Check In Email Messages Dialog

The Check In Email Messages dialog is used to check email items (messages and attachments) from your email application (Microsoft Outlook or Lotus Notes) in to an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance as new content items.

If a message has attachments, these can either be checked in to the content server as separate items or embedded in the message. (Your system may be set up to always do one of these things.)

If attachments can be checked in as separate items, all detected attachments to the selected messages are shown in this dialog. By default, the settings on this dialog will check in the attachments as separate items, each with its own content ID. If you want to check in a message and one or more of its attachments as a single item, clear the check box against each attachment that you want to embed.

Element Description


Select the content server that you want to check the email item in to. If you select a different server than the current one, you may be prompted to provide your login name and password (depending on the server configuration).

The list of available servers includes only Oracle WebCenter Content Server instances; it does not show any Oracle Content Database servers or other WebDAV servers. This is because this page uses standard Oracle WebCenter Content Server check-in functionality.


Select the content profile that should be applied to the check-in form (providing any profiles are defined on the content server). Content profiles are used to limit the metadata fields shown on the check-in form (and also several other content server pages), depending on the type of content. For example, a "Sales" profile might show metadata fields for revenue numbers, sales forecasts, and the like, whereas a "Support" profile might show metadata fields for case number, status, and the like.

Profiles are available only if you are connected to a content server that supports them. Contact your content server administrator if you need any assistance.


Shows the folder on the server in which the checked in email item will be stored. If None is shown, you may be able to select a previously used folder from the drop-down list. Otherwise, use the Browse button to choose a folder.


Select to open the Choose Folder dialog, through which you can select where the checked in email item will be stored.

Information area

Shows information about the email items, for example "There are filename conflicts. Use Rename to correct these."


This is available when you select any item in the list area. It opens the Rename File dialog, through which you can rename the currently selected file or attachment. If the current file name is the same as one in the destination folder, you must either rename it or, if it is an attachment, check it in as an embedded item (that is, uncheck the box next to its file name).

Message and attachments list

This lists all the email items that you selected to check in to the content server. Attachments are nested below their message. The check boxes against each attachment are for choosing whether to check in that attachment separately or as an embedded item. All email items in the list will be checked in to the content server, unless Exclude Item is selected on the Check In Content Dialog (see Continue, below). A warning triangle next to a file name indicates that the destination folder already contains an email item with the same name (see Rename, above).

Select All

This is available only if there are multiple attachments in the list area. Clear this box to deselect all attachments in the list area. Check this box to select all attachments in the list area. Selected attachments will be checked in as separate content items.


Click this button to display context-sensitive help information for this dialog.


This is available only if there are no filename conflicts in the list area. It opens the Check In Content Dialog, which has a metadata page for each item or combination of items that is to be checked in.


Click this button to close the dialog without checking the email items in to the content server.

Related Topic

Using Oracle WebCenter Content: Desktop, "About Content Server Connections"