (for example, revenue for Bluetooth Adaptor in this figure), the column value is displayed as a link. Clicking the column link displays the associated action link, then clicking the action link executes the associated action.

In analyses, KPIs, scorecard objectives, and scorecard initiatives, multiple action links are displayed in a list. The illustration shows an analysis to which a list of action links (Send Email to Manager and Display Graph View) has been added to column values. When you hover the mouse pointer over a column value (for example, revenue for Bluetooth Adaptor in this figure), the column value is displayed as a link. Clicking a column value link displays a list of actions. Clicking an action in the list executes the associated action.

On a dashboard page, you can add action links as standalone links or you can group multiple action links together on action link menus. An action link menu lets users select, from a list of action links, the appropriate action to be executed based on the business insight that they gained from the data.

Additionally, you can conditionally show each action link, depending on the data. This powerful functionality enables you to set up context-sensitive menus that present users with the appropriate next steps based on the data that is displayed. See About Conditionally Enabling Actions.

Action links are not included in exported formats, for example, Excel and PDF.

Action links that you add to analyses are displayed to users in the following views:

  • Funnel graphs

  • Gauges

  • Graphs

  • Heat matrixes

  • Map views

  • Performance Tiles

  • Pivot tables

  • Tables

  • Trellises

  • Treemaps

See Adding Views for Display in Dashboards.

Action links that you add to scorecard objectives and initiatives are displayed to users in the following scorecard views:

  • Cause & effect maps

  • Custom views

  • Strategy trees

  • Strategy maps

  • KPI watchlists

Action links that you add to KPIs are displayed to users in KPI analyses.

What Action Types Are Available?

The types of actions that are available are categorized into two groups: those that navigate to related content and those that invoke operations, functions, or processes in external systems.

Privileges control which types of actions you can create. You might be able to create only navigate-type actions, only invoke-type actions, or both navigate- and invoke-type actions. Or, you might be able to only execute actions (if they exist as shared objects in the catalog or in a shared object, for example in a dashboard or analysis). See Who Can Create Actions?.

In addition, where you can an add an action depends on its type. See Where Can I Add Actions?.

For information about the Contextual Event action type, which developers can use when adding Oracle BI EE objects to Oracle ADF applications, see Passing Business Intelligence Content with the Oracle BI EE Contextual Event Action in Developer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Actions that Navigate to Related Content

You can provide navigation to helpful content.

The following list identifies and describes the types of actions that navigate to related content:

  • Navigate to BI Content — Navigates to an analysis, a specific dashboard page, or dashboard.

  • Navigate to a Web Page — Navigates to a specified URL.

  • Navigate to EPM Content — Navigates to Financial Reporting content.

    This action type requires some configuration before it is available. For information on the required configuration, see Navigate to EPM Content in Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Navigate to E-Business Suite — Navigates to an Oracle E-Business Suite page or form. You use this type of action to allow users to navigate back to an Oracle E-Business Suite page or form after they have first logged in to Oracle E-Business Suite and then accessed Oracle BI EE.

    This action type requires some configuration before it is available. For information on the required configuration, see Navigate to E-Business Suite in Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Navigate to Siebel CRM — Navigates to a view (such as an opportunity) in a Siebel CRM application. You use this type of action to allow users to navigate from a dashboard that is embedded in a Siebel CRM application to a record in a view in the CRM application.

    This action type requires some configuration before it is available. For information on the required configuration, see Navigate to Siebel CRM in Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Actions that Invoke Operations, Functions or Processes in External Systems

You can set actions that are connected to external systems.

The following list identifies and describes the types of actions that invoke operations, functions, or processes in external systems:

  • Invoke a Web Service — Invokes a Web Service operation or any SOA service that is exposed as a Web Service (for example, a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process in the Oracle SOA Suite that is exposed as a Web Service).

    This action type requires some configuration before you can use it. For information on the required configuration, see Invoke a Web Service in Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Invoke a Java Method — Invokes a Java method in an Enterprise Java Bean (EJB).

    This action type requires some configuration before you can use it. For information on the required configuration, see Invoke a Java Method (EJB) in Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Invoke a Browser Script — Invokes a JavaScript function from the client web browser.

    This action type requires some configuration before you can use it. For information on the required configuration, see Invoke a Browser Script in Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  • Invoke Server Script — Executes a custom script when the current agent completes. The custom script type can be either Javascript or VBScript.

    This action supports custom script actions when the server is running on Microsoft Windows. For other platforms (including Windows), consider using the Invoke Java Method (EJB) or Invoke Web Services action.

  • Invoke an HTTP Request — Sends an HTTP request through the server to a target URL. This action type is used to invoke external systems that are exposed by URL APIs.

  • Invoke Agent — Invokes another agent. This action type lets you chain agents. For example, you can have Agent A invoke Agent B, which invokes Agent C and so on.

Who Can Create Actions?

By default, these action privileges are granted to the administrator.

The ability to create actions is controlled by the following action privileges, which are managed by the administrator:

  • Create Navigate Actions — Grants the right to create actions that navigate to related content.

  • Create Invoke Actions — Grants the right to create actions that invoke operations, functions, and processes to external systems.

  • Save Actions containing embedded HTML — Used in conjunction with the Create Invoke Actions privilege, grants the right to embed HTML code in the customization of the results of an Invoke a Web Service action.

See Managing Presentation Services Privileges in Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Managing Objects in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog.

Where Can I Add Actions?

Where you can add an action depends on its type.

You can add some types to analyses, dashboard pages, agents, scorecard objectives, scorecard initiatives, and KPIs, while others you can add only to agents or only to analyses, dashboard pages, scorecard objectives, scorecard initiatives, and KPIs. The table lists the types of actions and identifies where you can add each type.

Action Type Add to Analyses, Dashboard Pages, Scorecard Objectives, Scorecard initiatives, and KPIs Add to Agents

Navigate to EPM Content



Navigate to BI Content



Navigate to a Web Page



Navigate to E-Business Suite



Navigate to Siebel CRM



Invoke a Web Service



Invoke a Java Method



Invoke a Browser Script



Invoke an HTTP Request



Invoke Agent



Invoke Server Script



Note: For this action type, the server must be running on Microsoft Windows.

Invoke Java Jobs



For more information on adding actions to objects, see:

What Are Named Actions?

A named action is an action that you define and then save by name in the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog so that you can reuse it. You can also reuse a named action as a template to create another named action.

You can save all types of actions to the catalog except the following types:

  • Invoke Agent

  • Invoke Server Script

  • Invoke Java Jobs

For example, suppose that you frequently want to include navigation to your organization's web site in analyses and dashboard pages that you are designing. You can create an action that navigates to the URL and save it to the catalog. Then as you create analyses and dashboard pages, you can add this named action to them.

You create a named action when you create an action from the:

  • New menu on the global toolbar by clicking Action and then selecting one of the action types (for example, Navigate to a Web Page).

  • Home page by clicking Action in the Create area and then selecting one of the action types (for example, Navigate to BI Content).

You can also create a named action from a dashboard, an analysis, or a KPI. You do so by creating an inline action and then, to keep it, saving it to the catalog. See What Are Inline Actions?

What Are Inline Actions?

An inline action is an action that you define at the point of use and do not save by name in the catalog. Instead, it is saved as part of the analysis, dashboard page, agent, scorecard objective, scorecard initiative, or KPI.

An inline action is automatically deleted when the analysis, dashboard page, agent, scorecard objective, scorecard initiative, or KPI that contains it is deleted. This simplifies catalog management for actions that make sense only within particular BI content.

For example, suppose that you are designing a dashboard page and want to invoke an EJB that you plan to use only once. You can create an action that invokes the EJB at that point and then add it to the page. When you save the dashboard, the action is saved with it.

You create an inline action when you:

What Are Action Parameters?

Action parameters allow data from actions to be presented in operations or processes.

Action parameters are used to pass data from Oracle BI EE to the operations or processes that are represented by actions:

  • For actions that invoke Web Service operations, the parameters correspond to the simple types defined as attributes and simple elements (or complex elements deconstructed into their simple type components) within the input message of a Web Service operation and are read from the Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) that defines the operation and any parameters on that operation.

  • For actions that invoke a Java method, browser script, or server script, the parameters correspond to the arguments on the method.

  • For actions that navigate to a web page or invoke an HTTP Request, the parameters correspond to the parameters passed through from the URL.

  • For actions that navigate to BI Content, parameters are automatically passed from the source to the target. When navigating from one analysis to another, if the source row of data contains a field with the same logical name as a field used in a filter on the target analysis, then the value of this field will be passed as a parameter. The operator on the filter should be set to is prompted or is equal to / is in.

When creating a named action or when associating an action with an object (such as a column on an analysis), you can specify whether a parameter is:

  • Fixed — A fixed parameter can be seen but its value cannot be set by a user.

  • Hidden — A hidden parameter cannot be seen and its value cannot be set by a user. Hidden does not mean that the parameter is secure.

  • Optional — An optional parameter does not require a value in order for the action to be executed.

An action link or conditional action link that is on a displayed total or grand total will not pass a parameter outside of related BI content.

About Conditionally Enabling Actions

Conditionally enabled actions can be added to specific elements.

You can conditionally enable actions that are added to:

Actions that are added to KPIs are associated with KPI ranges so they are enabled conditionally because of their definitions. For the same reason, actions that are added to scorecards are enabled conditionally, because they are associated with states of initiatives and objectives.

About Conditionally Enabling Actions Added to Analyses

An action link added to an analysis will only display under specified conditions.

When you add an action to an analysis, you can specify that its associated action link is to be displayed only when one or more conditions are met. You do this by selecting one or more columns in the analysis to use and specifying the condition to meet. (The steps to specify a condition are very similar to those used for conditional formatting.)

For example, in an analysis that shows sales figures by regions, you can specify that an action link Send E-mail to Regional Manager is to be displayed only if sales figures drop below a certain amount.

About Conditionally Enabling Actions Added to Dashboard Pages

Actions added to dashboard pages may be displayed only under specified conditions.

When you add an action to a dashboard page, you can specify that its associated action link is to be displayed only when a certain condition is satisfied. You do this by specifying a condition (either a named or inline) that is to be satisfied.

For example, in a dashboard page that displays stock levels for products, you can specify that an action link Order Stock is to be displayed only if stock levels are low for a given product.

Using conditional action links on an action link menu lets you display different sets of actions to users, depending on the data in dashboard pages. For example, in a dashboard page that displays stock levels for products, you can add an action link menu that contains the following action links:

  • Order Stock and Stop Advertising, if stock levels are zero for a given product

  • Order Stock, if stock levels are low for a given product

  • No actions, if the stock levels are adequate for a given product

See What Are Action Links and Action Link Menus? and Working with Conditions.

About Conditionally Enabling Actions Added to Agents

Conditions can be used to execute agent actions.

While you primarily use an agent's condition to determine whether the agent delivers its content or not, you can also use it to determine if the agent executes its actions.

When you add an action to an agent, you can specify that the action is to be executed only when a certain condition is satisfied. You do this by adding a condition (either inline or named) to the agent, and then specifying whether you want the action to be executed:

  • Only if the agent condition evaluates to true

  • Only if the agent condition evaluates to false

For some actions, you can also specify whether to execute the action for each row that is returned by the condition. Invoke Server Script actions and Invoke Agent actions cannot be executed per row of the result set. In addition, if one of the action parameters is a result set mapping, then it cannot be executed per row.

For example, you could add an action to an agent that automatically kicks off a new marketing campaign and specify that it is to be executed only if a condition that evaluates whether sales for a region drop below $2,000,000 is true.

See Working with Conditions.

About Customizing Information Displayed to Users on Action Execution

You can customize information to display to users when they run actions.

Specifically, you can:

  • Specify whether to display a confirmation prompt to users when they execute the action.

  • Customize a dialog that is displayed to users when they need to supply action parameter values before the action is executed.

  • Customize an invocation successful message that is displayed to users, or, for an Invoke a Web Service action, you can customize a dialog to display information about the results of the action.

  • Customize an invocation failure message that is displayed to users.

You use the Action Options dialog to customize this information when you create or edit an action. See Specifying the Settings for New Actions.

Creating Named Actions

You can create named actions (if you have the appropriate privileges), which content designers can add to analyses, dashboard pages, agents, scorecard objectives, scorecard initiatives, and KPIs.

  1. In the global header, click New, select Action under Actionable Intelligence, and then select the type of action to create.
  2. Complete the New Action dialog.

Specifying the Settings for New Actions

You must specify settings for each action you create.

You specify the settings for a new action in the Create New Action dialog (displayed as the New Action dialog for agents and dashboards, and Add New Action dialog for scorecards), when you do any of the following tasks:

  1. Click Create New Action (displayed as Add New Action in an agent or New Action in a dashboard) and then select the type of action to create. If you selected:
    • Navigate to BI Content, first the Select BI Content For Action dialog is displayed, where you select the Oracle BI EE content to which to navigate, and then the Create New Action dialog is displayed.
    • Navigate to EPM Content, first the Select the Hyperion resource you want this action to invoke dialog is displayed, where you select the Hyperion resource to which to navigate, and then the Create New Action dialog is displayed.
    • Invoke a Web Service, the Select Web Service Operation dialog is displayed, where you select a Web Service operation to be invoked or enter the URL for the WSDL if the web service is not preconfigured, and then the Create New Action dialog is displayed.
      • Web Services

        • Use this list to select the Web Service operation to invoke.

        • Initially, this list displays the Web Services preconfigured by the administrator. You can display other Web Services by using the WSDL URL component

      • WSDL URL

        • Displays the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) of the Web Service operation selected in the Web Services list.

        • To list Web Service operations available from a WSDL URL that was not preconfigured, use this field to enter the WSDL URL (for example, http://<server>:8888/default/10?WSDL) and then click Open.

      • Web Service — Displays the Web Service of the selected operation

      • Operation — Displays the selected operation

      • Restore the list of Web Services pre-configured by your Oracle BI Administrator — Displays the list of Web Services that were initially displayed in the Web Services list, that is, the Web Services preconfigured by the administrator.

      • Refresh the selected folder — Available only when you have a folder selected. Use this button to refresh the selected folder.

    • Invoke a Java Method, the Select Java Method dialog is displayed, where you select the Java method to be invoked, and then the Create New Action dialog is displayed.
    • Any other action type, the Create New Action dialog is displayed.
  2. Depending on the type of action that you are creating or editing, do one of the following:
    Action Type What You Do

    Navigate to a Web Page


    Invoke an HTTP Request

    In the URL field, enter the URL of the web page.

    You can highlight the URL in the browser and copy and paste it into the URL field.

    Invoke a Browser Script

    In the Function Name field, enter the name of the function to be executed or click Browse and complete the Select Script Function dialog.

    If the script has parameters defined for it and you selected the function in the Select Script Function dialog, then the parameters are displayed in the Define Parameters list. If you manually entered the function name, then you must manually add the parameters.

    Invoke Server Script

    In the Language box, select JavaScript or VB Script, and then in the Script Path field, enter the path of the script to be executed.

    By default, the scripts are stored in the following directory: ORACLE_INSTANCE\bifoundation\OracleBISchedulerComponent\coreapplication_obischn\scripts\common. For example D:\OBI11g\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBISchedulerComponent\coreapplication_obisch1\scripts\common.

    The Administrator can change the default directory where the scripts are stored.

    Invoke Agent

    Click Browse and complete the Select Existing Agent dialog.

    Navigate to E-Business Suite

    In the Define Parameters list, define these mandatory parameters:

    • FunctionCode — The name of the function that relates to the target E-Business Suite form, for example, GLXIQJRN

    • ConnectionPool — The name of the connection pool for the Oracle E-Business Suite database in the Oracle BI repository, for example, EBS12

    You can also define optional parameters for passing the context from Oracle Business Intelligence to EBS forms.

    For information on defining parameters, see the steps for defining parameters in this procedure.

    For information on integrating with Oracle E-Business Suite security, see Integrating with Oracle E-Business Suite Security in Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

    Navigate to Siebel CRM

    In the Define Parameters list, define these mandatory parameters:

    • View — The name of the view that contains the record to which to navigate, for example, Opportunity List View.

    • Applet — The name of the parent applet in the view that contains the record to which to navigate, for example, Opportunity List Applet.

    • Pass Value — The row number of the record to which to navigate, for example, 3SIA-2O5VU.

      Generally, if you are adding this type of action to an analysis as an inline action, you use a column in the analysis criteria to set the value of Pass Value. To do so, click the Change type of value button, select Column Value, and then click the Column Value button and select the column.

    For how to determine the name of the view, applet, and record row number, see your Siebel CRM application documentation.

    For information on defining parameters, see the steps for defining parameters in this procedure.

  3. (for an Invoke an HTTP Request only) In the Request box, select one of the following options:
    • Get — Invokes the URL as an HTTP GET request.
    • Post — Invokes the URL as an HTTP POST request.
  4. (for an Invoke Agent action only) In the Execute for Recipients box, select the scope of recipients. For example, if you want the recipients to be the same as the recipients of the selected agent, then select Of Specified Agent.
  5. (optional for a Navigate to Web Page or an Invoke an HTTP Request action) To define parameters for the action, click Define Parameters to display the Define Parameters list.
  6. Define the parameters as appropriate:
    • To add a parameter, click the Add Parameter button. A new parameter row is added to the Define Parameters list. The Add Parameter button is not available for all action types.
    • (for an Invoke Server Script action only) To pass the delivery content or the results of the analysis on which the agent condition is based to the script, click the Add Document Parameter button. A new document parameter row is added to the Define Parameters list.
    • Specify the column values for each parameter:
      • In the Name column, if you are creating a new parameter, then enter the name of the parameter. Use a name that is unique within the action.

        This column is not available for all action types.

      • In the Prompt column, if you want the user to provide the parameter value, then enter the prompt to display to the user.

      • In the Value column, to provide a parameter value, enter or select the value. If you want the user to specify the value, then leave this field as is.

      • In the Fixed column, specify whether to allow users to see but not set the parameter. This column is not available for all action types.

      • In the Hidden column, specify whether to hide the parameter from users. This column is not available for all action types.

      • In the Optional column, specify whether the parameter requires a value before the action can be executed.

  7. (optional) Customize information displayed to the user when the action runs:
    1. Click Options to display the Action Options dialog.
    2. Specify the customization that you want.
    3. Click OK.
    This functionality is available only for actions where it is appropriate to display information to users.
  8. Click OK.

    If you are creating a named action, then a dialog is displayed where you specify the information for saving the action.

Adding Actions to Analyses

You can add one or more actions to a column heading, column value, or hierarchy level value in an analysis.

When you add an action to a column heading, column value, or hierarchy level value, you add the action by using an action link.

When an analysis that contains one or more action links is presented to users in a pivot table, table, map, graph, trellis, or gauge, users can click a link to run the associated action. See What Are Action Links and Action Link Menus?

  1. Edit the analysis to which you want to add one or more actions.
  2. Move the mouse pointer over the Options button for the column or hierarchy level to which you want to add one or more actions and select Column Properties or Hierarchy Level Properties.
    You can also access the Column Properties dialog from the Results tab of the Analysis editor. Select the relevant view and click the Edit View button. Locate the appropriate column in the Layout pane, click the More Options button, and then select Column Properties.
  3. In the Column Properties dialog, click the Interaction tab of the Column Properties dialog.
  4. In the Primary Interaction box in the Column Heading area (to add one or more actions to a column heading) or the Value area (to add one or more actions to a column value or hierarchy level value), select Action Links to display the Action Links area.
  5. Click the Add Action Link button.
  6. In the New Action Link dialog Link Text field, enter the text to display as the link to execute the associated action.
  7. To create an action (that is, an inline action), click the Create New Action button and specify the settings for the new action. For information, see Specifying the Settings for New Actions.
  8. To add an existing action (that is, a named action):
    1. Click the Select existing action button.
    2. Complete the Select Action dialog.
    3. If there are parameters associated with the action, then complete the Edit Parameter Mapping dialog that displays.
  9. If you are adding the action link to a value, then in the Show Link component in the New Action Link dialog, select one of the following options:
    • Always — Specifies that the action link is always to be enabled.
    • Conditionally — Specifies that the action link is to be enabled only under certain conditions. Selecting this option displays the Conditions area.

      If you are adding the action link to a column heading, then the Conditionally option is not available.

  10. If you selected Conditionally, then add one or more conditions to be used to enable the action link. For each condition to add:
    1. Click the New Condition button and select the column to use.
    2. Complete the New Condition dialog.
  11. In the New Action Link dialog, click OK to add the action link to the Action Links area on the Interaction tab.
  12. For each additional action link to add, repeat steps 5 -12.
  13. To specify that, when only one action link is available at runtime, the action link is to be executed immediately rather than be displayed in a menu for selection, select the Do not display in a popup if only one action link is available at runtime box.
  14. Select the Enable on Totals check box when your analysis contains a total or grand total, and the associated attribute or measure column contains an action link or a conditional action link and you want the action link (or conditional action link) to be applied to both the column and the total or grand total. This does not apply to column heading action links and by default, this behavior is turned off.
  15. Click OK to close the Column Properties dialog.
  16. Click the Save Analysis button on the Analysis editor to save the analysis.

About Adding Actions to Dashboard Pages

Enhance dashboard pages by adding actions to them.

You can add actions to dashboard pages in one of two ways:

  • By adding to a section on the dashboard page an Action Link object to which you add an action.

    When a dashboard page that contains one or more action links is presented to users, users can click a link to run the associated action.

  • By adding to a section on the dashboard page an Action Link Menu object to which you add action links.

    When a dashboard page that contains an action link menu is presented to users, users can select a link from the action link menu to run the associated actions.

See What Are Action Links and Action Link Menus?

Adding Actions to Dashboard Pages Using Action Links

Actions can be added to dashboard pages to make the dashboard pages interactive by using action links.

  1. Edit the dashboard page to which you want to add an action.
  2. From the Dashboard Object pane, drag and drop an Action Link object on the dashboard page.
  3. Click the Properties button for the Action Link object to display the Action Link Properties dialog.
  4. Complete the Action Link Properties dialog. See Completing the Action Link Properties Dialog.
  5. Click the Save button on the Dashboard builder to save the dashboard page.

Completing the Action Link Properties Dialog

When you add actions to dashboard pages either by using action links or action link menus, you create action links by completing the Action Link Properties dialog.

The Action Link Properties dialog provides formatting and function settings.

  1. To create an action (that is, an inline action), click the New Action button and specify the settings for the new action.
  2. To add an existing action (that is, a named action):
    1. Click the Select existing action button.
    2. Complete the Open dialog.
    3. If there are parameters associated with the action, complete the Edit Parameter Mapping dialog that displays.
  3. In the Link Text box, enter the text to display as the link to execute the associated action.
    If you enter information into the Link Text box prior to adding an existing action or creating an action, the information that you entered is overwritten with the name of the action link.
  4. If you are creating an action link that will not be displayed on an action link menu, then in the Caption box, enter a caption to display above the link text.
  5. (for an action link that navigates to a URL or to other BI content only) Use the Open Link in New Window box in the Action Link Properties dialog to specify whether to open the link in a new browser window or tab.
  6. (for Navigate to BI Content actions only) Use the Add to Briefing Book box to specify whether the action that is associated with the action link can be executed in a briefing book, but only if the number of briefing book navigation links to be followed is greater than 0.
  7. In the Show Link component, select one of the following options:
    • Always — Specifies that the action link is always to be enabled.
    • Conditionally — Specifies that the action link is to be enabled only if the associated condition is satisfied.
  8. If you selected Conditionally, then specify the condition as follows:
    1. To create a condition, click the New Condition button to display the New Condition dialog and then complete the dialog.
    2. To select an existing condition, click Select Condition to display the Select Condition dialog and then complete the dialog.
  9. Click OK in the Action Link Properties dialog.

Adding Actions to Dashboard Pages Using Action Link Menus

You can add actions to make dashboard pages interactive.

You can add one or more actions to a dashboard page using an action link menu.

  1. Edit the dashboard page to which you want to add one or more actions.
  2. From the Dashboard Object pane, drag and drop an Action Link Menu object on the dashboard page.
  3. Click the Properties button for the Action Link Menu object to display the Action Link Menu Properties dialog.
  4. In the Menu Label box, enter the name to display for the menu.
  5. In the Caption box, enter a caption to display above the action link menu text.
  6. Add the action links to the menu as follows:
    • To add an action link that already exists on the page, drag and drop the existing Action Link object onto the Action Link Menu object.

    • To add a new action link, click the Add button to display the Action Link Properties dialog and then complete the dialog.


    You also can drag an Action Link object from an Action Link Menu object to create a standalone action link.
  7. Click OK in the Action Link Menu Properties dialog.
  8. Click the Save button on the Dashboard builder to save the dashboard page.

Adding Actions to Agents

You can add one or more actions to an agent.

You cannot add an existing action that navigates to related content (such as Navigate to BI Content) or an existing Invoke a Browser Script action to an agent.
  1. Edit the agent to which you want to add an action.
  2. Click the Actions tab of the Agent editor.
  3. Determine whether to add the action to the Agent Condition True or No Condition Exists area or the Agent Condition is False area as follows:
    • If there is no condition associated with the agent, or if there is a condition associated with the agent and you want the action to execute only if the condition evaluates to true, then use the Agent Condition True or No Condition Exists area.
    • If there is a condition associated with the agent and you want the action to execute only if the condition evaluates to false, then use the Agent Condition is False area.
  4. To create an action (that is, an inline action), click the Add New Action button and specify the settings for the new action.
  5. To add an existing action (that is, a named action), click the Add Existing Action button and complete the Select Existing Action dialog.
    If there are parameters associated with the action, then the Add Existing Action dialog displays.
  6. (not available for Invoke Server Script actions, Invoke Agent actions, or actions for which one of the parameters is a result set mapping) Select the Invoke per Row option if you have specified a condition for the agent and want to execute the action for each row returned by the condition.
  7. Click the Save this Agent button in the Agent editor to save the agent.

Adding Actions to KPIs

You can add one or more actions to a KPI. When you add an action to a KPI, you add the action by using an action link.

When a KPI that contains one or more action links is presented to end users (generally in a scorecard or a KPI watchlist), users can click a link to run the associated action.

  1. Edit the KPI to which you want to add one or more actions.
  2. Click the States page of the KPI editor.
  3. Click the Define action links for this status button to display the Action Links dialog.
  4. To add an action that has been added to another range of the KPI, click the Add Action Link button and select the action.
  5. To add a new action:
    • If one or more actions have been added to another range of the KPI, click the Add Action Link button and select New Action Link.
    • If no actions have been added to other ranges of the KPI, then click the Add Action Link button.
  6. In the Link Text field of the New Action Link dialog, enter the text to display as the link to execute the associated action.
  7. To create an action (that is, an inline action), click the Create New Action button and specify the settings for the new action.
  8. To add an existing action (that is, a named action):
    1. Click the Select existing action button.
    2. Complete the Open dialog.
    3. If there are parameters associated with the action, complete the Edit Parameter Mapping dialog (if displayed).
  9. Click OK in the New Action Link dialog.
  10. For each additional action link to add, repeat steps 5–9.
  11. Click OK to close the Action Links dialog.
  12. Click the Save KPI As button on the KPI editor to save the KPI.

Adding Actions to Initiatives and Objectives in Scorecards

You can add one or more actions to an initiative or objective in a scorecard.

When you add an action to an initiative or objective, you use an action link.

  1. Edit the scorecard that contains the initiative or objective.
  2. Navigate to the initiative or objective to which you want to add an action as follows:
    • If you are adding the action to an initiative, then in the Initiatives pane, double-click the initiative.
    • If you are adding the action to an objective, then in the Strategy pane, double-click the objective.
  3. In the Action Link area in the Analytics pane, click the New Row button.
  4. In the State Equals box of the Action Link dialog, select the state of the initiative or objective under which the action link is to be enabled.
  5. To create an action (that is, an inline action), click the Create New Action button and specify the settings for the new action.
  6. To add an existing action (that is, a named action):
    1. Click the Select Existing Action button.
    2. In the Open dialog, click OK.
  7. In the Link Text field, enter the text to display as the link to execute the associated action.
  8. Click OK in the Action Link dialog to add the action link.
  9. Save the objective or initiative.

Creating a New Action Based on an Existing Named Action

You can create an action based on an existing named action.

For example, suppose that your organization has an existing named action Send Message that sends an email message. Its parameters include a recipient, subject, message, and priority. You can create an action that is based on this Send Message action that sends a high priority message. To do so, you provide a high priority value for the priority parameter and save the new action with a new name, such as Send High Priority Message.

  1. Edit the existing named action on which you want to base a new action.
  2. In the Edit Action dialog, specify any changes that you want.
  3. Click Save As and specify the save as criteria in the dialog.

Editing Named Actions

You can edit a named action.

Editing a named action allows you to keep it current.

  1. Navigate to the action in the catalog.
  2. Click the Edit link.
  3. In the Edit Action dialog, edit the action and click OK.
  4. Click Save Action.

Editing Actions and Action Links Added to Analyses

You can edit one or more actions or action links in a column heading, column value, or hierarchy level value in an analysis.

When you change actions or action links in analyses, the change is seen everywhere the action or action link is used.

  1. Edit the analysis to which the action and action link has been added.
  2. Move the mouse pointer over the Options menu for the column or hierarchy level to which the action has been added and select Column Properties or Hierarchy Level Properties.
    You can also access the Column Properties dialog from the Results tab of the Analysis editor. Select the relevant view and click the Edit View button. Locate the appropriate column in the Layout pane, click the More Options button, and then select Column Properties.
  3. In the Column Properties dialog, click the Interaction tab.
  4. In the Action Links area, select the action to edit and click the Edit Action Link button to display the Edit Action Link dialog.
  5. Make the appropriate changes to the action link.
  6. Click the More button and select Edit Action.
  7. In the Edit Action dialog, edit the action and click OK.
  8. In the Edit Action Link dialog, click OK.
  9. In the Column Properties dialog, click OK.
  10. Click Save Analysis.

Editing Actions, Action Links, and Action Link Menus Added to Dashboard Pages

You can correct errors or make updates to actions, action links, or action link menus on dashboard pages.

You edit any action, action link, or action link menu to keep dashboard pages current.

  1. Edit the dashboard page.
  2. If the action and action link are associated with an action link menu:
    1. Click the Properties button for the Action Link Menu object.
    2. In the Action Link Menu Properties dialog, make the appropriate changes to the menu label and caption.
    3. In the Action Links area, select the action to edit and click the Edit button.
  3. If the action and action link are standalone, click the Properties button for the Action Link object to which the action is associated.
  4. In the Action Link Properties dialog, make the appropriate changes to the action link.
  5. Click the More button and select Edit Action.
  6. In the Edit Action dialog, edit the action and click OK.
  7. Click OK in the Action Link Properties dialog, and then in the Action Link Menu Properties dialog (if displayed).
  8. Click Save to save the dashboard.

Editing Actions Added to Agents

You can edit an action that you have added to an agent.

If the action is an inline action, then you can edit the entire action. If the action is a named action, then you can edit only the parameter values.

  1. Open the agent.
  2. Click the Actions tab of the Agent editor.
  3. Select the action and click the Edit Parameters button.
  4. In the Edit Action dialog, edit the action and click OK.

Editing Actions and Action Links Added to KPIs

You can change an action or action link that has been added to a KPI.

Editing actions and action links ensures the information is current.

  1. Edit the KPI to which the action and action link has been added.
  2. Click the States page of the KPI editor.
  3. Click the Define action links for this status button to display the Action Links dialog.
  4. In the Action Links area, select the action to edit and click the Edit Action Link button to display the Edit Action Link dialog.
  5. Make the appropriate changes to the action link.
  6. Click the More button and select Edit Action.
  7. In the Edit Action dialog, edit the action and click OK.
  8. Click OK in the Edit Action Link dialog.
  9. Click OK in the Action Links dialog.
  10. Click Save KPI As.

Editing Actions and Actions Links Added to Initiatives and Objectives in Scorecards

Editing actions and action links in initiatives and objectives allows them to be kept current and relevant.

Editing actions and action links is a simple process.

  1. Edit the scorecard that contains the initiative or objective.
  2. Navigate to the initiative or objective as follows:
    • For an initiative, in the Initiatives pane, double-click the initiative.
    • For an objective, in the Strategy pane, double-click the objective.
  3. In the Action Link area of the Analytics pane, click the Edit Row button.
  4. In the Action Link dialog, make the changes that you want and click OK
  5. Save the objective or initiative.

Saving Inline Actions in Analyses to the Catalog

You can save inline actions to the catalog so that they can be used in multiple analyses.

You can select an inline action in an analysis to be saved in the catalog. For example, in the Brand Revenue analysis, you can save an inline action in the catalog. When you save the action to the catalog, you can include it in other analyses and dashboard pages in the Sales Performance dashboard.

To save an inline action in an analysis:

  1. Edit the analysis to which the action has been added.
  2. Move the mouse pointer over the Options menu for the column or hierarchy level to which the action has been added and select Column Properties or Hierarchy Level Properties.
    You can also access the Column Properties dialog from the Results tab of the Analysis editor. Select the relevant view and click the Edit View button. Locate the appropriate column in the Layout pane, click the More Options button, and then select Column Properties.
  3. Click the Interaction tab in the Column Properties dialog.
  4. In the Action Links area, select the action to save and click the Edit Action Link button.
  5. In the Edit Action Link dialog, click the More button and select Save Action As to display the Save As dialog to specify the save criteria.
  6. Specify the save criteria and click OK.
    To replace the reference to the current action with the saved action, select the Replace current action with a reference to the saved action box.
  7. Click OK in the Edit Action Link dialog.
  8. Click OK in the Column Properties dialog.

Saving Inline Actions in Dashboards to the Catalog

You can select an inline action in a dashboard to be saved into the catalog.

For example, in the Sales Performance dashboard, you can save an inline action in the catalog. When you save the action to the catalog, you can include it in the Brand Revenue analysis, which is not included in the dashboard.

  1. Edit the dashboard page.
  2. If the action and action link are associated with and action link menu:
    1. Click Properties for the Action Link Menu object.
    2. In the Properties dialog, make the appropriate changes to the menu label and caption.
    3. In the Action Links area, select the action to edit and click Edit.
  3. If the action and action link are standalone, then click the Properties button for the Action Link object to which the action is associated.
  4. In the Action Link Properties dialog, click the More button and select Save Action As. The Save As dialog is displayed.
  5. In the Save As dialog, edit the action and click OK.
  6. Click OK in the Action Link Properties dialog, and then in the Action Link Menu Properties dialog (if displayed).
  7. Click Save to save the dashboard.
  8. Click the More button and select Save Action As.
  9. Specify the save criteria and click OK.


    To replace the reference to the current action with the saved action, select the Replace current action with a reference to the saved action box.
  10. Click OK in the Action Link Properties dialog, and then in the Action Link Menu Properties dialog (if displayed).
  11. Click Save to save the dashboard.

Testing a Named Action by Executing It

After creating a named action, you can test it to ensure that it executes properly.

For example, you can test the Navigate to Brand Revenue action. Test the action to ensure that it prompts users for the expected values. Also, test to see that it navigates to and displays appropriate data on the Brand Revenue dashboard page.

  1. Navigate to the named action in the catalog.
  2. Click the Execute link.
  3. Respond to any request for more information or any confirmation prompt that is displayed.
    A successful invocation message indicates only that the action itself ran successfully. It does not indicate that the process or operation that the action represents ran successfully.