Fusion Middleware Control Help for WebLogic Server

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Uniform Distributed Queue: Configuration: General

Configuration Options     

Use this page to define the general configuration parameters for a distributed queue, such as selecting a destination key for sorting messages as they arrive on the distributed queue members.

Configuration Options

Name Description

The name of this distributed queue.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


The scope in which this distributed queue is created.


The name used to bind a virtual destination to the JNDI tree. Applications can use the JNDI name to look up the virtual destination.

If not specified, then the destination is not bound into the JNDI namespace.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :


The JMS template from which the destination is derived. A template provides an efficient means of defining multiple destinations with similar configuration values.

Load Balancing Policy

Determines how messages are distributed to the members of this destination.

Choose from the following distribution techniques:

  • Round-Robin

    The system maintains an ordering of physical topic members within the set by distributing the messaging load across the topic members one at a time in the order that they are defined in the configuration file. Each WebLogic Server instance maintains an identical ordering, but may be at a different point within the ordering. If weights are assigned to any of the topic members in the set, then those members appear multiple times in the ordering.

  • Random

    The weight assigned to the topic members is used to compute a weighted distribution for the members of the set. The messaging load is distributed across the topic members by pseudo-randomly accessing the distribution. In the short run, the load will not be directly proportional to the weight. In the long run, the distribution will approach the limit of the distribution. A pure random distribution can be achieved by setting all the weights to the same value, which is typically set to 1.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Unit-of-Order Routing

Determines how a distributed destination member is selected as the destination for a message that is part of a unit-of-order. Hash, indicates that a message producer computes the member destination from the hashCode of the unit-of-order. PathService indicates that the configured Path Service determines the member destination.

Unit-of-Order Routing can be set programmatically with WLProducer, or administratively on the connection factory or destination.

Unit of Order Routing is not dynamically configurable.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues and Topics, it only applies to distributed destinations.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Forward Delay

The number of seconds after which a uniform distributed queue member with no consumers will wait before forwarding its messages to other uniform distributed queue members that do have consumers.

The default value of -1 disables this feature so that no messages are forwarded to other uniform distributed queue members.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues, it only applies to distributed queues.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Secure value: -1

Reset Delivery Count On Forward

Determines whether or not the delivery count is reset during message forwarding between distributed queue members.

The default value of true resets the delivery counts on messages when they are forwarded to another distributed queue member.

Note: This attribute is ignored by standalone/singleton Queues, it only applies to distributed queues.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Targeting Policy

Specifies whether this JMS resource defaults to the parent module's targeting or uses the subdeployment targeting mechanism.

When set to true, this resource implicitly inherits the targeting of its parent module. When set to false, this resource gets targeted based its subdeployment's targets, if one is specified.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


Gets the name of the sub-deployment to use when targeting this entity

Entities are targeted using a sub-deployment with this name. The targets of the sub-deployment will be the targets of this entity.

MBean Attribute (Does not apply to application modules) :

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

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