Check In Content Dialog

Email Integration

The Check In Content dialog is used to provide metadata for email items that have been selected for check-in. A metadata page is provided for each message (including those with embedded attachments), and for each separate attachment, as set up on the Check In Email Messages Dialog.

File Explorer Integration

The Check In Content dialog is used to provide metadata for one or more new files that you drag and drop or copy and paste onto a content folder on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance. A file is considered new if the folder does not yet contain a file of the same name. After you provide the metadata, each file is checked in to the content server as a new content item using the metadata provided.

If you drag and drop or copy and paste an existing file into a content folder (that is, the folder already contains a file of the same name), you are not prompted for metadata and the file is automatically checked in to the content server as a new revision of the existing file, inheriting the metadata of the existing file.


For this dialog to appear for new files, the "Enable Metadata Prompts" property must be enabled for the content folder (see Folder or Library Information Page). Otherwise, a new file is always checked in to the content server automatically using the default metadata for the content folder as defined by the content server administrator. If no default metadata has been defined for the folder, you are always prompted to provide the metadata regardless of the folder setting.

You can drag and drop individual files into a content folder, but also multiple files (file batches). If you are checking in multiple files, you can specify metadata for each individual file or for files as a group. Please note that the content ID and title are always considered properties specific to a file and are never automatically shared between files, even if you are specifying metadata for groups of files.

Element Description

Title bar

This shows the number of current files as well as the total number of files in the current batch. For example, "(1/4)" means that this is the first file of a total of four new files to be checked in to the content server.

Source File

This field shows the full path and file name of the current file. For multiple files, you can use the drop-down list to select a different file in the batch. Files whose metadata has not yet been set are displayed in bold in the list.

This field is not available if the "Apply to Remaining Items" check box is selected.


Select the content profile that should be applied to the check-in form (providing any profiles are defined on the content server). Content profiles are used to limit the metadata fields shown on the check-in form (and also several other content server pages), depending on the type of content. For example, a "Sales" profile might show metadata fields for revenue numbers, sales forecasts, and the like, whereas a "Support" profile might show metadata fields for case number, status, and the like.

If the content folder has a default content profile assigned to it, that profile is the default selected profile in this dialog. You may not be able to change the content profile selection, depending on the Desktop configuration on your computer.

Please note that profiles are available only if you are connected to a content server that supports them. Contact your content server administrator if you need any assistance.

Check-in form with metadata fields

This is the standard content check-in form on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance, where you assign metadata to the item or items before checking them in to the server.

All mandatory metadata fields are marked with an asterisk (*). The item cannot be checked in if any of these fields is empty.

The default title for content items is the file name without the file extension (for example, 'Sales_Report_2012'). For email messages, the default title is the subject line (for example, 'RE: Your sales report'). You may change the title if you want.

The metadata for a file is set as soon as you move away from that file's check-in form by clicking the Previous or Next button, or by selecting a different file in the Source File list. To indicate metadata has been set for a file, it is no longer displayed in bold in the list. You can always return to a file to change its metadata before checking it in (unless you chose to check it in immediately; see the next field).

You can specify metadata for multiple files at the same time by selecting the "Apply to Remaining Items" check box (see below).

Apply to Remaining Items

Select this check box if you want the current metadata (except for unique values such as the content ID and title) to be applied to the current file as well all remaining files in the batch whose metadata has not yet been set; that is, those that are displayed bold in the Source File list.

This check box is available only if multiple files are being checked in to the content server and there are still files in the batch whose metadata is not set (that is, displayed bold in the Source File list).


Click this button to close the dialog without checking any remaining files in to the content server.

Exclude Item

Click this button to remove the current file from the list of files to be checked in to the content server. You will be prompted to confirm the action.

This check box is available only if multiple files are being checked in to the content server.

<< Previous

Select this button to move to the previous file in the batch that has not yet been checked in.

Next >>

Select this button to move to the next file in the batch that has not yet been checked in.


Click this button to close the dialog and check all files in to the content server that have not yet been checked in.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.

Related Topic

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "Disabling the Default Content Profile Selection"