7 Changes to Client/Server Deployment and Forms Runtime

Client/server runtime is obsolete in fmdev and fmservices. When you use fmdev, part of the upgrade process is to upgrade your Forms applications for Web-based deployment.

Client/server deployment is different from Web-based deployment, as described in Upgrade Client/Server Applications to the Web.

The following sections are included:

7.1 Effect on Forms Development

The obsolescence of client/server deployment has little to no effect on the development and debugging of Forms applications.

You can still run your code in Forms Developer without having to deploy on the Web first. Use the one-button-run* facility, which renders a true WYSIWYG representation of a Web-deployed form.

The PL/SQL debugger has been improved to allow debugging in a three-tier environment.

*One-button Run is available for non Forms Builder Only installs only.

7.2 Obsolete Forms Runtime Command Line Options

List of command line options for Runform that have been removed.

The following have been removed because they relate to obsolete features:

  • OptimizeSQL

  • OptimizeTP

  • Keyin

  • Keyout

  • Output_file

  • Interactive

  • Block_menu

  • Statistics

7.3 Obsolete Character Mode Runtime

Character mode runtime, which was only available on UNIX and VMS platforms, is no longer available.

All character mode support has been removed from fmdev and fmservices. For information about character mode runtime, see Properties and Logical and GUI Attributes.