3 Deploying Web Service Applications

As you work with web services, you will find that you can deploy and undeploy the associated applications in different ways.

Follow these guidelines when deploying applications associated with web services:

For more information about deploying applications, see "Deploying Applications" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Deploying Web Service Applications

The following is an overview of the basic procedure for deploying a web service application using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

To deploy a web service application:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand WebLogic Domain.
  2. Expand the domain in which you want to deploy the web service, and then select the instance of the server on which you want to deploy it.
  3. In the content pane, select WebLogic Server then Deployments.
  4. On the Deployments page, click Deploy.

    The first screen of the Deploy process is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-1.

    Figure 3-1 Select Archive Page

  5. Select one of the following Archive or Exploded Directory options:
    • Archive is on the machine where this web browser is running.

    • Archive or exploded directory is on the server where Enterprise Manager is running.

  6. Select one of the following Deployment Plan options:
    • Automatically create a new deployment plan

    • Deployment plan is present on local host

    • Deployment plan is already present on the server where Enterprise Manager is running

    A deployment plan is an XML file that you use to configure an application for deployment to a specific environment. If you do not already have a deployment plan for the web service application you are deploying, one is created for you when you deploy the application.

  7. Select one of the following Deployment Type options:
    • Deploy this archive or exploded directory as an application

    • Deploy this archive or exploded directory as a library

  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Select Target page, select the target (WebLogic server or cluster) to which you want this application deployed, and click Next.

    Figure 3-2 Select Target Page

  10. On the Application Attributes page, enter the attributes for this web service application, and click Next. Application Name is the only required attribute.

    However, if you want to be able to redeploy this web service application later without first having to undeploy it, you must also assign a version number.

    The context root is the URI for the web module. Each web module or EJB module that contains web services may have a context root.

    Figure 3-3 Application Attributes Page

  11. On the Deployment Settings page, edit the deployment settings for this web service application, as shown in Figure 3-4.

    Figure 3-4 Deployment Settings Page

  12. To save a copy of the deployment plan to your local system, click Save Deployment Plan.
  13. To edit the deployment plan, possibly to add advanced deployment options, click Edit Deployment Plan. If you do so, the Edit Deployment Plan screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-5. After making changes to the deployment plan, click Apply to make the change effective.

    Figure 3-5 Edit Deployment Plan

  14. Click Deploy on the Deployment Settings page. If successful, the Deployment Succeeded screen is displayed.

3.2 Undeploying Web Service Applications

The procedure for undeploying or redeploying a web service is the same as the procedure for any application.

To undeploy a web service application:

  1. From the navigation pane, expand Application Deployments, then expand the application deployment and select the application name

    The Application Deployment is displayed

  2. In the content pane, select Application Deployment then Deployments.
  3. In the Deployments table, select the application and click Undeploy.

    The undeploy confirmation page is displayed.

  4. Click Undeploy.

    Processing messages are displayed.

  5. When the operation completes, click Close.

3.3 Redeploying Web Service Applications

When you redeploy a web service application, the running application is automatically stopped and then restarted.

Redeploy an application if:

  • You have made changes to the application and you want to make the changes available.

  • You have made changes to the deployment plan.

  • You want to redeploy an entirely new archive file in a new location.

When you redeploy an application, you can redeploy the original archive file or exploded directory, or you can specify a new archive file in place of the original one. You can also change the deployment plan that is associated with the application.


Applications that were previously deployed without a version cannot be redeployed. To redeploy the not-versioned applications, you need to undeploy and deploy the application.

The steps that you follow to redeploy a web service application are identical to those required when you first deployed the application, as described in "Deploying Web Service Applications", with two exceptions: you must redeploy the application with a new version, and you can optionally set the retirement policy for the current version. Both of these actions occur at Step 3 of redeployment process, as shown in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 Setting Application Attributes During Redeploy