5.1 Starting and Stopping Reports Server

The best way to run Reports Server is through the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST). Node Manager provides a centralized mechanism for initializing, maintaining, and shutting down your Oracle HTTP Server, Oracle WebLogic Server processes, and OracleAS Reports Services. For more information on configuring Reports Server through Node Manager, see Section 7.8, "Configuring Reports Server with the Node Manager Reports Process Management"


Node Manager automatically restarts Reports Server if it stops responding for some reason.

In Oracle Reports, running Reports Server as Windows service is no longer supported (rwserver -install server_name). As a result, the related command line keywords INSTALL and UNINSTALL are obsolete.

For more information about the obsolescence of running Reports Server as a Windows service, see A Guide to Functional Changes Between Oracle Reports 6i and 10g on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

5.1.1 Starting, Stopping Reports Servers from the Node Manager using script

To start and stop reports server, please use below UNIX commands:

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startComponent.sh reports_server_name

$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/stopComponent.sh reports_server_name

5.1.2 Alternative Methods of Starting and Stopping Reports Server

If you choose not to run Reports Server through Node Manager, you can use these older methods of running Reports Server:

  • Starting the In-process Server (Windows and UNIX)

  • Starting Reports Server from a Command Line (Windows and UNIX)

  • Stopping Reports Server


Beginning with Oracle Reports 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), running Reports Server as a Windows service is no longer supported, as mentioned at the beginning of this section. Starting the In-process Server (Windows and UNIX)

If you are using Reports Server as an in-process server (the default configuration), sending a run report request starts the in-process server; however, if you are sending a request through a command line, the servlet must be invoked first using either the run report URL or the Web command URL. When you have successfully started the servlet, this also means you have successfully started the in-process server.

To directly start the in-process server from a URL, enter the following from your Web browser:

http://your_machine_name:your_port_num/reports/rwservlet/startserver Starting Reports Server from a Command Line (Windows and Linux)

Before you start the Reports Server from command line, you must set the COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH environment variable as follows:


To start Reports Server as a standalone server on Windows, use the following command:

rwserver server=server_name

Add the BATCH command line keyword to start up the server without displaying dialog boxes or messages.

rwserver server=server_name batch=yes

You can run this command on UNIX using the following syntax:

rwserver.sh server=server_name


rwserver.sh server=server_name batch=yes


Before starting the Reports Server from the command line, ensure that the Reports Server is created if it does not already exist. For information about creating a Reports server, see Section 7.8.4, "Creating a New Reports Server Component Type".


If DISPLAY is not set, you must start Reports Server in batch mode (batch=yes).

For more information about removing DISPLAY and printer dependencies in UNIX systems, see Section 10.8.

For more information about the REPORTS_DEFAULT_DISPLAY environment variable, see Appendix B.

You can run this command from any directory as long as the shell script can be reached in your PATH environment variable. Stopping Reports Server

There are several ways to stop Reports Server on Windows and UNIX, as follows:

  • If Reports Server is running on Windows through the rwserver executable, or on UNIX through a shell script, rwserver.sh, click Shutdown in the Reports Server dialog box.

  • If Reports Server is running as an in-process server through the Reports Servlet, issue the following URL:

  • If Reports Server is running from a command line on Windows or UNIX, use any of the following commands, depending on how you want to shut down the Reports Server.


    On UNIX, use rwserver.sh instead of rwserver.

    Before you shut down the server, you must set the COMPONENT_CONFIG_PATH environment variable as follows:


    To shut down the server normally (that is, finish pending jobs and then stop):

    rwserver server=server shutdown=normal authid=username/password

    To shut down the server immediately (that is, stop without finishing pendingjobs):

    rwserver server=server shutdown=immediate authid=username/password

    To shut down the server without displaying any related messages:

    rwserver server=server shutdown=normal authid=username/password batch=yes

    The keywords used with the rwserver command are described in Appendix A, "Command-Line Keywords"


    authid is Reports Server's administration user name and password. In Oracle Reports, the default security is based on standards-based Java EE security model through Oracle Platform Security Services. For a non-secure Reports Server, this user is defined in the identifier element. The following bullet contains more information on how to stop a non-secure Reports Server using the command line.
  • When you stop or shut down a non-secure Reports Server from the command line using either rwserver.sh or rwrqv.sh, you must provide a valid authid, which must match the value set in the identifier element in the server configuration file. However, the identifier element is set during Reports configuration while installing Oracle Application Server and encrypted by Reports Server. You can reset the identifier element to any value. To change 'identifier' perform following steps:

    1. In the non-secure Reports Server's configuration file, server_name.conf, modify the identifier element to specify the username/password and set the encrypted attribute to no. For example:

      <identifier encrypted="no">scott/tiger</identifier>
    2. Stop and restart Reports Server manually for the changes made to the server_name.conf file to take effect.


      You must restart Reports Server for any configuration changes to take effect.

      Reports Server will now encrypt the username/password value of the identifier element. After Reports Server reads the changes made in the server_name.conf, the following commands should execute successfully (with scott/tiger as the username/password):

      ./rwserver.sh server=server_name shutdown=normal authid=scott/tiger
      ./rwrqv.sh server=server_name shutdown=normal authid=scott/tiger