B Report File Configuration Elements

The report file configuration reference provides a detailed description of the report file deployment descriptor elements.

This appendix includes the following sections:

B.1 Report File Deployment Descriptor

The report file deployment descriptor specifies a report for displaying management information that is based on MBeans. The coherence.jar/reports directory contains many predefined report files. See Analyzing Report Contents. Modify the reports or create new reports as required.

The report file deployment descriptor schema is defined in the coherence-report-config.xsd file, which is located in the root of the coherence.jar library and at the following Web URL:


The <report-config> element is the root element of the deployment descriptor and includes the XSD and namespace declarations. For example:

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<report-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"


  • The schema that is located in the coherence.jar library is always used at run time even if the xsi:schemaLocation attribute references the Web URL.

  • Omit the xsi:schemaLocation attribute to disable schema validation.

  • When deploying Oracle Coherence into environments where the default character set is EBCDIC rather than ASCII, ensure that the deployment descriptor file is in ASCII format and is deployed into its run-time environment in the binary format.

B.2 Report File Element Reference

The report file element reference includes all non-terminal report file configuration elements. Each section includes instructions on how to use the element and also includes descriptions for all valid subelements.

B.2.1 column

Used in: row


The column element contains information to generate a report column. The column element supports the use of an id attribute to uniquely identify the column. The ID is used within the column-ref subelement.


Table B-1 describes the subelements of the column element.

Table B-1 column Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies an XmlColumn implementation. The type element defines the type of the column in the report. The following values are valid:

  • attribute – (default) A column that contains the data from an MBean attribute.

  • key – A column that contains the value from an MBean key attribute.

  • method – A column that contains the result of an MBean method invocation.

  • function – A column that contains the result of a function or aggregation. See the function-name element in this table.

  • global – A column that contains a value not related to any specific MBean. Global column names are {report-time}, {report-count}, and {node-id}.

  • constant – A column that contains a constant string of numeric value.

  • property – A column that contains a value of a Java system property.



Specifies an attribute or method name on the MBean. For composite data types, the name element can contain a slash (/) delimited name sequence.



Specifies the column header. The value of the name element is used if this item is omitted.



Specifies a character that separates column or array values. Valid values are {tab}, {space}, or any non-whitespace character.



Specifies information necessary to construct a JMX query to find all MBeans contributing to the report or column.



Specifies whether the column value is hidden in the report. Valid values are true and false.



Specifies a reference to a column identifier. The reference passes a column value as an argument to a filter or another column.



Specifies the name of the calculation to apply to the associated MBean attribute values. This element is only valid when the type element is function. The following values are valid:

  • sum – The sum of all retrieved attribute values

  • avg – The average value for all retrieved attribute values

  • min – The minimum numeric value for all retrieved attribute values

  • max – The maximum numeric value for all retrieved attribute values

  • add – The sum of values for two column references

  • subtract – The difference between values for two column references

  • multiply – The product of values for two column references

  • divide – The ratio between values for two column references



Specifies an argument column or a filter reference



Specifies the data type of a constant column. Valid values are double and string.



Specifies the value of a constant column



specifies whether the column is included in the group by clause of the query. Valid values are true and false. The default values is false.



Specifies whether the column is included as part of a subquery. Valid values are true and false. The default values is false.



Specifies if a negative value is returned to the query. Negative values are considered error or not available codes on Oracle Coherence MBeans. By default, these codes return zero to not affect column calculations. Valid values are true and false. The default values is false.

B.2.2 filter

Used in: filters


The filter element defines a filter to use in the report. The filter element supports the use of an id attribute to uniquely identify the filter. Use the ID when referring to a filter with the filter-ref element. Filters can be referenced from within a params element and a query element.


Table B-2 describes the subelements of the filter element.

Table B-2 filter Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies an XmlFilter implementation. The type element defines the type of the filter in the report. The following values are valid:

  • equals – A filter that compares the result of two or more column references for a value equality.

  • greater – A filter that compares the results of two column references for the greater than condition. If any of the values is resolved to null, the evaluation yields false. (This approach is equivalent to the way the NULL values are handled by SQL.)

  • less – A filter that compares the results of two column references for the less than condition. If any of the values is resolved to null, the evaluation yields false.

  • not – A filter that returns the logical not of a filter reference.

  • and – A filter that returns the logical and of two filter references.

  • or – A filter that returns the logical or of two filter references.



Specifies an argument column or a filter reference

B.2.3 filters

Used in: report


The filters element contains any number of filter elements.


Table B-3 describes the subelements of the filters element.

Table B-3 filters Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Defines a filter to use in the report

B.2.4 params

Used in: column, filter, query


The params element identifies an argument column or a filter reference.


Table B-4 describes the subelements of the params element.

Table B-4 params Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies a reference to a filter ID. The reference passes a filter as an argument to a query or another filter.



Specifies a reference to a column identifier. The reference passes a column value as an argument to a filter or another column.

B.2.5 query

Used in: column, report


The query element contains information necessary to construct a JMX query to find all MBeans contributing to the report or column. Enter queries within a <pattern> element.


The following example includes all node MBeans in the report or column:


The following example that includes only the Cluster MBean in the report or column:


The pattern string allows macro substitutions with run-time values that come from report columns. For example, to provide a cache name in the query pattern, define a reporter.cacheName system property and use the following construct:

      <column id="CacheName">

Sometimes a query pattern is known to result in a list of MBean names that have a well-known key attribute. Use the key attribute to retrieve an attribute from a related (joined) MBean. For example, because the Coherence:type=Service,* pattern is known to result in MBeans in the Coherence:type=Service,nodeId=NNN format, the following configuration below prints the MemberName attribute from a corresponding NodeMBean along with the ServiceName attribute for the ServiceMBean.

      <column id="MemberName">
      <column id="NodeId">
      <column id="ServiceName">


Table B-5 describes the subelements of the query element.

Table B-5 query Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies a JMX query or object name to include in the report



Specifies a reference to a filter ID. The reference passes a filter as an argument to a query or another filter.



Specifies an argument column or a filter reference

B.2.6 report

Used in: report-config


The report element contains information necessary to generate a JMX-based report. A report can include any number of report elements; however, a report file typically contains a single report definition.


Table B-6 describes the subelements of the report element.

Table B-6 report Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies a descriptive heading for the associated report or column.



Specifies the file name for the generated report. The file name is either absolute or relative to a directory that is specified in the corresponding report group deployment descriptor. If the specified file exists, then the new report lines are appended to the file; otherwise, a new report file is created.

The file name may contain three macros:

  • {batch} – This macro is replaced with a counter (a sequential number).

  • {node} – This macro is replaced with the cluster member ID. Use this macro to differentiate reports on different cluster members.

  • {date} – This macro is replaced with the current date (YYYYMMDD).

Note: A process running the reporter requires read, write, and create access to the report output directory.



Specifies a character that separates column or array values. Valid values are {tab}, {space}, or any non-whitespace character.



Specifies whether the report includes description and column headers. Valid values are true and false.



Specifies a group of filters for the report



Specifies information necessary to construct a JMX query to find all MBeans contributing to the report or column



Specifies information to generate a report row

B.2.7 report-config

Root Element


The report-config element is the root element of the report configuration deployment descriptor and contains the report definition.


Table B-7 describes the subelements of the report-config element.

Table B-7 report-config Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies the information necessary to generate a JMX-based report

B.2.8 row

Used in: report-config


The row element contains a list of columns to include in the report.


Table B-8 describes the subelements of the row element.

Table B-8 row Subelements

Element Required/ Optional Description



Specifies the information that generates a report column