7 Troubleshooting

This chapter contains information about troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

This chapter includes the following sections:

7.1 General

This section covers the following topics:

7.1.1 Changing the number of worker threads for a batch processor

The number of worker threads can be modified for any of the batch processors. For example, perform the following steps to change the number of worker threads for the import processor. In this example, the thread count is being changed from 10 to 1:

  1. Stop the Capture Managed Server.

  2. In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, click Deployments in the Domain Structure tree on the left. The Summary of Deployments page displays.

  3. In the Deployments table, expand the Capture deployment node.

  4. Expand the Modules node under the Capture deployment node and select oddc-core.jar. The settings page for oddc-core.jar displays.

  5. Select the Configuration tab and then the Workload subtab.

  6. Select ImportProcessorMgr from the list of Application Scoped Work Managers. The settings page for ImportProcessorMgr displays.

  7. Select ImportProcessorMaxThreads from the list of Application Scoped Work Manager Components. The settings page for ImportProcessorMaxThreads displays.

  8. Set the value of the Count field to 1 (from 10).

  9. Click Save.

Perform the following steps to confirm the changes to the thread count setting:

  1. Start the Capture Managed Server.
  2. In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, expand the Services node in the Domain Structure tree on the left.
  3. Expand the Messaging node under Services and click JMS Modules. The JMS Modules page displays.
  4. In the JMS Modules table, select capture-jms-module. The settings page for capture-jms-module displays.
  5. In the Summary of Resources table, select capture-batchinput-queue. The settings page for capture-batchinput-queue displays.
  6. Select the Monitoring tab. In the Destinations table, the values in the Consumers Current and the Consumers High columns should be 1.

7.1.2 Creating a hash partition to improve database performance

You can use a hash partition of the EBATCTITEMS table to minimize the database wait event enq: HW– contention, which prevents the database from scaling. This event occurs when many threads are trying to update and add new BLOB items to ECBATCHTITEMS, as follows:


Creating a hash partition minimizes this contention because different items will be in eight different partitions. See Creating a Hash Partition to Improve Database Performance in Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content.


The use of a hash partition on an Oracle Database has licensing implications since it requires the purchase of an "Oracle Partitioning" license. Please refer to this document: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/license.111/b28287.pdf.

7.2 Commit Processor

This section covers troubleshooting topics related to the Commit Processor.

7.2.1 Testing the PDF Image-Only document export driver outside of Capture

To test the Outside In Technology (OIT) PDF Export utility, it is necessary to supply a TIFF file to test the export. Perform the following steps:

Using Linux

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Change to the {Middleware Home}/oit/linux64/lib/contentaccess directory.

    Note: The default {Middleware Home} path on Linux is /Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home.

  3. Enter the following command, which first sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to the current directory (".") and then executes the PDFExport64 utility:

    env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ../../../../wccapture/capture/bin/linux/PDFExport64 -i {TIFF file to read} -o {PDF file to create} -l {log file to create} -f {Path to font folder}


    env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ../../../../wccapture/capture/bin/linux/PDFExport64 -i /tmp/sample.tif -o /tmp/test.pdf -l /tmp/pdfexport.log -f /usr/share/X11/fonts

    The logging of the OIT PDF Export utility will be captured in the log file specified in the command above (example: /tmp/pdfexport.log).

Using Windows

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Change to the {Middleware Home}\oit\windows-amd64\lib\contentaccess directory.

    Note: The default {Middleware Home} path on Windows is c:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home.

  3. Enter the following command, which executes the PDFExport64 utility:

    ..\..\..\..\wccapture\capture\bin\win64\PDFExport64 -i {TIFF file to read} -o {PDF file to create} -l {log file to create}


    ..\..\..\..\wccapture\capture\bin\win64\PDFExport64 -i C:\tmp\sample.tif -o C:\tmp\test.pdf -l C:\tmp\pdfexport.log

    The logging of the OIT PDF Export utility will be captured in the log file specified in the command above (example: C:\tmp\pdfexport.log).

7.3 Client

This section covers the following topics:

7.3.1 Setting logging in the Capture client

Perform the following steps to enable additional Java logging for the Capture client:

  1. Begin modifying the WebCenter Enterprise Capture Client desktop shortcut by right-clicking on the shortcut icon and selecting Properties from the menu.

  2. On the Shortcut tab, click inside the Target field and position the cursor at the end of the line. Type in a space followed by "-showconsole" (without the quotes).

  3. Click OK to save the changes. The next time you start the Capture client using the desktop shortcut, a debug console will display providing additional logging information.

Perform the following steps in the Capture client to activate batch logging:

  1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences. The Preferences window displays.
  2. In the Logging Level field, select a new level.

    By default, logging is set to Off. Other values include Severe, Warning, Info, Config, Fine, Finer, Finest, and All.

    Log files are stored locally in the .oracle_capture\Log directory in your home directory. A log file is named as follows: WC{date} where date is in the format of MMddyyyy.

  3. Click Save.

For issues involving a TWAIN driven scanning device, a TWAIN log is automatically created:


7.3.2 Scanning in black/white with Kofax VRS TWAIN driver

When scanning in black/white in the Capture client using the Kofax VRS TWAIN driver, the black and white areas are inverted in the scanned images.

Perform the following steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Login to the Capture client.
  2. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences. The Preferences window displays.
  3. Select the Prevent File Mode Transfer field.
  4. Click Save.

The above settings may cause performance issues when scanning color images with a large DPI value, for example, a DPI value between 300 and 600.

7.4 Document Conversion Processor

This section covers the following topics:

7.4.1 "Image export failed with code 3" error in Conversion Processor (OIT conversion)

The "Image export failed with code 3" error message is a generic error message related to the OIT conversion in Capture. To gather a more detailed error message, you will need to set the CAPTUREOITEXPORTLOG environment variable to generate a log file.

Using Linux

To set the environment variable in Linux, you need to modify the setDomainEnv.sh file which is located in {Oracle Home}/user_projects/domains/{Capture domain}/bin directory.

Add the following two lines to the end of the file:



You can change "/scratch" to any other directory if it exists and is writable. After you add the environmental variable, restart the Capture Managed Server and duplicate the issue. Then examine the captureoit.log file to see the more detailed error message.

Using Windows

To set the environment variable in Windows, you need to modify the setDomainEnv.cmd file which is located in {Oracle Home}\user_projects\domains\{Capture domain}\bin directory.

Add the following line to the end of the file:

set CAPTUREOITEXPORTLOG="C:\temp\captureoit.log"

You can change "C:\temp" to any other directory if it exists and is writable. After you add the environmental variable, restart the Capture Managed Server and duplicate the issue. Then examine the captureoit.log file to see the more detailed error message.

7.4.2 Running CaptureOITExport to debug issues related to converting to TIFF

Capture uses OIT libraries for performing the conversion to TIFF. Internally, it uses CaptureOITExport for the conversion. It will create OIT specific logs which can be useful to resolve OIT related errors.

Using Linux

  1. Open a shell prompt and change directories to {Oracle WebCenter Home}/oit/linux64/lib/contentaccess.

  2. For conversions to work on some platforms, certain environment variables must be set. On a Linux operating system running XWindows, when redirecting the display to a system with suitable graphic capabilities, export DISPLAY to a valid X Server before starting the conversion.

    Note: On Oracle Linux, the display server is available. On AIX server, it might need to be installed separately.

  3. Create an OIT specific log file. Export the CAPTUREOITEXPORTLOG environment variable to create the log file specified.

  4. Create an input file which contains the parameters for conversion. The name of the input file is /test/testuser/input.txt and contains the following lines:

  5. Run CaptureOITExport64.


    export DISPLAY=:0
    export CAPTUREOITEXPORTLOG=/test/testuser/oit.log
    ../../../../wccapture/capture/bin/linux/CaptureOITExport64 < /test/testuser/input.txt
    CaptureOITExport Started.

    In the above example:

    • /test/testuser/Test_07.docx: Input Microsoft Word document file

    • /test/testuser/output/out.tif: Output TIFF

    • /test/testuser/output/che.lst: Contains the list of pages for the multi page TIFF

Using Windows


  1. The input file in this example is input.txt (C:\OIT\convtest\input.txt). The input file contains the parameters required for the conversion. It includes the file to be converted (C:\OIT\convtest\Test_07.docx), the output TIFF file (C:\OIT\convtest\output\out.tif) and the following two lines:



  2. Setting CAPTUREOITEXPORTLOG in the command prompt:

    C:\Users\odc>set CAPTUREOITEXPORTLOG=C:\OIT\convtest\oit.log

  3. Change directories to {Oracle WebCenter Home}\oit\windows-amd64\lib\contentaccess.
  4. Invoking the conversion using the input file:

    C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oit\windows-amd64\lib\contentaccess>C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\wccapture\capture\bin\win64\CaptureOITExport.exe < C:\OIT\convtest\input.txt

    CaptureOITExport Started.



