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Package oracle.javatools.db.diff

Contains a metadata driven differ of database objects.

See: Description

Package oracle.javatools.db.diff Description

Contains a metadata driven differ of database objects. A DiffEngine can be created and any number of Differ implementations registered with it for comparing objects of different types. The DiffEngine recursively walks down two lists of objects and thier children, diffing objects using the appropiate registered Differs. The result is a complete description of the differences between the two lists and is encapsulated in a ResultSet object.

For comparing lists of objects (including children) that are not naturally sortable, Comparator implementations can be registered against a DiffEngine.

The DiffEngine is not specific to database objects. A number of Differs and Comparators are provided in this package for diffing database objects, ids and associated classes. To provide a proper diff of database objects the GenericDiffEngine class provides a DiffEngine pre-loaded with the appropriate Differ and Comparator objects.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
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