4 Configuring AXF Settings

Most AXF configuration is completed as part of the Oracle WebCenter Content installation. You can configure additional AXF settings such as logging and coherence.

This chapter covers the following topics:

4.1 Configuring Logging for AXF for BPEL

You can configure logging using either of these methods:

4.1.1 Using Enterprise Manager

To use the web interface to set up loggers, navigate to the Log Configuration page in Enterprise Manager. For example, select the server in the side pane, right-click, and choose Logs, then Log Configuration. For more information, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation.

Figure 4-1 Enterprise Manager

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Enterprise Manager"

4.1.2 Using Application Server

Use the AXF logs to isolate issues in solution configuration. By default, some AXF logging automatically occurs as part of Application Server logging. Follow these steps to configure more detailed and separate AXF logging.

  1. Add a log handler to the Application Server configuration. Add the handler inside the <log_handlers> tag in the logging.xml file, at the following location:


    An example location follows:


    <log_handler name='axf-handler' level='ALL' class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory'>
       <property name='path' value='${domain.home}/servers/${weblogic.Name}/logs/axf.log'/>
       <property name='maxFileSize' value='5485760'/>
       <property name='maxLogSize' value='54857600'/> 
       <property name='encoding' value='UTF-8'/>
  2. Add a logger to the logging.xml file and set the level from the Log Levels (ODL Message Types) listed in Table 4-1. You can set the logging level in the XML file or using Enterprise Manager.
    <logger name='oracle.imaging.axf' level='TRACE:32' useParentHandlers='false'>
         <handler name='axf-handler'/>
         <handler name='console-handler'/>


    Remove the console-handler tag to omit logging on the terminal.

    Table 4-1 Available Logging Levels

    Log Type Description Log Level (ODL Message Type)


    The logger inherits the log level set for its parent.



    Log system errors requiring attention from the system administrator.



    Log actions or conditions discovered that should be reviewed and may require action before an error occurs.



    Log normal actions or events. This could be a user operation, such as login completed, or an automatic operation, such as a log file rotation.



    Log configuration-related messages or problems.



    Log trace or debug messages used for debugging or performance monitoring. Typically contains detailed event data.



    Log fairly detailed trace or debug messages.



    Log highly detailed trace or debug messages.


  3. If using Windows, restart Administration Server if it is running. The logger displays in Enterprise Manager. You can change the logging level at run time.

4.2 Configuring Coherence

If your installation uses Coherence for caching (a requirement for high-availability environments), four separate caches are set up: one each for Namespaces, Property Definitions, Property Set Definitions, and Property Sets. This default caching configuration works out of the box with Coherence defaults.

To configure an optional Coherence configuration that is optimized for AXF, refer to the sample axf-cache-config.xml configuration file below, which shows how to configure simple Coherence caches. For more advanced cache types, refer to the Coherence documentation. Note that configuring Coherence as described below is recommended, but not required.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- File: coherence-cache-config.xml -->
<cache-config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/coherence/coherence-cache-config http://xmlns.oracle.com/coherence/coherence-cache-config/1.0/coherence-cache-config.xsd">

<!-- Prefix all service names to ensure no unintended clustering with other cache servers -->


<!-- Specific cache mappings to avoid configuration errors -->

Cache limits are set per cache per node, so the total limit is the sum of all the cache limits on this node.

As there are 3 caches the storage will be a maximum of 3 x 100MB = 300MB,
in addition to 3 x 5MB = 15MB of near cache for clients.

<!-- 100M -->

<!-- 5M -->