5 Managing Client Profiles

A client profile contains the settings used when end-users select it to scan, import, and/or index documents in the client. Client profiles control such things as how documents are created and separated in batches, whether metadata fields are available, and what happens when users release batches. You build client profiles using workspace elements you create and manage.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Introduction to Client Profiles

To configure a client profile, you identify settings on the profile's train stops, as shown in Figure 5-1 and described in Table 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Client Profile Configuration by Train Stop

Description of Figure 5-1 follows
Description of "Figure 5-1 Client Profile Configuration by Train Stop"

Table 5-1 Client Profile Configuration by Train Stop

Train Stop Main Configuration

General Settings

Select key profile settings such as:

  • Whether users use the client profile to capture (scan or import), capture and index documents, or index documents only (see Configuring a Client Profile's Type For Capture, Index, or Both)

  • The client profile name that displays to client users

  • How batches captured with this client profile are named

  • A default status for batches created using this profile

Batch Filter Settings

Optionally filter the batch display. Specify which batches are visible to users in the batch pane list when this client profile is selected and how they are listed (see Filtering the Batch List Displayed to Users).

Image Settings

Specify image color and quality settings, detect blank pages, and handle imported non-image files. This tab is available only when the Profile Type field is set to 1 - Capture Only or 2 - Capture and Index on the General Settings train stop. For example, specify:

Document Indexing Settings

Configure document separation, database lookup, dependent choice list, and document profile options as needed. This tab is available only when the Profile Type field is set to 2 - Capture and Index or 3 - Index Only on the General Settings train stop. For example, specify:

Extension Profiles

Optionally identify client scripts to run for the selected profile in the client.


Grant or remove access to the client profile for client users, based on their previously assigned Capture User role (see Managing Client Profile Security).


Define the release processes available for users when releasing batches (see Configuring a Client Profile's Post-Processing).


Review selected settings for the client profile.

5.2 Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile

Follow these guidelines regarding editing client profiles:

  • It is recommended that you do not make major changes to a client profile after users have begun capturing batches using the profile. Instead, you may want to change the client profile to an index-only profile, which will allow users to index and release existing batches but prevent additional batches from being captured.

    For more extensive changes to client profiles, use the Copy feature to make a copy of the production profile where changes can then be made safely until the new profile is ready to be used in production.

  • When making changes to a client profile, it is useful to periodically save the profile, then run the client to view and test the profile changes. After editing a client profile, its metadata fields, or its document profiles, sign out and back in to the client to see workspace changes reflected in the client.

To add, edit, or copy a client profile:

  1. In a selected workspace, click the Capture tab.
  2. In the Client Profiles table, click the Add button (plus sign) or select a profile and click the Edit button.

    You can also copy a client profile by selecting it, clicking the Copy button, and entering a new name when prompted. Copying a profile allows you to quickly duplicate and modify it.

    The Client Profile screen displays, with settings grouped in train stops.

  3. On each train stop, select applicable settings. (Each train stop is summarized in Table 5-1.)
  4. Click Submit to save and close the profile.

5.3 Deleting a Client Profile

Follow these steps to remove a client profile no longer in use. Deleting a client profile does not affect batches previously captured using the profile. Because users see all batches locked to them regardless of batch filter settings, they may be able to choose another client profile and continue to view, edit, and release batches they created using the deleted client profile.


Before deleting a profile, you may want to deactivate it for a period of time. See Deactivating and Activating Client Profiles.

  1. In the workspace, click the Capture tab.
  2. In the Client Profiles table, select the profile to delete.
  3. Click the Delete button. When prompted, confirm the deletion.

5.4 Deactivating and Activating Client Profiles

Activating or deactivating a client profile enables you to make it accessible or hidden to client users with security access to it. By default, client profiles are active (online). Taking a client profile offline can be useful for troubleshooting purposes or to phase out a profile before deleting it.

  • When a client profile is online, it is visible and available to Capture users who have client security access to it, as described in Granting Security Access to Client Profiles. In addition, batches captured with the client profile are also visible, subject to batch filtering settings described in Filtering the Batch List Displayed to Users.

  • When a client profile is offline, it is temporarily hidden to all Capture users in the client. In addition, batches captured with the client profile that are not locked to users are also hidden, unless another profile uses the same batch prefix. For example, if profiles A and B use the same batch prefix and profile A is offline, selecting profile B still displays batches captured with profile A because they use the same batch prefix.

Follow these steps to change a client profile to online or offline:

  1. On the Capture tab, select a profile in the Client Profiles table. Notice that the Status column displays Online or Offline for each profile.
  2. Click the Toggle Online/Offline button to either activate the profile or deactivate it.


    You can also deactivate or activate a client profile by selecting or deselecting the Online field on the General Settings train stop.

5.5 Configuring a Client Profile's Type For Capture, Index, or Both

The client profile type you select determines how users use the profile and whether they capture documents and complete metadata values. The profile type also affects how documents are created within batches.

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the General Settings train stop.
  2. In the Profile Type field, choose one of the following profile types:
  3. Click Submit to save the client profile.

5.5.1 Capture Only

Choose the 1 - Capture Only profile type when you want users to scan or import documents but not index them. For example, this type is commonly used for batches to be later indexed by the Recognition Processor in a post-processing step. When users select a Capture Only profile, the metadata pane does not display in the client window.

  • When users scan a batch using a Capture Only profile, the client scans all papers loaded in the scanner and creates a single document. Client users can separate the single document into multiple documents using the Create New Document option, or a batch processor such as Recognition Processor can perform document separation.

  • When users import a batch using a Capture Only profile, the import option they select determines whether a single document or multiple documents are created.

  • Although client users cannot index documents, they can separate documents by using the Create New Document option.

See How do I split a document, creating a new document? in Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.


With a Capture Only profile, indexing and document creation options do not apply. Settings on the Document Indexing Settings train stop are not available.

5.5.2 Capture and Index

Choose the 2 - Capture and Index profile type when you want users to capture and index documents. When users select a Capture and Index profile, the metadata pane displays in the client window when opening a batch.

  • When users scan a batch using a Capture and Index profile, the Document Creation Option selected on the Document Indexing Settings train stop determines how documents are created, as described in Configuring Document Creation. For example, a document creation option of One Page (Simplex) creates a new document after each page is captured. Users can use the Create New Document option to separate documents, or use blank page separator sheets to automatically separate and define documents in the batch.

  • When users import a batch using a Capture and Index profile, the import option they select determines whether a single document or multiple documents are created. Users can use the Create New Document option to separate documents in the batch.

5.5.3 Index Only

Choose the 3 - Index Only profile type when you want users to index documents from previously captured batches. For example, a high-speed, production scanner is used by a single scanning operator to quickly create batches that are processed by multiple indexing users using the client. When users select an Index Only profile, the metadata pane displays in the client window, but capture options in the batch pane are hidden, preventing them from scanning or importing to add pages to batches.

You might create an Index Only profile when:

  • Different groups of users scan versus index batches

  • Indexing users complete or verify indexing

  • Batches need correction but the indexing users do not have scanner access

5.6 Filtering the Batch List Displayed to Users

Capture provides a range of options for defining the batches users can see and access in the client's batch pane list. For example, you might configure the client profile to allow users to view any batch in the workspace, or restrict the batch list to batches users captured on their own workstations that have a certain prefix and contain errors.

The following guidelines describe which batches display in the batch pane to users:

  • Batches locked to a user are always listed.


    Although not all may be visible if the user has set a limit on the maximum number to display in the client preferences.

  • Whether users see batches that are unlocked or locked to other users depends on batch filter settings in the client profile, as described in this section. For example, you can limit the batch list to batches with a certain prefix, in a certain state (such as error or processing), or with a selected status or priority.

  • Users can further filter the batch list in the client using search options. For example, they might filter the batch list to display a limited set of batches, such as high priority batches or older batches only, or search for batches containing one or more documents that encountered an error.

Follow these steps to specify batches to display to users in the client window.

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Batch Filter Settings train stop.
  2. In the train stop's settings, specify filter settings that restrict the list of batches that display. Follow these guidelines and filter descriptions listed in Table 5-2:
    • AND conditions apply between filters. In this case, users see only batches that meet all selected filters (AND condition). If you specify a batch status and batch priority, only batches with that batch status and priority are displayed.

    • OR conditions apply within a filter. In this case, users see batches that meet any of the selected filters (OR condition). If you select 1, 2 and 3 in the Priorities field, batches with an assigned priority of 1, 2 or 3 are displayed.

  3. Click Submit to save the client profile.

Table 5-2 Batch Filtering

Filter Example Use

Additional Batch Prefixes

Users always see batches created with the selected profile's batch prefix, subject to other filters.

  • To see batches that match the profile's batch prefix, re-enter the batch prefix here.

  • To also see batches with other prefixes in addition to the profile's own prefix, list them here to include the profile's prefix. Enter a ; (semi-colon) to separate prefixes.

  • Leave this field blank, and users see batches created by any profile in that workspace, regardless of prefix.

Processing States

Restrict display to batches with one or more selected processing states. Processing states are internal system states that cannot be redefined.

  • Use the Ready state to display batches that are unlocked and ready for users to select and work on. For example, use this state to display unlocked Index Only type batches to indexing users.

  • Use the Locked state to display batches locked to any user.

  • Use the Error state to display batches with one or more documents that encountered an error. For example, use this state to display batches needing correction by qualified users.

  • Use the Processing state to display batches currently undergoing processing by one of the batch processors.

Batch Statuses

Restrict display to batches with one or more batch statuses created on the Classification tab. For example, select a Rescan or Needs Review batch status to display batches needing attention to qualified users.


Restrict display to batches with one or more priorities. For example, select priority 10 to display batches needing immediate attention to users.

Batch Visibility

Restrict display by user and location.

  • Select User and Workstation to display only batches that the current user captured on his or her current workstation. For example, you might select this setting in the case of business users, whom you likely would not want opening other users' batches.

  • Select User to display batches that the current captured on one or more workstations. For example, in a common scenario where every user is responsible for scanning and indexing, all users go to one scan workstation to log in and scan their batches, then, go to their own workstation to index them.

  • Select All Users (default) to display batches to users, regardless of the workstation on which they were captured or by whom.

Days Old

Enter numbers in the From and To fields to display batches that are between the specified number of days old, for resolution by qualified users. For example, you might display batches that are between 7 and 45 days old.

Primary Sort, Secondary Sort

Specify how batches should be sorted, and select ascending or descending order. You can specify a primary and secondary sort by:

  • Batch Name

  • Batch Item Count

  • Batch Date

  • Batch Priority

  • Batch Status

For example, sort batches so that those with the highest priority display at the top and for those with the same priority, display those with the oldest date first.


This setting specifies the default sort order for the client profile and the user can change the sort order after the batches are displayed.

5.7 Configuring Image Capture and Storage

When users capture documents in the client, the image settings that are applied come from two sources:

  • Client profile settings, which are described in this section. These settings apply to all batches captured with the client profile, and in some cases can be overridden by the user.

  • Scanner settings, which are specific to the selected scanner and selected by users. The user selects these settings after clicking the Capture Settings button in the batch pane. Once selected, these settings are saved with the client profile. See How do I select scanner settings? in Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

To configure image and non-image capture settings in a client profile:

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Image Settings train stop.

  2. Configure image settings.

    1. In the Default Color field, specify a default color (Black and White, Grayscale, or Color), balancing image quality with image size considerations.

      If you leave the field set to <Not Specified>, the scanner's selected color (selected by the client user or the scanner's default setting) is used.

      Select the Prevent Default Override field to prevent client users from changing the scanner's color settings.


      Not all scanners may honor this setting.

    2. In the Default DPI field, specify a default DPI (100, 150, 200, 240, 300, 400, or 600), balancing image quality with image size considerations.

      If you leave the field set to <Not Specified>, the scanner's selected DPI (selected by the client user or the scanner's default setting) is used.

      Select the Prevent Default Override field to prevent users from changing image resolution in scanner settings in the client.


      Not all scanners may honor this setting.

    3. In the Blank Page Byte Threshold field, optionally configure blank page detection, as described in Configuring Blank Page Detection.

    4. To specify default image brightness and contrast, select the Apply Default Brightness and Contrast field and move the sliders to adjust the values up or down. Client users may be able to override these settings if allowed in their scanner-specific settings window.


      Image results can vary among different scanner models. So, applying a default brightness and contrast works best when the same scanner model is being used with the client profile.

  3. Configure non-image settings, as described in Configuring Non-Image File Capture Settings.

  4. Click Submit to save the client profile.

5.8 Configuring Blank Page Detection

When users capture image documents, they may contain blank pages. To configure Capture to automatically delete blank pages from batches, identify how Capture detects a blank page by specifying a threshold file size, where any image whose size is less than or equal to this threshold is considered a blank page and therefore deleted.

For information about the differences in configuring separator sheet and blank page detection, see Configuring Separator Sheet Use.

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Image Settings train stop.
  2. In the Blank Page Byte Threshold field, enter a file size value (in bytes).

    For black and white (200 x 200 DPI images), the recommended value is 1500. At this setting, Capture can usually differentiate between a blank page and a page with a small amount of text.

  3. Click Submit to save the client profile.


Users can override this threshold setting in the client’s Preferences window by entering a number in the Minimum number of bytes scanned before deleting a page field.

5.9 Configuring Non-Image File Capture Settings

When users scan paper documents or import image files, Capture creates image documents. However, when users import non-image files such as Microsoft Word or PDF documents, non-image file settings in the client profile determine how they are handled.

To configure non-image file handling in a client profile:

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Image Settings train stop.
  2. In the Non-Image File Import Action field, select the action to occur when a user selects a non-image file to import.
    • Do Not Import: When selected, a message displays to the user that non-image files cannot be imported and no batch is created.

    • Import in Native Format: When selected, non-image files are captured in their original format. Users can index non-image documents, but cannot edit their individual pages.

    • Convert to Image Format: When selected, non-image files are converted to images using the non-image conversion settings selected on this train stop.

  3. If needed, specify a maximum number of pages to display to client users in the Non-Image File Preview Page Limit field.

    This setting is useful for maximizing client performance. It applies only to non-image documents stored in their native format. The default is 25 pages. Specify 0 to skip specifying a maximum number of pages to preview.

  4. If needed, complete the Non-Image Conversion field settings.

    These settings are available when Convert to Image Format is selected in step 2, and allow you to specify the color, JPEG image quality and DPI resolution to use for images during file conversion.

  5. Click Submit to save the client profile.

5.10 Configuring Document Creation

When configuring a client profile, you must specify how the profile creates documents within batches. For example, is the profile used to capture documents with a fixed number of pages, such as one-sided or two-sided documents? Are separator sheets to be used to indicate the end of one document and start of the next? Or will the profile prompt the user to specify how to create documents based on the batch's contents?

To set a client profile's document creation option:

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Document Indexing Settings train stop.


    Document creation options do not apply to capture-only profiles. See Capture Only.

  2. In the Document Creation Option field, select an option. You can choose:
  3. Click Submit to save the client profile.

5.10.1 One Page (Simplex)

This option creates one-page documents, and is typically used with single-sided documents. When users scan a batch, the client inserts each scanned image as a page in its own document.


The scanner's simplex/duplex setting determines whether it scans one or both sides of a page. If the profile is set to one page (simplex), the client creates one-page documents, regardless of the simplex/duplex setting on the scanner.

5.10.2 Two Page (Duplex)

This option creates two-page documents, and is typically used with two-sided (duplex) documents, such as forms with two sides. When users scan a batch, the client inserts two scanned images in each document.


The scanner's simplex/duplex setting determines whether it scans one or both sides of a page. If the profile is set to two page (duplex), the client creates two-page documents, regardless of the simplex/duplex setting on the scanner.

5.10.3 Variable Number of Pages

This option creates documents with a variable number of pages.

  • If users insert separator sheets between documents and the profile is configured to use separator sheets, the client scans all pages into the same document until it detects a separator sheet, in which case it starts a new document, scans all pages until the next separator sheet, and so on. The client discards the separator sheet pages, and places all the documents in a single batch. You configure how Capture detects separator sheets in the Separator Sheet Byte Threshold field, as described in Configuring Separator Sheet Use.

  • If users do not insert separator sheets between documents, the client scans all pages in the scanner into a single document in the batch. After scanning, users can define documents using the Create New Document option.

5.10.4 Prompt User

This option prompts users with the Document Creation Options window each time they begin scanning, asking them how to create documents within the batch. Users can choose a fixed number of pages (one page or two pages), or choose a variable number of pages, as described in Variable Number of Pages.

5.11 Configuring Separator Sheet Use

You can configure a client profile to use separator pages to determine document separation. When Capture encounters an image whose file size is less than or equal to the byte threshold value you specify, it creates a new document and deletes the separator sheet.

To configure a client profile to detect separator sheets:

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Document Indexing Settings train stop.

    In order for Capture to detect separator sheets, the Profile Type field must be set to 2 - Capture and Index and the Document Creation Option field must be set to either Variable Number of Pages or Prompt User. If other settings are selected in these fields, the Separator Sheet Byte Threshold field's setting has no effect.

    In addition, if Prompt User is selected in the Document Creation Option field, client users can override the separator sheet threshold you specify in this separator sheet field, as described in How do I scan using separator pages? in Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

  2. In the train stop's settings, specify a value in the Separator Sheet Byte Threshold field.

    For black and white (200 x 200 DPI images), the recommended byte value is 1500. At this setting, Capture can usually differentiate between a blank separator page and a page with a small amount of text.

    The Blank Page Byte Threshold field also sets the threshold at which blank pages are detected. In that case, however, Capture deletes blank pages it detects, but does not treat them as separator sheets.


    If both fields contain a value other than 0, only the Separator Sheet Byte Threshold field is used. The Blank Page Byte Threshold field is ignored. For information about deleting blank pages, see Configuring Blank Page Detection.

  3. Click Submit to save the client profile.

5.12 Using a Database Lookup in a Client Profile

Follow these steps to apply a database lookup profile to a client profile. You can apply one database lookup profile to a client profile.

  1. On the Metadata tab, create a database lookup profile.

    The database lookup identifies the external database to connect to and the fields to search and return when users activate a database lookup. See Adding or Editing a Database Lookup.

  2. On the Capture tab, add or edit a client profile (Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile).
  3. In the Database Lookup Profile field on the Document Indexing Settings train stop, select the database lookup profile you created in step 1.
  4. In the Records Returned Limit field, define the maximum number of records to display in the results list.
  5. Select the Always Display Records field to display a results list containing possible matching values whenever the user activates the database lookup.

    When deselected (the default), Capture displays a results list only when more than one matching database record is found.

  6. Click Submit to save the client profile.
  7. In the client, test the metadata field's database lookup as a user. See How do I index by looking up values from a database? in Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

5.13 Using a Dependent Choice List in a Client Profile

In a dependent choice list, a parent field is linked to two or more child choice lists, one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field.

Follow these steps to apply a dependent choice list to a client profile. You can apply multiple choice lists to a client profile through metadata field definitions, but just one dependent choice list definition can be assigned.

  1. On the Metadata tab, create two or more choice lists, then create a dependent choice list that links them. See Adding or Editing a Dependent Choice List.
  2. On the Capture tab, add or edit a client profile (Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile).
  3. In the Dependent Choice List field on the Document Indexing Settings train stop, select the dependent choice list you created in step 1.
  4. Click Submit to save the client profile.
  5. In the client, test the dependent choice list as a user.

5.14 Configuring Document Profiles in Client Profiles

A document profile specifies the set of metadata fields to use to index a specific type of document. It also specifies the set of attachment types available for a document. When configuring a client profile, select document profiles for all types of documents to be indexed or both captured and indexed with the profile. See Adding or Editing a Document Profile.

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Document Indexing Settings train stop.

    To access this train stop, you must select indexing options 2 - Capture and Index or 3 - Index Only in the Profile Type field on the General Settings train stop.

  2. In the train stop's settings, complete the Document Profiles field.
    • Select one or more document profiles listed.

    • Select All to make all defined document profiles available for the user's selection.

    • Select Default to make all metadata fields and attachment types defined for the workspace available in a single profile; this option is useful for troubleshooting purposes.

  3. Click Submit to save the client profile.

5.15 Customizing Client Profiles Using JavaScript Extension Profiles

An extension profile contains information about a JavaScript extension configured for a client profile. Extensions allow you to customize client profile behavior.

To use one or more scripts in a client profile:

  1. From a developer, obtain a client script file.

    See Introduction to Developing Scripts with Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture in Developing Scripts for Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture.

  2. On the workspace's Advanced tab, add a script, specifying Capture Client as its type, identifying the script file, and clicking Submit. See Managing Capture Scripts.

  3. On the Capture tab, add or edit a client profile (Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile).

  4. On the Extension Profiles train stop, add the script.

    1. In the Extension Profiles table, click the Add extension profile button.

    2. In the Extension Profile Settings window, enter a description for the client script in the Description field.

    3. Select an extension type of Capture Java Script Extension.

    4. In the Script field, select the client script you imported on the Advanced tab and click OK.

  5. In the Extension Profiles table, add additional scripts if needed and order them in the order in which they will execute.

  6. Click Submit to save the client profile. Test the results of the added client script.

5.16 Managing Client Profile Security

As described in About Client Access, Capture provides these layers of client security:

  • To sign into the client itself, users must be assigned the appropriate user role (CaptureUser) by the system administrator. For more information regarding a Capture user's client access, contact your Capture system administrator.


    Workspace managers may be granted Capture workspace manager and user roles, allowing them access to the workspace for configuration and the client for testing configuration.

  • To see and access specific client profiles, workspace managers assign users security access to the profiles, as described in this section.

This section covers the following topics:

Figure 5-2 Granting Security Access to the Selected Client Profile

Description of Figure 5-2 follows
Description of "Figure 5-2 Granting Security Access to the Selected Client Profile"

5.16.1 Granting Security Access to Client Profiles

To grant Capture users security access to a client profile:

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Security train stop.

    The Client Profile Users table lists users and groups with access to the client profile.

  2. Click the Add a new client profile user button.
  3. In the Add Security Member window, search for and add one or more users or groups. Use the text field to search for a specific member name. You can use the '*' character as a wildcard within a group name or user name. Click Add to add a selected security member.
  4. Click Submit to save the client profile.
  5. Log in to the client as the user you just added. If the client profile is online, the client profile should now display in the Client Profile field.

5.16.2 Removing Client Profile Access

When you remove access to a client profile from a user or group, the profile no longer displays in the client's Client Profile field for capturing new batches. However, users may still be able to access batches captured with the profile with another client profile selected.

To remove Capture users' security access to a client profile:

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Security train stop.

    The Client Profile Users table lists users and groups with access to the client profile.

  2. Select a user or group in the table and click the Delete button. When prompted, confirm the deletion.

5.17 Configuring a Client Profile's Post-Processing

After users complete work on a batch's documents (capturing, indexing, reviewing, and/or editing them), they either unlock the batch, allowing others to work on the batch, or release the batch using a release process. The batch's next step depends on its post-processing configuration specified using a release process, which can take one of several paths:

  • Commit Processor: The batch undergoes commit processing based on active commit profiles defined for the workspace. The batch remains in the batch list until the user refreshes the batch list, at which point:

    • The batch displays a processing icon if it is still committing.

    • The batch displays an error icon if an error was encountered during committing.

    • The batch is removed from the batch pane list if all documents were committed successfully.

  • Document Conversion Processor or Recognition Processor: The batch is placed in a queue for further processing, such as a specified document conversion job (Configuring Batch Flow to a Document Conversion Processor Job) or a recognition job (Configuring Batch Flow to a Recognition Processor Job) and the batch displays a processing icon.

To configure post-processing for a client profile:

  1. When adding or editing a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile), select the Post-Processing train stop.
  2. In the Available Release Processes table, add or edit a release process (see Adding or Editing a Release Process).
  3. Click Submit to save the client profile.

5.18 Adding or Editing a Release Process

To add or edit a release process:
  1. Add or edit a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile) and select the Post-Processing train stop.
  2. In the Available Release Processes table, click the Add button to add a release process or select a release process and click the Edit button.
    The Release Process Settings window displays.
  3. Complete fields on the Release Process Settings window.
    1. Enter a name for the release process in the Name field. This name will appear within the client as a selected release process.

    2. Enter a description for the release process in the Description field.

    3. In the Batch Processor field, specify the next step batches captured with this client profile take after users release them. You can choose:
      • Document Conversion Processor: Select to send batches to this processor for document conversion. For example, you might convert non-image documents users import to image format.

      • Recognition Processor: Select to send batches to this processor for bar code recognition. For example, you might send batches scanned but not indexed for automatic indexing via bar code recognition.

      • Commit Processor: Select to send batches to this processor for final committing (output). For example, you might select this step after users capture and fully index batches.

    4. If you specified document conversion or recognition processing as the next step, select the document conversion or recognition job to run in the Batch Processor Job field.

    5. Optionally, select the Default field to specify this release process as the default release process for the client profile.

  4. Click OK.

5.19 Deleting a Release Process

To delete a release process:
  1. Add or edit a client profile (see Adding, Editing, or Copying a Client Profile) and select the Post-Processing train stop.
    The Available Release Processes table lists release processes defined for the client profile.
  2. Select a release process to delete and click the Delete button. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.