11 Troubleshooting

Get information about troubleshooting Oracle WebCenter Content: Imaging.

11.1 Decimal Field Error

Imaging supports 15 digits of precision independent of the location of the decimal separator. Note the min/max values are not inclusive. Some examples:

Scale of 2:

  • Value must be less than 10,000,000,000,000.00

  • Value must be greater than -10,000,000,000,000.00

Scale of 5:

  • Value must be less than 10,000,000,000.00000

  • Value must be greater than -10,000,000,000.00000

11.2 Imaging and Windows Server Prerequisites

Imaging uses Oracle Outside In Technology which requires certain libraries to be installed that are not part of Imaging. These libraries must be installed on the Imaging server, Content Server, and client machines using the advanced viewer mode, regardless of the machine platform. For more information on what libraries are required for each platform and how to obtain, install, and configure them, see the Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content.

11.3 NULL Number Fields

When a search is executed on an application with a number field that returns hits with documents with nothing entered in a number field, either a 0 or a -1 appears in the field. When an application containing documents is modified to have a number field, the search returns -1 for those documents. When a document is uploaded and the number field is left blank, the search returns 0. If a search is executed with the number field as a condition, they are treated as empty fields and when viewed in Content Server, the fields are empty.

The null number field issue is a result of Content Server functionality.

11.4 Full-Text Search Fails On Large Documents

By default, the maximum document size that will be indexed is 10MB. This is changed by setting the MaxIndexableFileSize configuration variable in the Content Server repository. The default is MaxIndexableFileSize=10485760. If larger documents require full-text indexing, the value of MaxIndexableFileSize should be increased.

11.5 Repository Capacity Errors

Each Imaging application that is created increases the structure complexity of the underlying Content Server repository. Imaging monitors multiple factors to estimate when then structure complexity of its Content Server might be hampering its performance. Once that threshold is exceeded, the Imaging system will consider the Content Server to be full and no longer allow the creation of new applications. The factors used to calculate fullness are configurable and are listed below. This fullness is a reflection of structural complexity of the Content Server, not its ability to continue to accept additional documents. To resolve fullness issues the configuration values below can be adjusted, provided the Content Server system continues to perform well, or an additional Content Server installation can be used to contain new Imaging applications.

A Content Server repository is considered full if any of the following are true:

  • The number of security groups exceeds the value of the environment variable IpmMaxGroupLimit.

  • The number of roles assigned permission to security groups exceeds the value of the environment variable IpmMaxGroupRoleLimit.

  • The number of metadata fields exceeds the value of the environment variable IpmMaxMetadataFields.

  • The Content Server configuration setting IpmRepositoryForceFull=True

    Setting IpmRepositoryForceFull equal to True allows you to configure Content Server to identify itself as full to Imaging in order to prevent additional applications from being created. This does not prevent documents from being uploaded.

To get additional space for applications, do one of the following:

You can also change these environment variable values in the config.cfg file for your Content Server Repository. For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Content guide.

11.6 Font Errors

Documents with text content require the fonts necessary to render the document to be available to the Oracle Outside In rendering engine, which uses TrueType fonts. Fonts are not provided by Oracle. If the font used in a document is not available to Oracle Outside In, then a suitable substitute will be used. Font substitutions can cause a document to be unreadable, create incorrect text formatting, or cause shifting of data or repagination on text documents, including potentially exposing redacted content.

Indicators of font problems are when a document renders properly in the advanced Viewer mode but not the basic Viewer mode, or if TIFF documents display properly but rendered Microsoft Office documents do not.

To ensure that proper fonts are used when rendering documents, the administrator should install them to the client and server system. The server MBean GdFontPath should be set to the directory where the fonts are installed. For more information on setting MBeans, see Configuring MBeans.

When using the advanced viewer mode on Linux systems, the fonts can be installed and the environment variable GDFONTPATH set to that directory. If the environment variable is not found, the user will be prompted for that path the first time the advanced viewer mode is used. In cases where an attempt to download a document as a TIFF before the path is set, an error may occur that prevents downloading the TIFF rendition.

11.7 Input Agent and Input File Issues

The following issues involve input agents or input files.

11.7.1 Input Agent Will Not Detect and Process Input Files

If the input agent will not pick up input files, try the following steps to determine a solution.

  1. Check the settings of the following Imaging MBeans:
    • CheckInterval: Make sure this is set to a reasonable amount of time for your environment (for example, maybe 1 minute for test systems or 30 minutes for production systems that do not need to get data right away) and ensure that enough time has expired for at least one polling interval to have occurred.

    • InputDirectories: Examine the list of directories and ensure that they are the correct directories where the input files are stored.

  2. Ensure that the input file has Read/Write permissions for WebLogic Server.
  3. Check the permissions on the input directory paths and make sure they are accessible to the user that is running the WLS managed server.
  4. Look at the input definition in the user interface and make sure the input that is supposed to be processing is marked online and that the input file mask matches the files that are in the directory.
  5. If the input agent is still not running then examine the log files to see if an error was encountered that is preventing the agent from functioning.

11.7.2 Auto-detect Not Determining Character Set

Auto-detect does not work if the provided sample file is not large enough to get an accurate determination of the character set. If the sample file is too small, disable Auto-detect input file character set and manually select the character set.

11.7.3 Input File Entries Have Errors

For the steps below, refer to the following directory structure:

   - Errors
   – Processed
      — YYYY-MM-DD
   – Samples 
   – Stage

If some or all of the entries in the input file have errors, try the following steps to determine a solution.

  1. Look at the Errors directory in which the input file was placed and see if an error file was created. If an error file exists, then open it and examine the last column of the file to determine the specific error.
  2. Examine the input file and verify that the path to the image file is accessible to the user that is running the Imaging managed server and that the user has permissions to the path and image files.
  3. Copy one of the failing input files to the samples directory and load it into the input definition editor UI. Verify that the mappings are correct and that one of the columns has not shifted.
  4. Finally, look at the Imaging log file and examine the errors that are listed for the individual lines to determine the exact cause of the problems.

Once you have determined the cause of the error and are able to correct it, copy the corrected input file back into the input directory. For additional information, see Checking Results and Error Files.

11.8 Advanced Viewer Transformation Errors

In cases where the advanced viewer applet experiences transformation errors, the first response is to delete temporary files on the user's workstation. Doing so will remove the distribution of Oracle Outside In files which will cause a new deployment next time the applet is used. In a Windows environment, do the following to clear temporary files:

  1. Select Java from the Windows Control Panel options.
  2. Click Settings under Temporary Internet Files.
  3. Click Delete Files.
  4. Close the Java control panel.
  5. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the user's temporary file location. For example, c:\users\<user-id>\AppData\Local\Temp\oracle\imaging\imaging-client
  6. Delete the files in the imaging-client directory.
  7. Use the browser's options to delete its temporary internet files.
  8. Use the Windows Disk Clean Up tool to clean any other temporary files.

11.9 Problems with TIFF Display in Viewer

The Advanced Viewer and Basic Viewer modes render Group 6 and Group 7 TIFFs, however, Group 6 TIFFs are supported only when the viewer cache is enabled. Group 6 TIFFs are not supported on non-cache systems. See Configuring Viewer Cache Options for more information on how to configure the viewer cache options. Group 7 TIFFs must conform to the TIFF standard for JPEG compression. Color images should use YCbCr for photometric interpretation or the image will be treated as a grayscale image. YCbCr is the standard color for JPEG images.

11.10 Logging of ImagingException

By default, not all exceptions caught within Imaging are logged. In the event that all exceptions need to be monitored, the following steps will help identify all exceptions thrown. Imaging exception handlers do not inherit a log level from a parent logger (oracle.imaging.service). To get exceptions from the core Imaging services, you must explicitly set the logger named oracle.imaging.service.exceptions.To enable some degree of flexibility, it uses the following log levels:

  • ERROR 1(SEVERE): Logs SYSTEM and DATABASE ImagingExceptions



For example, all ImagingExceptions would be logged at throw time by setting oracle.imaging.service.exceptions to TRACE:32.

11.11 Tracking Events in the Imaging and Content Server Log Files

When investigating events in Imaging, start with the Imaging log files. In cases where the event occurs in Content Server, reviewing the Content Server log files may provide additional information. Both Imaging and Content Server logs can be viewed in Oracle Enterprise Manager. The Content Server logs can also be viewed from the Content Server administrative links.

Tracing sections can be enabled in Content Server for more or less detail in the logging information. The IpmRepository component installed into Content Server does not generate its own logging, but includes entries into the standard Content Server logs. Turn on tracing for the section named ipmrepos in Content Server for detailed logging information of the IpmRepository component. For more information about Content Server logging, see Monitoring Content Server Status in Administering Oracle WebCenter Content.

11.12 Using Oracle Dynamic Monitoring System with Imaging

Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service (DMS) can display statistics of your system using the Oracle DMS Spy application to aid in troubleshooting and diagnostics. The Oracle DMS Spy application is launched by entering http://machine_name:port/dms/ into your browser URL address field. The following metric tables are available:

Metric Table Description


Records timing statistics on imaging API operations. Statistics are recorded on a per service operation basis.


Records general system activity. Counts of system activity occurrences are recorded including:

  • API Operations

  • Documents Created

  • Documents Retrieved

  • Input Agent Documents

  • Input Agent Errors

  • Input Files Processed

  • Login

  • Logout

  • Render Annotation Cache Retrieval

  • Render Transformed Document Cache Retrieval

  • Render Transformed Document Generation

  • Search Executions

  • Workflow Instances


Records workflow process instance injection statistics on a per imaging application basis.


Records input process instance statistics on a per imaging input basis


Records detailed metrics on the rendering subsystem including details on:


Records detailed metrics on repository calls.


Records Imaging search execution timings. Statistics are recorded on a per search definition basis.


Records detailed metrics on requests to Universal Content Server.


Records timing for AXF (Oracle Application Adapters for ECM) operations in the system infrastructure, commands, and user interface.


Records timing for AXF (Oracle Application Adapters for ECM) operations which communicate to the workflow server.

11.13 Reviewing Audit History of Deleted Documents

If documents are deleted from Imaging, administrators can view the entry for the delete action in the Content Server DocumentHistory table. This is the only place for administrators to view audit entries for deleted documents.

11.14 Deciphering Nested Stack Errors

A nested stack error, also called a nested exception, is basically an error that has been wrapped by another error, which is standard with Java and other languages to help provide more context to the issue. You can usually find the nested exception by locating the caused by string in the stack trace as shown in bold in the following example. If there is not enough information provided by the Imaging error, look deeper into the error message to see if other components are involved. Imaging uses nested stack errors to display repository related problems, workflow issues, or problems caused by other components. After you locate the possible initial error, check the diagnostic logs for more troubleshooting information.

In the following example, the TCM-00787 error is occurring because the default provider within the Content Server repository was not available.

A repository error occurred.[[
oracle.imaging.ImagingException: TCM-00787: A repository error occurred.
              stackTraceId: 1-1495706154774
              faultType: SYSTEM
                ErrorCode = oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceException, ErrorMessage = File 'provider.hda' does not exist.
              at oracle.imaging.repository.ucm.UcmErrors.convertRepositoryError(UcmErrors.java:125)
              at oracle.imaging.repository.ucm.UcmLifecycleOperationImpl.getStorageRules(UcmLifecycleOperationImpl.java:60)
              at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:406)
              at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:346)
Caused by: oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceException: File 'provider.hda' does not exist.
              at oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder(ServiceResponse.java:142)
              at oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceResponse.getResponseAsBinder(ServiceResponse.java:108)
              at oracle.imaging.repository.ucm.UcmResponse.<init>(UcmResponse.java:69)
              at oracle.imaging.repository.ucm.UcmRequest.makeOneServiceCall(UcmRequest.java:561)
              at oracle.imaging.repository.ucm.UcmRequest.makeServiceCall(UcmRequest.java:276)
              at oracle.imaging.repository.ucm.UcmLifecycleOperationImpl.getStorageRules(UcmLifecycleOperationImpl.java:55)

11.15 Imaging Session Time Out When Using OSSO Requires Browser Refresh

When using Oracle Single Sign On, POST requests to WebLogic Server will return an internal server error when the Imaging session has expired. Refreshing the page returns to the Imaging log in page for reauthentication to start a new session.

11.16 Doc URL Returned With Invalid IP Address

Users that are getting a host name or IP address that they don't expect for the document URL probably need to configure the Listener Address in their WLS server. This can be done either by setting listen-address in config.xml for the WLS server, or by using the WLS console. To use the console, expand Environment and click Servers in the Domain Structure window. In the Servers Configuration tab, click on the desired server name. Set Listen Address on this page. Restart WLS. For more information about WLS configuration, see Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

11.17 Required Fields Added to Content Server Must Have Default Value Specified

Adding a metadata field to a Content Server instance using Configuration Manager can cause problems if the field is set as required but no default value is specified. Any metadata fields set as required in Content Server that do not have default values specified in Content Server prevents Imaging from creating documents on the Content Server instance. Administrators can prevent issues within Imaging by either setting a default value for the metadata field or by using Content Server profiles to address the field.

11.18 Imaging Viewer Fails On UNIX, AIX, and Solaris SPARC

To view documents on a UNIX operating system, you must ensure that library path and display environment variables are properly set. For more information, see the section on setting a library path in an environment variable on a UNIX platform in the Installing and Configuring Oracle WebCenter Content.

11.19 Viewer Displays Blank Page Instead of Document

In some situations, Content Server may return a document in a search result that the user does not have View rights to in the application. If the user tries to view the document in the Viewer, a blank page is presented instead. This occurs when a user is mapped to the admin group in Oracle Internet Directory, which is then mapped to the admin role in Content Server. Users having the admin role in Content Server have rights to all security groups in Content Server. When a user having the admin role in Content Server uses an Imaging search, all documents matching the search criteria are returned in the search result, even if the user does not have View rights to the documents. Attempting to view a document to which the user does not have the Imaging View right defined in the associated Imaging application presents a blank page.

11.20 HTML Login Form Displayed Instead of Document in Advanced Viewer Mode

The Imaging advanced viewer is a Java applet that needs to submit cookies in its requests to authenticate a session and properly display documents. If a system is configured to limit cookies to HTTP only requests, the Viewer cannot authenticate and so the HTML login form is displayed instead of the requested document. To allow the advanced viewer applet to authenticate properly, cookies cannot be limited to HTTP only requests.

11.21 Viewer Reports Magic Number Error

If Imaging is integrated with Oracle Access Manager and the /imaging directory is incorrectly configured as protected, a magic number error is reported by the Viewer in advanced mode. To correct this, ensure that Oracle Access Manager is properly configured to protect the /imaging/faces directory. For more information, see Integrating Imaging With Oracle Access Manager.

11.22 Invalid Skin Preference Displays Generic User Interface

If an invalid value is set in the DefaultColorSet MBean, or if a user has specified a UI skin in their preferences that has been deprecated when Imaging is upgraded, then a generic user interface is displayed when the user logs in. The generic interface has a larger font and does not display a logo. Correcting the invalid value of the DefaultColorSet MBean or applying a current skin from the User Preference page corrects the problem.

11.23 Configuring Viewer for Use in UNIX Exalogic Environment with Solaris 11g

When running Imaging in an Exalogic environment with Solaris 11g, you must set the display environment variable in order for the Imaging Viewer to work properly in basic mode. To set the display variable, do the following:

  1. Open a new terminal and run the command xhost +.
  2. In the IPM_server terminal, set the DISPLAY environment variable.
  3. Restart the Imaging server.

11.24 Problems with Sticky Note Properties When Using JRE Version 1.6.0_26

Sticky note properties do not display properly when using Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.6.0_26. Ensure that all clients needing access to sticky notes when using the advanced viewing mode are using JRE 1.6.0_27 or higher.

11.25 Cache Exception Loading Large Documents

When loading large documents (documents approaching or exceeding 1000 pages, or documents set to a resolution of 192 DPI or above), a cache exception may be thrown in the Imaging Viewer. In such cases, the transaction timeout of the RenderAgent EJB should be set to 300 seconds in the WLS Administration Console. If the exception occurs even after increasing the transaction timeout to 300 seconds, it should be increased further in steps of 120 seconds.

To set the transaction timeout of the RenderAgent EJB:

  1. Open the WebLogic Server Administration Console and click Deployments.
  2. Select the Imaging deployment to open the details for Imaging.
  3. Under Modules and Components, select the RenderAgent EJB.
  4. Click the Configuration tab.
  5. Set the Transaction Timeout to 300 seconds.
  6. Click Save to save the configuration settings.

11.26 Deleting Business Rules Package Does Not Delete Files in Custom Payload Schema

When a business rules package created and uploaded with a new payload schema is deleted, associated files that were generated in the custom payload directory are not deleted. These files need to be deleted manually by the system administrator when the business rules package associated with these files is deleted.

11.27 Java Exception or Blank Page Displayed When Loading the Imaging Viewer

There is a known limitation with the Imaging viewer when loading documents rendered with a high cache resolution setting (typically 300 DPI or above) and a high viewer zoom level (typically 175% or more) on a system with or without the viewer cache enabled. When using the advanced viewer mode, a java heap error may be generated. If you are using the basic viewer to view the document, a blank page may be displayed. As a workaround, it is recommended to use the download option to open the document locally.

11.28 Issue Opening Documents in Advanced Viewer If JRE Version Older Than 1.6.0_24

There is a known issue with opening documents in the advanced viewer mode when using Internet Explorer 9 and a Java Runtime Environment version older than 1.6.0_24. As a workaround, it is recommended to install the latest version of Java or Java Runtime Environment version 1.6.0_24 or higher.

11.29 Copying/Pasting Text To/From the Clipboard

When using a Java Runtime Environment version 1.6.0_24 or higher, copying or pasting text to/from the clipboard is security sensitive and depends on how the security policy is defined on the client machine.

To enable copying or pasting text to/from the clipboard into text and sticky note annotations in the Imaging viewer, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the jre\lib\security directory under the Java installation directory on the client machine. For example, C:\Java\jre\lib\security.
  2. Edit the java.policy file by adding the following text to "standard" properties that can be read by anyone:
    permission java.awt.AWTPermission "accessClipboard";
  3. Restart the browser for the changes to take effect.

11.30 Advanced Viewer Does Not Work After Upgrading Or Patching

In some situations, the Imaging viewer may not work in the advanced mode after upgrading from one Imaging patch set to another or after applying an Imaging patch. To resolve this problem, clear the Coherence cache and browser history on the client machine. See Clearing Caches and the Note (on what happens if the WHERE clause is absent) in Deleting Entries in the Cache in Developing Applications with Oracle Coherence for more information on how to clear the Coherence cache. Note that the Coherence cache is an independent cache from the browser's cache.